/ / Non-return flights. How legal is this?

Non-return flights. How legal is this?

Frequent flyers will not be newsthe fact that airlines have different fares. Modern e-tickets can be sold at a different price in the same direction, and their cost depends on many factors. Non-return air tickets are, as a rule, tickets at the lowest fare. Most passengers tend to buy tickets at minimal prices, and in this case, you need to pay attention to the rules for the application of tariffs and conditions for the sale of air tickets.

What is the price of a ticket

All airlines have their own pricing.policy. The ticket price includes not only the profit of the airline, but also various fees: airport, fuel, agent fees and many others.

non-refundable flights
The fare itself may be low, butadditional fees and duties make the price of air travel much higher. At different times, you can buy a ticket from the same company for the same direction for different amounts: for example, long before departure, the flight is relatively inexpensive, the day before - more expensive. Thus, airlines encourage passengers to purchase tickets in advance. In addition to the division into classes - first class, business, economy, etc., there are gradations within the same class. For example, the economy can also be divided into 3-4 tariffs, each of which has its own rules of application. Non-return air tickets are found with most airlines and are in demand with many passengers. Many buyers think that the price depends on the agency where the ticket is purchased. This is only partly so: the fact is that while the passenger is looking for a cheaper ticket, time is running out, tickets are being bought up by other passengers, and as a result only the most expensive ones remain, and the client regrets that he did not purchase a ticket for the first proposed price. This is a fairly common situation, especially when there is not much time left before the departure of the aircraft, sometimes not even hours, but minutes play a role. The international air ticket booking systems in which the sale is carried out offer all available seats on the flight simultaneously in all sales offices, and the sale of tickets takes place in real time.

Tariff Application Rules

Each tariff has application rules - they areavailable in all reservation systems and presented in English. These rules stipulate exactly how you can return a ticket or exchange it by changing the date of departure. All actions with the purchased ticket are performed only in accordance with the rules for applying a particular fare. They are established by the airline itself and strictly adhered to by all agents selling tickets for flights.

how to return non-return flights
Non-return flights - this is most often the mostcheap air tickets that cannot be returned if the passenger refuses to fly - this information is necessarily stated in the rules of application. When buying such tickets, the passenger must be warned that it is impossible to return the tickets, at some points of sale and air ticket offices they even take a signature from the passenger that he is familiar with the rules and agrees.

What are non-refundable flights

All airlines strive to ensure thatmaximize the number of its passengers. Air travel is not the cheapest form of travel, and due to this circumstance, airlines are trying to offer passengers cheap plane tickets. To do this, develop non-refundable fares - tickets at the lowest cost. And so that the company did not suffer losses, these tickets become non-refundable.

what are non-return flights
If the passenger bought the cheapest ticket, he is notmay refuse to travel or lose money spent on the purchase of a ticket. Often, a combined fare is used — a combination of a non-refundable and a return fare in one ticket; thus, the rules of a non-refundable fare apply not to one segment, but to the entire flight.

Return of non-refundable tickets

Unfortunately, there are often situations whenthe passenger acquires tickets in advance, and then, some time before departure, his plans change, and he is forced to refuse the flight. Then the passenger is interested in the question of how to return non-refundable air tickets, and can this be done? If the rules for applying the tariff for the purchase of a specific ticket indicated that the ticket was not refundable, then most likely it would not be possible to return it. Some time ago, all Russian airlines canceled non-refundable tariffs, since this is contrary to consumer rights. There is the Air Code of the Russian Federation, in which there is Article 108, and it states that the passenger has the right to return the money for the ticket if he refuses to fly earlier than 24 hours before the flight. And even if less than a day before departure, you can return at least 75% of the ticket price. In practice, in order to return a non-refundable ticket, you can go to court, filed a lawsuit against the airline, then after a trial, you may be able to return the money.

non-refundable law tickets
However, this does not apply to foreign airlines - they establish their own rules, in accordance with their state laws, and do not obey Russian codes.

In what cases the return is provided

Almost all airlines have a number ofcases when it is possible to return non-refundable air tickets. For example, if there is a medical certificate stating that the passenger’s state of health does not allow him to make a flight in the event of the death of the passenger or the death of his immediate relatives. Even if a passenger purchased non-refundable air tickets, the law will still allow the return of money spent on its purchase. It should be aware that these procedures will take some time, especially if the case takes a judicial turn.

non-refundable flights
Also worth keeping in mind that if the ticketswere bought at the agency, it is easier to contact the airline office directly, as agents also cannot go against the carrier’s rules and return the money to the passenger without the permission of the company.

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