Domodedovo Airport in Moscow is one of the mostlarge in Russia. It serves a huge flow of passengers. According to the classification of the International Airports Council (ACI), Domodedovo is one of the largest airports in Europe. Regular flights to Domodedovo are operated by more than 80 airlines, this number includes both domestic and international carriers. Departures are carried out in 239 directions, many of which are unique to Moscow. This means that you can fly to some cities of Europe and the CIS countries only from Domodedovo. The airport’s chart shows which destinations are carried out upon departure and arrival at Domodedovo.
Аэропорт открыт в 1962 году.For all the time of its existence, Domodedovo has served several million passengers, a huge number of airlines and destinations. Every year the work of the airport is improved, the quality of passenger service and the level of security are constantly monitored.
On the territory of Domodedovo exists and successfullythere is a factory of catering. It allows the airport to serve crews and passengers on domestic and international flights. In drawing up the menu takes into account not only the quality of the products, but also the taste preferences of the crews of different countries and their passengers. High technology cooking and qualified personnel meet the requirements of the international class.
On the airport there are manycatering points. They are located around the perimeter of the terminal and are available to everyone. Most cafes and restaurants are located on the second floor of the airport, some cafes offer visitors different national cuisines of the peoples of the world. Most of the power outlets of Domodedovo operate in the mode of fast passenger service or self-service. On the second floor of the airport there is a shopping center where the SPA center, shops, souvenir shops, cafes are located.
Domodedovo strives to create the most comfortableconditions for their passengers. For VIP-clients there is a business room where you can spend time waiting for the flight. There is a special room for official delegations. For passengers with children, there is a room for mothers and children, it works around the clock, without interruption. There is a special service for the provision of services to passengers with limited mobility - airport employees accompany such people and create comfortable conditions for them throughout their stay at the airport. At the airport there is a chapel and a mosque where believers can perform the necessary ritual activities.
The airport provides transfer services -transportation of passengers from flights arriving at Domodedovo, to another airport, from which the passenger proceeds. To obtain such a service, you need to go to the special reception of the transfer. When traveling by transit through Domodedovo, if the baggage was originally registered to the final destination, the passenger will not have to spend time trying to pick up the baggage and arrange it for future flight - this happens automatically without the passenger’s participation.