/ / Getting nitric acid at home: how to handle reagents

Getting nitric acid at home: how to handle reagents

Chemistry is a fascinating science.Those who are interested not only in theory, but also try their skills in practice, know exactly what is at stake. Each student is familiar with most of the elements from the periodic table. But did everyone manage to try their own experience to mix the reagents and conduct chemical tests? Even today, not all modern schools have the necessary equipment and reagents in stock, because chemistry remains an open science for self-study. Many seek to know it more deeply, doing research at home.

Getting nitric acid at home

None of the homeowner can do without nitrogenacid - a very important thing in the household. It is difficult to get the substance: it can only be purchased at a specialty store, where the purchase is carried out with documents confirming the peaceful use of the substance. Therefore, if you are a home-made master, this component will most likely fail. This raises the question of how to make nitric acid at home. The process does not seem to be difficult, however, the output should be a substance of sufficient purity and necessary concentration. Here, the skills of the experimenter cannot be dispensed with.

Where is the substance used?

The use of nitric acid is reasonable for safe purposes. Substance is used in such areas of human activity:

  • the creation of coloring pigments;
  • the manifestation of photographic films;
  • preparation of drugs;
  • recycling plastic products;
  • use in chemistry;
  • fertilizer garden and garden crops;
  • production of dynamite.

How to make nitric acid at home

Pure nitric acid in unchanged form looks like a liquid substance, which upon contact with air begins to release white vapors. It freezes already at -42 aboutC, and boiling at +80 aboutC. How to remove a substance like nitric acid with your own hands at home?

Method 1

The smoking substance is obtained byeffects of sulfuric acid concentrate on sodium (potassium) nitrate (sodium (potassium) nitrate). As a result of the reaction, the desired substance and sodium hydroxide (potassium) are obtained. The reaction scheme looks like this: NaNO3+X2CO4=>HNO3+NaHSO4. Remember that the concentration of the substance obtained depends on the concentration of sulfuric acid before entering into the reaction.

Method 2

Getting nitric acid at home witha lower concentration of the substance occurs in the same way; it is only necessary to replace the sodium nitrate with ammonium nitrate. The chemical equation is: NN4BUT3+X2CO4=> (NN4)2CO4+HNO3. Note that ammonium nitrate is more accessible than potash or sodium, because most researchers conduct a reaction based on it.

Nitric acid do it yourself at home

The higher the concentration of H2CO4, тем более концентрированной будет азотная acid. To obtain a balanced substance, it is necessary to increase the amount of electrolyte required for the reaction. To achieve the desired result, in practice, use the method of evaporation, which is a gradual decrease in the volume of electrolyte about 4 times from the original.

Features of the evaporation method

На дно посуды высыпают просеянный песок и ставят tank with electrolyte. At the same time, the process of boiling is regulated by a valve of a gas stove, yielding or reducing fire. The process is time consuming, so patience is important in this case. Experts recommend the use of boilers - glass or ceramic tubes, designed for chemical experiments, including evaporation. They neutralize the formation of bubbles and reduce the boiling force, preventing splashing of the substance. In such conditions, it is permissible to produce nitric acid at home with a concentration of about 93%.

Tools and reagents for practical substance

For the reaction will require the presence of:

  • concentrated H2CO4 (> 95%) - 50 ml;
  • ammonium, potassium, sodium nitrate;
  • 100 ml capacity;
  • 1000 ml container;
  • glass funnel;
  • gum;
  • water bath;
  • crushed ice (can be replaced with snow or cold water);
  • thermometer.

Getting nitric acid at home

Getting nitric acid at home, like carrying out any other chemical reaction, requires compliance with the following precautions:

  • In the process of obtaining nitric acid at home, it is necessary to maintain the temperature within 60-70 aboutC. If you exceed these limits, the acid will begin to decompose.
  • Vapor may be released during the reaction.and gases, therefore, working with acids, be sure to use a protective mask. Hands should be protected from the sudden hit of the substance on the skin, because chemists work in rubber gloves. In large chemical plants, where a person is in contact with substances hazardous to health, workers generally work in special protective suits.

Now you know how to get nitric acid in the process of carrying out a simple reaction. Be careful with the use of such a substance and use it only for peaceful purposes.

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