In Veliky Novgorod next to the Church of the SaviorTransfiguration is an ancient Russian temple, an architectural monument of the XVII century - the Znamensky Cathedral. Its construction was completed in 1688. Previously, this place was ancient, decayed, the Church of the Sign (14th century).
In 1170 the troops of Suzdal, consisting of thousandssoldiers, attacked Novgorod, and only thanks to the icon of the "Most Holy Theotokos", the defenders defended the city. As the legend says, during his siege for several days, Archbishop Elijah prayed for the salvation of Novgorod. Then he took an icon in the Church of the Savior and set her face to the attackers on the fortress wall. The arrow of the attackers fell into the holy face, but the icon turned its face away and a tear rolled down it. And at that very moment the invaders lost sight, and their numerous army was defeated.
True or just a fiction - it is unknown, butToday on the icon you can see a trace, as the locals say, from that very arrow. Victory became a true miracle, as the enemy's forces repeatedly exceeded the forces of the besieged. In honor of the icon that saved the city, the locals built the Church of the Sign. But by 1682 it had decayed, and it was decided to build a stone cathedral in its place.
Initiated and organized the construction of the temple, inwhich was supposed to store the city shrine - the icon of the Mother of God (it was called "The Sign"), Metropolitan Cornelius. The construction of the cathedral was financed by the House of Hagia Sophia. In the bookmark and the construction of the walls participated Moscow archers. Carpentry work involved two groups of Novgorod masters.
In the second half of November 1687 the temple was consecratedMetropolitan of Novgorod and Velikolutsky Cornelius. In 1696 the cathedral burned, but was restored and repaired. Three years later (1699), iconostases were installed in the aisles and the main altar. Their exquisite carved frames were made in a rather rare technique of through carving. History preserved the names of two carvers who participated in this fine work: Vasily Kobylinsky and Ivan Timofeev. In 1702, under Metropolitan Job, the walls of the temple were painted. For this purpose, an artel of icon painters from Kostroma, headed by I.Ya. Bakhmatov.
In the years of the Great Patriotic War, the Znamensky Cathedral was badly damaged.In Veliky Novgorod, many structures were completely destroyed, but the temple stood. The German command used it under the barracks. For heating, German soldiers broke the floors, the carved frames of the iconostases were also burnt. From the smoke and soot wall murals and murals suffered greatly. The icons were mostly taken out and today their fate remains unknown.
Huge and painstaking work on restoration andthe restoration of the cathedral was done by the staff of the Novgorod Scientific and Restoration Workshop. In the mid-fifties, they held reconstruction and repair work in the building. In the 60-70's. in the temple were carried out large-scale restoration work, which was headed by GM Stender.
After the end of the war, Moscow artists VG Bryusova and GS Batchel began restoring wall paintings. Their work was continued by the Novgorod artists in 1974.
Znamensky Cathedral in Veliky Novgorod istypical for temples of the XVII century building, although its architectural forms are more reminiscent of Yaroslavl. The cathedral is located not far from the Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior. This neighborhood allows you to see the difference between the architectural styles of the two buildings.
The Znamensky temple in Veliky Novgorod is a five-domed, four-pillar structure, consisting of a podklet, a two-story bypass gallery and three apses.
Separated by the shoulder blades and crowned with falsezakomar's facades, decorated with paintings. On the perimeter is a frieze, with a typical for Kostroma and Moscow buildings pattern. The Znamensky Cathedral in Veliky Novgorod (photo we posted in this article) is decorated with interior and exterior murals. Even the vaults of the porch on the holy gate are even painted. Painting was performed by the icon painter I. Bakhmatov and his thirty assistants - artists from Kostroma.
Unlike the Novgorod school, the paintingZnamensky Cathedral in Veliky Novgorod turned out to be more realistic, according to experts, even rude. Each picture is different from the rest of the images. But despite this, looking at the temple, there is a harmony of color and style.
The painting inside the church is just as peculiar,characterized by a pronounced secular character. On the western wall of the Znamensky Cathedral in Veliky Novgorod you can see the paintings of the "Last Judgment." It is interesting that one of the figures in this painting is very similar to Peter I.
In addition to wall paintings, in the temple beforeA large collection of unique icons was kept. The most famous of them and the most revered was the image of the Mother of God "The Sign" and "Savior Emmanuel", on which Jesus Christ is depicted in adolescence. Today the Znamenskaya icon is kept in the St. Sophia Cathedral of the Novgorod Kremlin. Miraculously survived two more icons, which were in the iconostasis of the cathedral. Today they are transferred to the Novgorod museums.
Znamensky Cathedral in Veliky Novgorod (address: st.Ilyich, 26) is not an active temple. Here, worship services are not conducted and church rites are not performed. But everyone can see this architectural monument with an amazing monumental painting. In the Znamensky Cathedral of Veliky Novgorod tremendous acoustics, so here often sounds classical and spiritual music. This is one of the best acoustic halls in Europe. Quite recently chamber choirs from European countries performed here, concerts of church chants were held.
By car to Veliky Novgorod, you needgo on the highway M10, then along the street. Moscow to the intersection with the street. Great Moscow. Then turn left and follow until the intersection with ul. Ilyin. Once again turn left and after about two hundred meters you will find yourself at the temple.
From the Novgorod Kremlin you can go throughpedestrian bridge on the opposite side of the Volkhov River. Further we pass to the street of Ilyin and follow it directly to the temple. The journey will take you about fifteen minutes.