/ / How to make cages for chickens

How to make cages for chickens

The laying hen, like any other domesticated bird,can be kept in various rooms, which most often are small sheds. However, in the event that you have cages for chickens, you can place the place of the content without any restrictions at all!

Cages for chickens
Of course, the size of the space usedthe number of birds depends directly. It should be expected that up to 5 adults can be accommodated on each square meter. However, it must be remembered that the temperament of the hens also plays a significant and important role.

For example, if you put cages in chickensa larger number of birds, they will feel oppressed and crowded, which means that subsequently acts of oppression of weaker individuals are stronger. This can lead to damage and injuries, as well as the death of laying hens.

Thus, it is necessary to approach thisthe problem carefully and thoroughly. If you decide to make cages for laying hens with your own hands, this material will provide you with several options for the implementation of such an idea.

Cages for chickens

1.For the first version of the manufacture you will need wooden blocks and a metal mesh. In the generalized case, similar cells for chickens are a wooden frame, covered with a grid with an average cell size. This option does not provide for any perches, as the poultry quite well does without them. The collection of eggs in the cells examined should be performed as often as possible, as this will prevent them from pocking other birds. In addition, a useful recommendation is the placement of drinking bowls and feeders on the outer sides of the cage. This greatly increases the convenience of filling them, and also helps maintain cleanliness and order in the cell itself.

2.The second option assumes you have a free land, which can be taken under the cages for hens. Such a specialized lodge will allow laymen to take sunbaths, thereby improving their immunity, and you will help to reduce the cost of feeding the contained poultry, as it can pick worms and other insects from the ground, as well as fresh greens.

Cages for laying hens

In addition, these houses can be equippeda special capacity, to which wood ash can be poured. This device will positively affect the health of the bird, because in it it can swim, getting rid of various insect parasites.

Cages for chicken can be made and in the form of brooders, in which there is heating. This content allows to grow chickens successfully in special greenhouse conditions.

Another important aspect is the choicebedding in a cage. Often, for this purpose, chopped hay or straw, wood shavings or sawdust, and dry leaves are used. In some cases peat is permitted. Depending on the layer, the concepts of deep and shallow litter are distinguished. Each of these species has its own characteristics. So, for example, a layer of litter material up to 50 cm deep will not worry about heating the hen house in the cold season.

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