How to get from Kazan to Adler and makeroute in the opposite direction? This question is of concern to many people. Each city has its own characteristics. There are several ways to overcome this distance. It is worthwhile to talk more about each of them.
Kazan is the legendary capital of Tatarstan. Its form conquers every tourist. In total, there are five main reasons to come to this place:
In addition, in the big city there is extensive leisure: shopping centers, water parks, cinemas and much more - all this will make your stay unforgettable!
Adler is a sunny, bright and colorful city by the Black Sea.
Every year thousands of tourists come to this place from all points of the Earth. There are several reasons to visit this magnificent city:
Both Kazan and Adler are two incredibly beautiful cities. Each tourist will find in them something special for themselves. Separately, it is worthwhile to talk about what can be done to move from one place to another.
If you look at the map of Russia, you cannote that the Kazan-Adler route is one straight line. The total distance between these two points is 2,051 kilometers. And many risk taking the decision to overcome this distance on their own car. This is due to the fact that once they are in another city, they do not want to use public transport. Well, if you go without stops, the total travel time will be approximately 1 day and 3 hours.
Naturally, to one driver to make suchmoving without rest is impossible. If the prospective changer is not present, it is recommended to make a "smoke break" in several places: the town of Kalach (after the completion of the Don route), Hot Key and Dzhubga. They have nice places to stay overnight.
In general, the state of the road can be calledsatisfactory. But they still have pits, bumps and other irregularities. And to the entrance to the points of destination in the summer, there is a high workload.
There is no direct bus from Kazan to Adler.This is due to the large distance between the named points. There are several options to get to the designated place in this way, but you will have to make at least three transplants. The total travel time will eventually be more than three days. Few tourists will want to choose such a tiring path.
The most popular way to overcome the route fromKazan to Adler is a train. A day later the train departs to the south from Kazan. The total path will take approximately 47 hours, five minutes. Of course, this is a lot. But the passenger, choosing this option, can safely sleep, eat, stroll through the cars, wash and do their own business while driving.
Имейте ввиду, что летом наблюдается огромный the influx of tourists. This suggests that tickets should be purchased in advance. Approximate fare for one person will be from 3,000 to 5,500 rubles.
Another popular vehicle,able to overcome the distance from Kazan to Adler, - the plane. On it, the flight can be made quite quickly - in just 2 hours and 30 minutes. However, many passengers do not triple that the flight is only on Saturdays in the evening at 16:10 Moscow time, and the landing takes place at approximately 18:40. In addition, the price of one ticket is quite high. It is approximately from 6 500 to 15 000 rubles.
How to get from Kazan to Adler and go toreverse direction? There are basically four main options. But the most optimal of them are the plane and the train - they will make it possible to reach the designated point as comfortably as possible, quickly and safely.