/ / The most famous sights of the Komi Republic

The most famous sights of the Komi Republic

In the north of Russia is a wonderful land -Komi Republic. Long ago, during the Middle Ages, the lands of this region were part of the Novgorod Republic. During its existence, the state experienced financial upsurges and a crisis following the collapse of the Soviet Union. The consequences of the difficulties affected the current situation, which is why the population of Komi, although at a slow pace, is declining. The only thing that pleases is the sights of the Komi Republic, which are in abundance here. There are many natural objects in the region, as well as monuments built by people. Many tourists come here who admire the beauty of the local nature and the magnificence of the local architecture.

sights of the Komi Republic

Biosphere Reserve

The main attractions of the Komi Republic -these are objects of nature. Some of them were created by people, such as the Pechora-Ilych Biosphere Reserve. It is located on the western slope of the Ural Mountains. On the east side, the reserve is limited by the Belt Stone Range. And from the western, northern and southern sides it is bounded by the rivers Ilych and Pechora. On the territory of the biosphere reserve there is Mount Torreporreise, Manpupuner ridge and virgin forests, which are included in the list of World Natural Heritage sites.

The Pechora-Ilych Reserve was established in 1930.It was equipped in order to preserve the natural complex of the north-eastern side of the European part of the Union. Basically, it was intended to save the natural habitat of sable. Many sights of the Komi Republic, parks, reserves and reserves were created precisely in order to preserve certain species of animals or plants.

City of coal industry

In the north-west of the country is locatedsmall town Inta. Its population barely exceeds 30 thousand people. And if you walk through this settlement, you will not be able to find anything surprising in it: a small area surrounded by impassable forests and beautiful lakes. His history is surprising in this village, which is really incredible. Nature has awarded this area with gorgeous coal deposits. People were destined to learn about such a treasure only in the nineteenth century. Drilling here began only on December 17, 1931.

Inta on such hard labor were sentthe prisoners. The first results - 5,300 tons of coal - were issued in 1942. The city of Inta developed fairly quickly and in 1944 received the status of a working village. During 1953-1954, one of the few architectural monuments built here, the water tower, was built in the city. The monumental object was built of red brick. The status of the city Inta found in 1954.

 Inta City

Amazing natural monument

Weathering pillars (Komi Republic) isamazing natural object located on the mountain of Man-Pupu-Ner. They are seven outcrops in height from 30 to 42 meters. No one really knows the history of the appearance of these stones. They are surrounded by many secrets, legends and mysteries. One of the legends tells that once the all-powerful Mansi lived in Komi. The men of this tribe were skillful and strong hunters. The leader of the Mansi was a wise leader. He was always helped by spirits, who were closely friends with all members of the tribe. Thanks to this, friendship, peace and luxury reigned in every yurt of Mansi.

Вождь имел двух детей: сына Пыгрычума и дочку Аим.Aim was so beautiful that the giant Torev decided to take possession of her. When the girl refused to laugh, he and his brothers attacked the Mansi tribe. They brought a lot of trouble to the people, but Aim was clever and managed to outwit the giant. She asked the spirits to endow her brother with an unknown force and help the tribe. With the help of the weapon that the spirits gave him, the Pygrychum managed to turn Torev and his brothers into stone idols, which still stand on Man-Pupu-Ner.

weathered poles Komi Republic

Cave with relic ice

There is an ice cave in Komi, which, unfortunately,Today is still a little studied. It is a complex system of moves and halls. In the republic it is the only open cave in which there are relics of relic ice. In most of the halls and passages in the grotto, the floors, walls and vault are covered with countless large openwork crystals, as well as branches of cave ice crystals. Many crystals have a diameter of three to four centimeters. And in the far corner of the hall rise 70-90-centimeter ice mountains.

ice cave

Other attractions

Sights of the Komi Republic, whichIt is also recommended to see - this is the Trinity Stefano-Ulyanovsk monastery, founded at the end of the XIV century. The legend says that it was established by St. Stephen of Perm.

In addition, Yugyd va National Park will be interesting for tourists. The area of ​​the object is 1,891,701 hectares. It is the largest national park in the Russian Federation.

In the Komi Republic, the Museum of the History of the Northern Railway, opened in 1994, is interesting. Here are the documents, personal belongings and photographs of the builders of the Northern Railway section.

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