/ / Beautiful places of Tula region with a description

Beautiful places of Tula region with a description

In the central part of the East European Plain,a small Tula region is located on the Central Russian Upland. The nature of this land impresses with its magnificence: the zaseki (forest lanes) are replaced by river valleys, sandstones by lush greenery, and natural wonders by monuments created by human hands, and tourist sites. It is worth at least once to see the beautiful places of the Tula region in order to understand: the Russian person does not need any foreign countries, because “there” everything is alien and cold, though beautiful, and here it’s your own, true, real!

beautiful places Tula region

Quarry on the Sturgeon River

Byakovskie, or, in another way, Gurievskie,quarries - separate systems of underground passages stretching from 70 to 150 km along the bank of the river Sturgeon. Back in the 15th and 16th centuries, limestone was mined here by prisoners. But the stone was of poor quality, so the mine was closed. A cave less than 1 km long appeared on that spot. In 1946, it was inundated, but the man who remained unknown, cut a “window” into the quarry by simply digging out a vent. Since then in this beautiful place of the Tula region there are a lot of people.

the most beautiful places of the Tula region

Ishutinskoye settlement

Amazingly beautiful place in the Tula region forwalks by car. It is covered with many different myths and legends. They say that for a very long time there was a city here that the Crimean Tatars could not take. Just when they came, people disappeared somewhere, leaving behind only warm coals in the stoves, and this was repeated several times. It is worth noting that the answer to the present has not been received. No hidden caves, where the inhabitants of the city could go, have not yet been discovered. Washes the settlement of the river with a stunning name - Beautiful Sword.

beautiful places of Tula and Tula region

Armored train "Kozma Minin"

Visit the beautiful places of Tula and the Tula region andnot to visit the railway station "Chern" - a big omission. After all, here you can touch the history itself - to see a real armored train, which at one time was a model of armored vehicles. It is installed on the spot where the commanders of 31 special Gorky battalion once died.

beautiful places of the Tula region photo

Abandoned Manor Family Von Meck

The estate located in Khruslovkabelonged to the king of the Russian railway - Carl von Meck. And although the entrepreneur himself was almost forgotten, his wife will forever remain in history. Indeed, in her honor was written one of the works of P. I. Tchaikovsky. Despite the fact that the estate survived after the revolution, it is now in a terrible state. However, this does not make it less beautiful and grand.

beautiful places in the Tula region for walking

Museum-Reserve "Kulikovo Field"

When listing the beautiful places of the Tula regionIt is impossible to overlook the Kulikovo Field Museum-Reserve, which covers 5 different places: the legendary battlefield, Monastyrschino, Tula, Epifan and Red Hill. Around this area in 1380, Prince Dmitry Donskoy, together with his warriors, won the first victory over the Mongolian Tatars. And let Russia finally get rid of the yoke only after 100 years, that battle will forever remain in the memory of the people. Currently, there is a military history museum and a nature reserve. You can visit the complex as part of an excursion group or independently, including by car.

beautiful places in the Tula region by car

Manor "Yasnaya Polyana"

Lovers of literature, decided to ride onbeautiful places of the Tula region by car, be sure to visit the estate “Yasnaya Polyana”, in which Leo Tolstoy once lived and created his immortal works. It was here that he wrote such famous novels as War and Peace and Anna Karenina.

The estate consists of several buildings unitedto the museum. It is surrounded by a beautiful apple orchard, century-old oaks, linden trees planted in French style, white and pink flowers, poplars. The swimming pool to which Lev Nikolayevich went to, and 2 ponds, and even a small bench still remain here. On it the eminent writer often sat, lost in his thoughts.

Today, the museum holds festivals and exhibitions,read lectures, introduce to the world of children's literature. All landscapes of Yasnaya Polyana are carefully guarded and restored, the hired specialists take care of the gardens. Restorations are not amenable only to the premises, but perhaps still ahead?

beautiful natural places of the Tula region

Tula "Switzerland" (village Krasnogorye, Efremovsky district)

This is one of the most beautiful places in the Tula regioncan not be called anything else. Hills, forests, hills and hills, the coastal landscape of the river Beautiful Sword - all this is literally fascinating, makes the hearts sing with delight and emotion. But it is best to come here in summer, when the forest raspberries and strawberries are blooming, their meadows are just bewitching. Many people have a desire to put a berry for a berry in their mouths.

It is worth noting that there were no legends here.It is said that in the pre-revolutionary times in Krasnogorye (Efremov district) there lived sorcerers, in whose honor the village was called the Vedinym (former name). It sounds very symbolic, if you look at the stone heaps scattered on the edge of the village. Who knows, maybe the ladies here really arranged their Sabbaths? Or, perhaps, it is the petrified skull of the most ancient inhabitants of the planet? There are no answers to these questions.

beautiful places of Tula region

And there lies a horse-stone ...

When listing the beautiful natural places of TulaThe area can not be ignored and another attraction - the megalith, located in the village of Kozier. A huge boulder stands on several smaller stones, as if on a pedestal. Some say that this megalith was a guide for launching merchant ships sailing to Istanbul or the Crimea, others - that this is a monument to the victory of the Russian army over the Tatar-Mongolian soldiers.

The most interesting version is:Once here a hero died in an unequal battle. His faithful horse could not survive the loss and was petrified with grief. As it really was, the story is silent. But, according to legend, the megalith has healing powers. A man who has sat on it will acquire new sexual forces, and a woman will be able to endure and give birth to a child.

beautiful places Tula region

Career in the village Konduki (Uzlovsky district)

Not a single photo of the beautiful places of the Tula regionwill convey that feeling of oneness with nature that arises when visiting these huge careers. Once, coal was mined here, the mine was closed after the mine, and the terrain gradually began to turn into the land of lakes with an amazing color of water. If you stand on the shore of the reservoir and look around, there is a feeling of being on another planet, and not on Earth. This is really awesome!

beautiful places Tula region

Arapov caves

Karst caves are located near the villageGremyachae, on the banks of the river Tetyakovka. At the moment, they represent a system of branched right moves, having niches and benches inside. Some tunnels form high empty rooms, in the largest of them an adult can easily fit.

Who were created Arapovskie caves, historyis silent. Some scientists say that ancient people once lived in them, the second - that they were an underground part of the Gremyachee fortress. But the most popular and familiar version reads as follows: these places were opened by the peasant Jacob and his comrades in 1849 with the aim of holding a place of worship here. Whatever it was, today only a small part of the caves has been preserved, since by the order of the governor of the region, many of them were destroyed.

beautiful places Tula region

Tula Exotarium

People come here to see amphibians and reptiles,which park employees are bred in order to preserve the species. There are more than 500 snakes here, and there are still some lizards, large turtles, monkeys, stupid crocodiles, Fennec chanterelles and many other exotic animals. If you are going to visit Tula, be sure to visit this place. Of course, maybe it is not the most beautiful in the Tula region, but uniquely unique. There are simply no analogues in Russia!

beautiful places Tula region

As a conclusion

Тульская область богата по-настоящему прекрасными in places. Therefore, if you are suddenly going to go somewhere to rest, think: do you really need all these Thailand and Egypt? Is not it better to go to the same river Beautiful Sword or visit the estate "Yasnaya Polyana"? After all, it is easier and cheaper, and healthier for the mind is healthier.

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