In general, the ants themselves are harmless for you andof your gardens. But not when they settle in the places where the harvest will be grown, and at the roots of young trees. In this case, insects very quickly destroy the entire root system of your trees ... In this article we will talk about how to get rid of ants in the garden (including trees) and in the greenhouse. So, if you want to once and for all drive out the hated insects from your site, then stick to the recommendations that we will give below!

How to get rid of ants in the garden
If the ants are in the trees ...
- The easiest way is to "paint" the trunks of all trees with a fairly strong lime solution. Ants shy away from him, as if devils from incense!
- You can smear the bottom of the trunk (near the ground) in a circular motion with tar. This also repels insects.
- The most effective tool, asget rid of the ants in the garden, on the trees, is the water! Create a water barrier for ants who are fond of ants. Take the car tire. Cut it along in half, and then across (to gird a tree with it). Gird the trunk and dig in the tire a little. Close the cross section. You will get a gutter circle. Pour water into it from the hose. All! Through such a "pool" ants are unlikely to get over to the tree!
How to get rid of ants in the garden ...

If your garden plot was overcome by ants, then wewe recommend using a radical and win-win method. Very carefully dig up the entire site. Do not pay attention to the panic that these insects raised. Then mix ordinary ash with lime, left after processing the trees. Re-dig all the soil on the site and add the resulting "terrible" mixture for the ants. This work is physically difficult, but it will bring a 100% result. Ants, bulging eyes, will flee from your garden, leaving him once and for all alone!
How to get rid of ants in the greenhouse
- You need to make a mixture of jam and yeast.Insist it for two hours. You should get a low-alcohol drink. Put this mixture in the greenhouse. She stupefies the ants, they get drunk and forget about their duties to feed the young. Repeat this procedure several times. As a result, drunken ants will not feed the young, and the nest will perish!

- As an option - from the resulting mixture roll the lumps and spread them all over the greenhouse. The ants get drunk, and then they start bursting with yeast!
- Dry boric acid perfectly solves the problem of howget rid of the ants in the garden in general and in the greenhouse - in particular! You need to buy in any pharmacy pellets of dry boric acid and sprinkle it around the perimeter of the entire greenhouse. This will cause insects to leave their homes forever.
- As an option - scatter around the greenhouse the usual millet. It surprisingly repels these insects. In a week, most of the hothouse ants will blow away like a wind!
Now we list the most effective means that ants are afraid of. Most of these funds are in your home, while others can be purchased in stores:
- lime and ash;
- Acetic acid;
- sunflower oil (with a smell);
- leaves of mint, wormwood, elderberry;
- garlic and onions;
- urea.