In the late 90s and early 2000s, in largeRussian cities began to open such places of mass entertainment, as aquaparks, unusual for the domestic average person. Our consumer is accustomed to seeing such luxury only on the screens, so the rush was grandiose. Such structures were erected in resort areas and rich regions. Until recently, residents of central Russia could afford water entertainment only in Moscow or St. Petersburg, but in 2015 the long-awaited opening of an aquapark in Kstovo in the Nizhny Novgorod Region took place.
Информация о строительстве нового объекта It appeared in 2013, when the ceremonial laying of the capsule into the future building foundation took place. The initial budget was about 800 million rubles, but, as always in our country, the amount was constantly increasing and supplemented. Many people no longer hoped for a happy completion of the water park project in Kstovo.
The construction site was not chosen by chance.There are no water parks in Nizhny Novgorod itself, as there are few free sites for such large-scale construction. 30 km from the regional center there is a small town of Kstovo with a population of 70 thousand people, and it is not difficult to get to it. In addition, this construction was a good incentive for the development of local infrastructure.
Initially the opening date of the water park in KstovoThey called the end of 2014, but the internal work was somewhat delayed, so the first visitors appeared here closer to the spring of 2015. The water park received the sonorous name "Atoll". According to the designers, the equipment and comfort fully comply with European standards, so the park may suffer from Kazan or some Moscow water entertainment centers.
The first photos from the opening of the water park in Kstovoappeared in February 2015. The organizers and builders of the project noted that the new facility is the first link in a series of large-scale construction of an entertainment zone in the Nizhny Novgorod region. Its appearance is connected, first of all, with the upcoming 2018 World Cup.
The long-awaited opening took place on February 7th.Outside the window frost and blizzards, and here tropical heat, water and all sorts of attractions. But the first day did not meet the expectations of the organizers - only about 200 people came to the water park. People were outraged by prohibitively high prices, especially during the period of severe crisis in Russia. Thus, an adult ticket cost 3,000 rubles, more was only in the water parks of Moscow. The leaders soon realized their mistake, and prices fell slightly, resulting in a marked increase in the flow of visitors. The photos from the opening of the water park in Kstovo, which visitors posted on their pages and in the official group, also contributed to raising interest.
Авторы проекта при строительстве и оснащении water park tried to meet international standards, as it is planned that it will be visited by foreign guests. At the opening of the water park in Kstovo, the management promised that the current state of the park is not the limit, and in the future we plan to put additional attractions and recreation areas.
Today, the territory of the water park includes the following objects:
The opening of the water park in Kstovo was a real gift for residents of Nizhny Novgorod and neighboring areas. In addition to basic services, birthdays and other children's parties are held here.
All information about the schedule, costvisits and other issues are on the official website of Atoll, as well as in the Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki and Instagram groups. As noted above, the initial prices greatly outraged the public, people in groups even created petitions, but the situation very quickly changed in the opposite direction, and today the visit is available for any family’s wallet. In addition, the leadership constantly carries out all sorts of promotions, practice discount cards.
From the very opening, the Atoll water park in Kstovo is open from 10.00 to 22.00, it is located at Pl. Lenina, d. 5. The following prices are set for the summer season:
The ticket can be purchased by phone or book online. The price includes visits to all attractions, pools and bath complexes, separately paid for the services of a spa and a cafe.
The opening of the water park "Atoll" in Kstovo attractedresidents not only from the Nizhny Novgorod region, but also from the neighboring - Ivanovo and Kostroma. Despite the decent distance, people come here families to relax. It turns out much cheaper than a trip to Moscow or Kazan. And the management of the water park strongly supports the interest in their project: a convenient system of discounts and other incentives for visitors is practiced.
The list of shares is constantly updated on the official website. So, at the beginning of summer in the "Atoll" the following activities are planned:
In addition, every weekend in the water park there is an animator for children. Before visiting it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the rules of conduct on the site.
The opening of the water park in Kstovo was looking forward tosome years. In the harsh conditions of the Russian climate, the appearance of such a place is a real gift for both adults and children. The first reviews were contradictory. Those who have never been to such establishments have written about their enthusiasm and gratitude to the organizers. More sophisticated people noted the cheapness of rides, the banality of the park. Of course, the water park in Kstovo does not even reach the average American similar projects that have a developed infrastructure and entertainment industry. But for the average man in the street, visiting the Atoll is a great opportunity to relax, especially on frosty winter days.