Revolution Square ... Probably a place with the same namethe name is, if not in each, then in many cities of the former USSR. Already very significant for the now disintegrated huge country was this name. They were once fashionable to call squares, squares, streets and bridges.
Revolution Square in Moscow. Take a closer look at the history
What else is she famous for? First of all, let's note the fact that today in this place two important tourist sites of the capital - Manezhnaya and Teatralnaya Square are united.
Initially, this place was the channelshallow, but full-flowing small river Neglinka, but at the very beginning of the 16th century it was decided to block the source by installing mills and building commercial shops all over the world. Gradually formed China Town, in order to strengthen it from the Swedes, conquerors, for several years had to install earthen ramparts.
At that time a small square was crowned by the Resurrection Gates, in honor of which it, in the end, got its name.
In the 19th century, the river was encased in a collector,the need to strengthen has disappeared, it was demolished, at this place a spacious area was formed, to the west of which almost immediately broke the Alexander Garden.
Its present name of the Revolution Square was in 1918. It was then that it was renamed in honor of the notorious October events.
Revolution square. Traditions and signs
There are many similar places in the capital. And with one of them, by the way, the metro station "Revolution Square" is directly connected.
Of a fairly large number of sculptures itselfpopular is the dog, sitting quietly at the feet of the border guard. Her nose (although some claim that the foot) brings success to everyone who touches him. The most superstitious, as a rule, are students, and during the summer and winter sessions, out of those who wish to pet the animal, sometimes a real queue is being built.
But not everything is so simple.The fact is that dogs on the bas-relief four, as, indeed, the border guards, and it is difficult to determine which animal is capable of fulfilling wishes. That's why, apparently, shine and noses, and paws of all four.
Station "Revolution Square". What can you see in the vicinity?