/ / Tunis - the capital of Tunisia

Tunis is the capital of Tunisia

Tunisia is a small country in northern Africa withrich in history. More than five hundred years here flourished the famous Carthage, founded by the Phoenicians in the 8th century BC. During the Punic Wars, Carthage was destroyed by the Romans to the ground. After the Romans here dominated Byzantium, later - the Ottoman Empire. Since the XIX century, Tunisia acquired the status of a protectorate of France, and only in 1957 the country achieved independence.

the capital of Tunisia

Tunisia, the capital of Tunisia, is a cultural andeconomic center of the country. The capital of the state Tunisia, like the whole country, for its three thousand years of existence absorbed the traditions of different peoples and eras. This beautiful and distinctive city on one side is bordered by the gentle blue waters of the bay, and on the other - by soft waves of low hills. It is a city of bright colors: white buildings, green gardens, a bright blue sky. This original city combines Muslim traditional architecture, interesting museums, modern resort centers and numerous colorful markets.

The capital of Tunisia with its center - surrounded by wallsMedina, which is called the "old town" attracts many tourists at the top of the hill stands the ancient citadel Kasbah Medina is centered around the famous Kasbah and the mosque Jami ez-Zitouna.. ( "Mosque Olive", was founded in 703) Zitouna -. Spiritual Center the country, is surrounded by numerous madrassas.His square 44-meter-high minaret, which became a symbol of Tunisia, is seen from afar.

Tunisia excursions

Unlike the Mediterranean coast withfashionable resorts like Monastir or Hammamet, the capital of Tunisia is not so rich in tourists and that's why you can really feel the real Arab charm here - a leisurely lifestyle with noisy oriental bazaars, Turkish baths, mosques, madrassas. The main attraction of the city of Tunisia - narrow streets, markets, mosques and shops of Medina.

On the Government Square, or the Kasbah Square,are the residence of the president and the ministry, or, as they are called here, state secretariats. The ministries are housed in long beautiful buildings of pink and white stone with graceful columns, with open balustrades and patterned arches in Moorish style.

Not far from the square is Suk el-Attarin -The most exotic quarter, which grew on the site, where the market of incense was located in the Middle Ages. And today various spices and perfumes are sold here.

The capital of Tunisia is rich in ancientsights. Until now, the interesting mosque Yusuf-bey (XVII century.), The mosque and the mausoleum of Mahras Sidi, the mausoleum of the Hasanids. The famous suburb of Tunisia is Carthage, an ancient and once mighty city. Now the National Museum of Carthage is founded on its ruins.

holiday in Tunisia

The resorts of Tunisia are fascinated by amazing whitesandy beaches and the beauty of coastal oases. Rest in Tunisia is mainly beach, but many tourists go here, seeking to combine the health procedures of thalassotherapy with rest on the beach.

First-class hotels, the luxurious nature of thisedge, the aura of the East, which is saturated with the ancient cities of this country, attract thousands of tourists to Tunisia. Excursions offered by the guides of this distinctive country are interesting and informative.

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