In the summer, almost everyone seeksrelax on the nature and get better. Residents of the Nizhny Novgorod region can be helped by the Kustorka camp site (Pavlovsky district). Here, surrounded by a pine forest, there are all conditions for a full-fledged wellness holiday.
The huge advantage of this base is itslocation. It occupies an area near the lake. There is a sandy beach, which allows you to refresh yourself in cool water and even sit with a fishing rod. But this is not the only pond in the district. Nearby there are several lakes near which you can walk and get a portion of new sensations. And at 12 km Oka flows. You can set aside a day and diversify your leisure time.
Also, the local pine forest fills the airaroma of needles, so if you have experienced overstrain or stress, you need to come here to restore emotional balance and emotional strength. These forests are really rich in mushrooms. Even if you have never been fond of quiet hunting before, it will be difficult to keep from this by looking at how your neighbors carry whole baskets.
Recreation center "Kustorka" accepts guests not onlyin summer. Vacationers in a cool time can choose a room in one of the two brick buildings. Here you can hold an important event or organize a corporate holiday.
Kustorka (Nizhny Novgorod region) offersits guests to choose their own room for accommodation. The recreation center has two buildings, they have economy rooms with private facilities outside the room and suites with all amenities. Any version is designed for 2, 3 and 4 seats. Also, if you are vacationing with a company, you can rent a separate house. There are wooden cottages and scaffolding.
The room rate includes three meals a day. Depending on their age, certain discounts apply to children.
Coming to rest, no one wants for days on endstand at the stove in the kitchen, so the recreation center "Kustorka" offers its guests three meals a day in the dining room. The daily menu is always varied. To ensure that no one has problems with digestion, the range includes traditional Russian dishes. Here only experienced cooks work, who get delicious and hearty dishes.
In the dining room a pleasant atmosphere, wooden furniture.Through the windows the room is filled with coniferous aroma, and the water surface opens to the gaze. If the weather is bad outside, it becomes cozy in the room from the divorced fire. Also the staff tries to be friendly and courteous. All these conditions contribute to a good appetite and excellent mood.
On the base there are points of hire of sports equipment, boats, catamarans. You can go on foot or by bike. There is a video salon in which you can watch movies.
Romantic nature can be supplemented by reading books, they are easy to take in the local library.
Если вы предпочитаете активные развлечения, база recreation "Kustorka" offers paintball. For this, there are special venues, and if you have not played this fun game before, local instructors will help you get comfortable.
Живописные места и хорошие условия для отдыха attract many guests who come back here for more than a year. The recreation center "Kustorka" became a favorite place not only for residents of Nizhny Novgorod region, but also for Muscovites. Practically every guest likes the service at the hostel, although some features have been noticed. For example, the reviews show that the traditions of the Soviet catering are observed in the dining rooms. This means that the menu has meat dishes, pasta, borsch, porridge, but very few vegetables and fruits. Many children and men are only fed this joy, but women understand that there should be more healthy food in the summer.
Also, some advise to order goodnumbers in the spring, for example, in April. The fact is that the base is very popular, and the rooms with all amenities are not as many as we would like.
Another point noted by vacationers is thea lake that seems a little swampy. Although this landscape looks picturesquely, some do not dare to swim in the pond, but only swim on boats. But if you walk to the Pioneer Lake, which is a few kilometers from the base, you can swim in a clean, but cool place. On weekends there are a lot of tourists on the Pionersky Lake.
But not everyone has the opportunity to go to"Kustoruk", so you can think about visiting another camp site, which is in the area. For example, it can be "Khutorok", "Boiling Key", "Vetluga", which are located in an equally picturesque place. You can also visit the recreation center "Vasilsursky" or the tourist village "Dubki". All recreation centers of the Nizhny Novgorod region tend to settle in such a place that the time spent with them brought not only pleasure, but also health improvement.