United States attracts hundreds of thousands of touristsEvery year. It seems that in this country you can see everything: the cleanest beaches and high mountains, stunning skyscrapers and stunning bridges. That is why, dreaming to visit the Western Hemisphere, most remember not the ancient sights of Latin America and not even the bright carnival in Rio, and the lights of New York or the architecture of San Francisco. However, the Inca pyramids and the ancient temple in Chichen Itza are also worthy of attention. First of all, it's worth to get acquainted with North America. So, what should you see first?
Enumerating places that are mandatory for visiting,you can start with a wonderful place in Utah. Here is the Bryce Canyon Park, a natural landmark of America, interesting for its landscapes and mountain formations called Hoodoo. They arose naturally, as a result of erosion, which destroyed the rock and created arches and pillars of amazing shades, from light yellow to red. It's best to go see this America's landmark in winter, when it's not too hot, and visibility reaches a maximum. Another park that can be seen is Yosemite. It is located in the center of the state of California and admires its scale. A distinctive feature of the park is an incredible number of waterfalls, each of which is not like all the others. The most interesting is the so-called fiery waterfall Yosemite. He conquers beauty and romance, so to see this attraction of America will be absolutely superfluous.
In America, there are amazing peaks.For example, special attention deserves Mount McKinley, located in Alaska. The North of the United States in general is one of the best destinations for winter travel - countless mountains, clear rivers, picturesque towns and a dense forest, their surroundings, allow you to find yourself in a new reality. McKinley, located in Denali National Park, is the highest point of the country and is surrounded by stunning lakes, so the trip to it is guaranteed to be remembered for life. Not less attractive for tourists is the Grand Canyon. It is located in Arizona, at an altitude of more than a thousand meters above sea level. The Grand Canyon is one of the first in the list, which includes the best natural attractions in America. Photos of the local landscapes conquer even those who are indifferent to the mountains. Once inside the Colorado River, you will definitely love this place.
Known to the whole world, this city, perhaps -the most important sight of America. New York is full of places connected with world history, the most eminent architects created here. Megapolis constantly appears on large and small screens and inspires musicians, writers and artists. In addition, this city is the most densely populated in the country. It is also one of the largest cities in the world. Especially good is New York at night, when Manhattan flares with colored lights, reflected in the Hudson. This spectacle can not be conveyed in photographs - it is much better to see it at least once in life. New York is an incarnate America. Sights, photos and descriptions of which are known to every tourist, necessarily include a city such as Las Vegas. This is a cult place filled with luxury hotels and casinos, known throughout the world. Like the business capital, Las Vegas is better to inspect at night, when the institutions for amateurs of entertainment come to life, colored with thousands of lights. To see this city is worth every traveler in the United States.
America is washed by several oceans.It's no surprise that the country is popular with its beaches. Particular attention deserves Hawaii, namely the island of Kauai, located in the west of the archipelago. It is famous for its impressive biological diversity, and the local beach is a natural miracle. Near the shore there are cliffs rising almost a thousand meters upwards and perfectly emphasizing the majestic beauty of the ocean with its transparent blue waves.
Another unique place is in California.The coast of Big Sur has a unique landscape. Vertical coastal rocks and raging ocean waves make an indelible impression. The best solution for a tourist will be a water walk, allowing you to view the shore from an unusual perspective.