/ / Serafimo-Diveevsky Monastery: photo and description

Serafimo-Diveevsky Monastery: photo and description

Russia has been the center for centuriesOrthodoxy, and even in the years of God-fighting in our country, it was possible to preserve a significant part of the church shrines. In addition, over the last quarter century, much has been done to revive the monasteries. Among these monasteries is the Serafimo-Diveevsky Monastery, where thousands of tourists come from every corner of Russia every year.

Village of Diveevo

seraphim Diveevsky monastery

The settlement of Diveevo was presumably basedin the middle of the 17th century, during the campaign of Ivan the Terrible's army to Kazan. According to legend, the town received its name in honor of the Tartar Murza of Divey, who along with his detachment joined the troops of the Russian Tsar. Today in Diveevo permanently live about 9 thousand people, and several industrial enterprises operate. In addition, over the past decade, there have been built several small hotels and guest houses for pilgrims. The tourist infrastructure is developing.

Holy Trinity Seraphim Diveevo Monastery

Where is the abode and how can I get there?

In the Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery (whose address -Nizhny Novgorod region, the village of Diveevo, Diveevsky district) is the easiest to get from the city of Arzamas, where almost every hour to the point of interest to us are sent passenger buses. If you get from Nizhny Novgorod, then on the road will have to spend almost 4 hours. To do this, from the bus station located on Lyadov Square, you need to change the bus to Diveevo. It should be remembered that such flights are not daily, therefore, it may be necessary to make a transplant in Arzamas. Pilgrims traveling to Serafimo-Diveevsky Monastery from Moscow on their own car, it is better to go along the highway passing through Balashikha in the direction of Vladimir, turn to Murom, and then drive through the cities of Navashino and Ardatov to Diveevo. The Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery itself is located on the bank of the Vichkinza River, and you can find it by following the signs or by asking the residents of Diveevo. As for accommodation options, the necessary information can be obtained at the pilgrim center, located in a yellow building near the Kazan Cathedral.


The Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery was founded in the 18thcentury. At its sources stood the young widow Agafia Melgunova, who became a resident of the Florovsky monastery, began to wander around Russia and in 1760 she settled not far from Diveev. After the death of a young daughter, Mother Alexander, who had a vision, built her own stone temple of the Kazan Mother of God in Diveevo. After a while, the Kazan community formed around the church, and in 1788 the Nizhny Novgorod landowner Zhdanova donated a piece of land to her sisters near the temple where the house for Mother Alexandra and four novices was built. In 1789, the hierodeacon Seraphim, who is now known as the Monk Seraphim of Sarov, took care of the community of nuns, and almost 10 years after his reign the Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery was founded.

metochion of the seraphim of the Diveevo monastery
Throughout the course of the second half of the 19th centuryThe monastery was settled, and new buildings and temples were erected there. Thus, by 1917, about 300 nuns and 1500 novices lived in the monastery, while in the village of Diveevo, according to the census, there were 520 inhabitants. In 1927 the monastery was closed, and only after 6 decades began its revival. And the most significant event in the history of the monastery occurred in 1991, when the relics of Seraphim of Sarov were transferred there, which have since been in the Trinity Cathedral.

Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery: description

The architectural complex of the monastery consists of more than two dozen objects, most of which are significant monuments of religious architecture.

Trinity Cathedral

The temple was laid in 1848 on the site indicated bySt. Seraphim, and erected in the Russian-Byzantine style under the guidance of architect AI Rezanov. During the period when the monastery was closed, a warehouse was built in the temple. The revival of the cathedral began in the autumn of 1989, and since 1991, daily services have been performed there. Photos of this structure are often an adornment of albums and books devoted to the most beautiful churches in Russia.

Transfiguration Cathedral

On the territory of the monastery the services are held inseveral temples. The second most important of them in the Holy Trinity Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery is the Transfiguration Cathedral, founded in 1907. It is interesting that the interior decoration of the temple and icons were written by the sisters themselves, but before the events of 1917 the church was not able to be consecrated, and this mystery was held only in 1998. Since the original decoration of the interiors has not been preserved, the cathedral was painted anew by the artists of the wife Belyaeva.

seraphim Diveevsky monastery photo

Blagoveshchensky cathedral

Serafimo-Diveevsky monastery, photo of whichstriking perfection of the architectural monuments depicted on them, continues to be embellished today. In particular, in 2012 there was begun the construction of the Annunciation Cathedral in a style close to Russian baroque, characteristic for the beginning of the 18th century.

seraphim Diveevo monastery address

Kazan Cathedral

It is the oldest building of the monastery, laid in1773, the construction of which was conducted under the vigilant supervision of the founder of the Monastery of Mother Alexandra. In addition, in Serafimo-Diveevsky monastery you can see the refectory and hospital temples, the temple in the poorhouse, the chapel of the Monk Seraphim, the house where the blessed Paraskeva, the bell tower, the Kazan church at the source, ancient buildings and other buildings of the 18-20th centuries lived.

Relics of the monastery

If tourists come to Diveevsky Monastery,to see his architectural monuments and make some successful pictures against their background, the pilgrims visit him to worship such relics as the relics of St. Seraphim and the Reverend Mothers Alexandra, Helen and Martha, the blessed wives of the Diveevite Paraskeva, Pelagia and Mary, as well as the Monk Matrona .

Compound of the Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery

Today, the Diveevo sisters live and serve andoutside the monastery. So, in Moscow, Arzamas and Nizhny Novgorod there are monastery farmsteads. They perform representational functions and are engaged in reception of commemoration for the monastery. Address of the Moscow metochion: Prospekt Mira, 22-24.

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