/ / Government house on the embankment: history, our days, local history museum

Government house on the embankment: history, our days, museum of local lore

Once again Moscow became the capital of Russiaafter the events of 1917. It was then that members of the government and various officials began moving to Belokamennaya. But with housing for high-ranking immigrants there were some difficulties. It was then decided to start a grandiose construction, as a result of which a house appeared on the embankment. Did the high-ranking residents bring the keys to the new apartments, and can we live in this building today?

From project to building of the future

The correct name of the government house is the HouseThe Soviets of the CEC and the Council of People's Commissars, however, people called it differently. The place to build high-rise buildings was chosen long enough. But in the end, they decided to build "on the swamp" - in place of the Wine-Salt Yard, at the intersection of the Bersenevskaya Embankment and Vsehsvyatskaya Street. Construction was started in 1928, special attention was paid to the arrangement of the foundation. In 1931, the house on the embankment was already hosting the first tenants. The total cost of the building was set at 24 million rubles. In 1933 the majestic new building received a new address: Vsekhsvyatskaya Street was renamed Serafimovich Street.

House on the waterfront

Everything for their

The finished house was much ahead of its time. After tight hotel rooms, tenants were able to drive into spacious apartments with an area of ​​100 m2 , fully finished and furnished.The government new building offered its residents all the amenities: a garbage disposal in the kitchen, hot and cold water, elevators, telephones. The word "infrastructure" was not known in the USSR back then, but in one house everything was necessary for life. This is a cinema, a club, a dining room, a store, a first-aid post, a kindergarten, a laundry, a post office and other organizations. The house on the embankment in Moscow was really unique for its time. It is worth mentioning only that a significant part of the country's population then huddled in barracks and communal apartments without any conditions. Happy new settlers at first sincerely rejoiced at all blessings and successfully settled apartments. However, this happiness did not last long.

House on the embankment in Moscow

Black days in the history of the house

Already in 1934 there were the first arrests of residentsat home. At first, this seemed some kind of misunderstanding, well, can there be the most-most deserved enemies of the people? However, soon the residents of the government house fell into a real panic. They came for everyone, regardless of rank and rank. Disappeared not only civil servants, but all their families, and the apartments were sealed. In total, about 800 people who were living in this ill-fated house were repressed. Many residents who felt a suspicious look on themselves, without waiting for the executioners to come, completed their lives on their own initiative. If at night there was light in the windows - the neighbors knew that someone had already come for someone. In the worst of times, half the house has always remained dark and lifeless. The situation changed with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, then all the residents were evacuated, and after the Victory many returned, empty apartments got to the new heroes.

Local History Museum of a bygone era

After the war, the house on the embankment beginshis new completely peaceful history. In 1977, a complete reconstruction was carried out. All the entrances were repaired, many large apartments were re-planned in a somewhat more modest area. At about the same time, the tenants finally began to settle in their own way, getting new furniture and making repairs.

House on the waterfront museum opening hours

Today, this building houses officesreputable, including foreign companies, fashionable beauty salons and shops. Residential apartments are considered elite, and you can buy them, but only the cost of this acquisition is high enough. There is also its local history museum - "The House on the Embankment" - its official name. The exposition is devoted to the history of the building, to all the events that occurred here and to the former residents. In the museum you can see the original furniture of the time of the settlement of the legendary high-rise, the personal belongings of the people who lived here. Among the exhibits you can see a stuffed penguin, a wrist watch from the series "Muscovites from Roosevelt", books written by residents and other authors about the house itself.

"House on the Embankment" (museum): opening hours and exact address.

The exact address of the legendary building: Moscow, st. Serafimovich, the house 2.

The exposition devoted to the history of the building is locatedin the first entrance. The museum works all days except Monday. To make an appointment, you can call: (495) 959-49-36. You can reach the legendary house by public transport. The nearest metro stations are Oktyabrskaya, Kropotkinskaya and Polyanka, then by ground transport to the stop "Cinema" Udarnik ".

Local History Museum house on the waterfront

It is interesting not only to visit the museum, but alsoto inspect the house on the waterfront yourself. It has only 25 entrances, one of which has no residential apartments, a cozy inner courtyard and an impressive facade are literally imbued with the spirit of bygone eras. Also, the house boasts an abundance of memorial plaques - only 25 outside, and in the entrances you can see another 6.

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