It often happens that a vacation is formedunexpectedly, and wanted to go somewhere to get away from home, abroad. And there is absolutely no time to collect a package of documents for a visa, and there is no time to expect it. What to do in this case? Limit your cottage or the Russian Black Sea coast? Of course not! There are many beautiful countries that have visa-free regimes with Russia. It remains only to choose the one you want to visit. After all, the choice is great, for every taste and purse. And you will feel like a truly free person.
However, you may be forced to return home withborders of countries that have visa-free regimes with Russia. For example, if you do not have a return ticket, enough money or health insurance. And others do not need it, and such countries are allowed to enter their territory freely.
There are countries that do not permit any kind of visaa certain period of the year, to a part of the territory - for example, Greece, Albania, Macedonia. To enter Abkhazia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine and South Ossetia, it is enough to present an internal Russian passport to the border guard. And absolutely nothing else is needed.
Most states, for example, Albania,Argentina, the Bahamas, Barbados, Bolivia, Brazil, Venezuela, Hong Kong, Cuba, Kuwait, Seychelles, Turkey, Chile, Jamaica and some others that have visa-free regimes with Russia, require a return ticket, insurance, hotel reservation and proof availability of funds. The amount in each country is different, but not less than 30 dollars for one day per person.
No state does not lose by havingvisa-free regime with Russia. Countries thus develop tourism, attracting those wishing to rest safely. In addition, if a tourist liked the holiday, and he is a businessman who has money, he can invest in some industry or buy housing in the country, open his own business.
If in due time, especially in the period of the collapse of the USSRand the first ten years after that, many governments tried to close their borders for us, but now it's the other way around. The number of countries with visa-free regimes with Russia is increasing, and there are fewer obstacles for obtaining a visa. Even some Schengen countries, trying to attract Russian tourists, may cancel the requirement for an entry permit, subject to certain conditions, for the summer season.