/ / Wolf Mountain: where is located, description

Mount Volchik: where is located, description

Mount Volchikha - quite a popular place forrecreation in the Sverdlovsk region. Tourists like the beautiful view that opens from here and the opportunity to practice rock climbing near Yekaterinburg. And that is also one of the advantages of this place, it is easy to get to it. In winter, there is a large ski resort on Volchikha.

In this publication we will tell you about the sights of the mountain and its environs.

Whence comes the name of the mountain

Why is Wolf called the mountain?Renowned scholar Ural Matveev in one of his works, wrote that the reason could be a large number of wolves in the original once the province, so that once the residents of the area called the Mount Wolf. In favor of this theory, some residents of the region spoke. In addition, interesting is the fact that one of the nearest vertices is called the Wolf.

However, local scholars also speak andabout the fact that it comes from the words "fiber" or "drag", and the mountain was called Volochikha in its time, because once from here in this way the forest was delivered to the foot. Then, in their opinion, after frequent use, the word mutated, and the name of the mountain became what it is now.

mountain wolf

Description of the mountain

If you look from a distant point, then the Wolf,photo of which is presented in our article, is similar to a volcano. On its top there are several picturesque rocks. But, unfortunately, they are pretty much written down by the tourists, despite the fact that it is quite a bit tall mountain. Wolf reaches 526 m above sea level. This indicator was measured in the first third of the XIX century by German researcher Alexander Humboldt. He calculated the height using a barometer.

In one part of the summit, travelers can see an inscription serving as a memorial tablet dedicated to the inveterate tourist L. Zakharova, whose ashes were scattered on the Wolf.

mountain wolfish Photo

Two years ago there was also opened a memorial sign,dedicated to the dead alpinists. It is made in the form of a climber, who rises to the sun. In addition, there are three tablets. They wrote the names of the same mountaineers from the Urals.

In addition, on Volchikha there is a relay tower equipment, which is surrounded by a special fence and barbed wire. The watchman guards this territory.

The described mountain is an ancient volcano, which consists of a base of magma. She is more than four hundred million years old. Sometimes on the mountain slope you can find the remains of the old mine.

On Volchikha rise both in summer time, andin the winter. If you do this at night, then you can enjoy the night view of the nearby city. On one side of the mountain top are railroad tracks, and on the other - the route of the Moscow tract.

It should also be mentioned that on Volchikhathere is a place for another famous rocky exit, which is often used by climbers for training. It is called the South Wall or the Mirror, due to the fact that in some areas the rocks are quite smooth, as if they were polished. From here you can see the landscapes of the Volchikhinsky reservoir, sometimes called the Sverdlovsk Sea.

Surroundings of Volchikha mountain

Wolf is on the right bank of the riverChusovoy. In these places it is rather shallow. And areas of tourist alloys on this river, known in the Urals, pass downstream. In accordance with the name of the mountain received its name and reservoir - Volchikhinsky. By the way, it is the main water source for the population of the city of Yekaterinburg.

If you climb to the top of the mountain, then to himwill open an impressive imagination view. From this place you can see the quaint winding coastline of the reservoir, the neighborhood of Pervouralsk, Revda, as well as the Moscow tract. If the weather is clear, you can also see the waste tanks of the old Degtyarsk mines.

mountain wolf mountain

How to get to the mountain Wolf?

The location of the mountain corresponds to a distance of forty kilometers from Yekaterinburg, five kilometers from the city of Revda, and also seven kilometers from the city of Pervouralsk.

How to get by car to Volchikha?By car to the resort on the mountain can be reached by road from Ekaterinburg to Perm. To move it is necessary in the direction of the first turn to Revda, and when you see a large index sign, it is necessary to turn to the left. After two hundred kilometers, there is another sign, from which you should also turn to the left, and after a distance of not more than one kilometer you will find yourself at the destination.

Разумеется, прежде чем планировать поездку туда, need to know where is the mountain Wolf. How to get from Ekaterinburg to this area? You can get here and intercity train from the city station. Just drive towards Revda or Druzhinino to Pionerskaya station. From there, in just 15 minutes, you can walk to Volchikha Mountain.

mountain wolf how to get from Yekaterinburg

You can also get here by bus from Yekaterinburg to Revda, stopping at the first intersection of roads at the mountain descent.

Ski resort

In winter, the whole area goes to the named area.Sverdlovsk region. Volchikha Mountain is a popular tourist attraction with the same name international ski resort. There are four routes, providing different levels of difficulty and height of ascent.

Additionally, tourists are offered services forrental of ski equipment and air pillows. There is also a large snowpark. There is also a zorb and a bebilift track. But this is not all the equipment with which the complex is equipped. So, holidaymakers have the opportunity to rent a snowmobile or ride a helicopter. And on the territory of the complex there are constantly professional instructors and babysitters for kids. Children are offered age-appropriate entertainment and an ice rink.

Sverdlovsk region wolf mountain

The cost of rest in the ski resort

During the weekend one hour on Wolf costs 500rubles. However, more lifts are cheaper. So, the whole five costs 450 rubles, ten - already 800 rubles, and fifteen - one thousand. Accordingly, twenty ascents will cost you only 1,200 rubles.

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