The New York metro is the longestmetro system in the world for today. Its total length is about 1355 kilometers, of which 1056 are used to transport passengers. The New York Metro includes 469 stations, which form twenty-six routes. Every day, about four million people use the services of this metro.
Approximately in 1870 the firstoverground public transport line in the city of New York. Despite this, it has survived to our time. The oldest of the remaining sections of the subway, which was related to the locomotive line, was built in 1863 in the city of New York. Metro also has an active site, which was opened in 1885.
The very first underground lines of the New York Metrowere opened in 1904. Their owners were BRTC (Brooklyn Rapid Transit Company) and IRTC (Interborough Rapid Transit Company), which were large private companies. The city authorities have made a great contribution to the construction of the metro, leasing its lines to various large companies.
In 1932, the authorities in New York createdIndependent company "Independent Subway System", and two years later it acquired two private companies that were engaged in metro service. New York after the purchase of companies closed most of the land lines of the subway. The unification of the subway systems that were separated from this was rather slow. It was not possible to finally tie up all the metro lines.
Today, the standard metro station includes platforms from one hundred twenty two to two hundred and thirteen meters long.
A large number of metro linesused for both local-type routes and express-type routes. On these lines, three or four ways are operated simultaneously. External routes are used for local routes, and internal routes for express trains. Express trains stop only at the most important transfer points.
New York subway trains in most casesinclude from 8 to 11 cars of various types. On subway lines with shuttle traffic, trains with one or two cars can work. The average length of trains in the subway - from 46 to 183 meters. There are also compounds that are incompatible with each other.
All subway stations in New York are located in fourAreas of the city: Bronx, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens. Almost all routes pass through Manhattan. The exception is route G, as well as two metro lines with shuttle traffic. The New York subway operates around the clock, although on weekends or at night some lines may be closed.
More rolling stock is used.six and a half thousand cars of different types. Some lines operate wagons purchased back in the middle of the last century. Two independent fleets serve the cars. One of them is engaged in the maintenance of the so-called "digital lines", and the other - the "letter".