/ / Minamark Resort & Spa 4 * (Egypt / Hurghada): reviews and photos tourists

Minamark Resort & Spa 4 * (Egypt / Hurghada): reviews and photos tourists

Hotel Minamark Resort & Spa 4 * offers travelers an unforgettable holiday in the heart of the famous Hurghada.

minanark resort spa 4 reviews

Short description of the resort

Hotel Minamark Resort & Spa 4 * isa modern resort complex that provides travelers with services in accordance with the all-inclusive system, which operates around the clock. There are several wonderful restaurants, a large number of trendy bars, as well as a huge swimming pool, a well-kept beach and much more.

Hotel Minamark Resort & Spa 4 * offersluxury apartments for tourists. The rooms are decorated in a stylish and laconic manner. The interior is dominated by wood and textiles. Here is the most modern equipment, as well as the entire list of the most necessary amenities that will give you a sense of home comfort.

Food is an object of special pride, whichan incredible amount of attention is paid to the hotel complex Minamark Resort & Spa 4 *. It is worth noting that only the main restaurants in this hotel are two. Also there are several thematic institutions that will be able to present you a lot of gastronomic surprises.

minanark resort spa 4

Where is the hotel

Resort hotel Minamark Resort & Spa 4 *(Hurghada) is located in the area of ​​Sakkala - this is the very center of the city and the coast of the Red Sea. The airport is very close - only 8 km. And at a distance of 1 km from the hotel there is a beautiful seaport. Also near the resort is a tourist area, where the best clubs, entertainment complexes, shops and restaurants of Hurghada are concentrated.

Characteristics of the apartments

Perhaps the largest number of resort hotelsit can boast of Egypt. Minamark Resort & Spa 4 * belongs to the category of very popular hotels, which is not in the least contributed to the good number of rooms of this hotel. So, the following apartments are waiting for you:

  • Family rooms are incredibly largedemand, as most tourists prefer to relax with their loved ones. There are two bedrooms, two bathrooms and a small hall. A pleasant surprise for the guests will be a balcony that opens onto the Red Sea.
  • One-room luxury apartmentsuggest two- and three-bed accommodation options. Here, in addition to the large king-size bed, there is also a seating area with soft armchairs and a desk. The windows overlook the garden, and also the sea is slightly noticeable.
  • Standard apartments are a spacious and bright bedroom. Here, guests can accommodate both a pair of single beds and a large double bed.
  • Deluxe is a spacious two-room apartment. The bedroom can accommodate 2 or 3 guests. It is also worth noting that the upholstered furniture of the living room can serve as an additional space.

Egypt minanark resort spa 4

Room facilities and facilities

In the apartments of the resort hotel MinamarkResort & Spa 4 * (Hurghada) you will not feel even the slightest discomfort, because all the basic amenities that a modern person needs are here:

  • the air temperature is regulated by means of an individual air conditioner;
  • the bathroom has a shower or bath, one or twowashbasin (depending on the category of apartments), electric built-in hair dryer, as well as bath accessories and a set of disposable cosmetics;
  • widescreen TV with satellite channels broadcasting (Russian programs are also provided);
  • mini-bar with your favorite drinks;
  • balcony overlooking the hotel's own beach or green garden (if it's not about the first floor, that is, access to the terrace);
  • on numbers the signal of a wireless network the Internet is distributed;
  • full set of furniture necessary for comfortable staying in the apartment.

minanark resort spa 4 egypt hurghada

Restaurants and bars of the hotel and resort complex

Food is a factor that, perhaps,more and stronger than all others can affect the overall impression of the rest in this or that hotel. Realizing this, Minamark Resort & Spa 4 * (Egypt, Hurghada) is trying to do everything possible to ensure that guests are satisfied with the cuisine. For this purpose, the following establishments operate in the resort complex:

  • "Water-Blues" and "Sunshine" are the two mainrestaurant of this hotel, where you can fully eat breakfast, lunch or dinner. Thanks to the fact that two restaurants play the role of a canteen, queues never accumulate near the buffet, and there is enough food for everyone.
  • Pool bar is incredibly popularan institution, a rack and chairs which are located directly in the water. The barman will cook with pleasure for you unusual and bright cocktails with or without alcohol. Also here you can taste incredibly delicious ice cream.
  • Lobby bar is a calm place, an interiorwhich is sustained in a strict classical style. He works around the clock, and at any time you can treat yourself to tea, coffee, snacks and desserts. In this bar there is a huge selection of local and imported spirits.
  • "Mazazek" is a bar, which is decorated inAccording to the national Egyptian interior and design traditions. Only local drinks are offered here. And tourists love this establishment for the fact that you can smoke a classic or Bedouin hookah.
  • Fish restaurant will introduce you to all secretsunderwater world, having treated you with dishes only from the best and freshest seafood. The institution is open in the afternoon and evening. Do not forget that in order to visit this restaurant, you must first reserve a table.

minanark resort spa 4 hurghada

In accordance with the internal rulesresort and hotel complex, guests are forbidden to come to restaurants in outdoor beach clothing. Only daily or evening outfits are allowed. As for men, they must be in long trousers.

Positive reviews

Reflection of the positive aspects of the hotel Minamark Resort & Spa 4 * - reviews of tourists about it. So, they note:

  • budgetary rates for accommodation and rest;
  • very convenient location: close to the beach, and the central part of the city, and the airport, and numerous attractions;
  • compliments: birthday people in the restaurant during the dinner presented with a festive cake;
  • perfect cleanliness both on the territory and on the beach, and in the hotel lobby, and in the rooms;
  • round-the-clock action of the "all-inclusive" system;
  • the presence of an understanding Russian manager, who promptly and competently helps to solve all the emerging issues.
    minanark resort spa 4 hurghada

Negative feedback

About this resort you can meet the following negative reviews:

  • a weak menu, besides the same day by day;
  • too sharp smell of chlorine in the pool;
  • Because the hotel is quite old, the rooms obviously require at least cosmetic repairs;
  • cases of theft in the apartments are known;
  • too time-consuming process of registration and check-in;
  • obsessive representatives of the tour desk, which constantly stick to tourists on the beach.
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