/ / Airline S7: baggage allowance

S7: baggage allowance

S7 Airlines (in the recent past - the airline"Siberia") is one of the leading air carriers in our country. If you purchased an air ticket for the S7 flight, you should familiarize yourself with the baggage allowance in advance so that there will be no misunderstandings during the registration.

S7 baggage allowance

General information about the company

S7 is based at two airports: Tolmachevo (Novosibirsk) and Domodedovo (Moscow).

Перевозчик развивается, растет его маршрутная network, in Russian airports, an increasing number of its branches. The company carries out air transportation throughout Russia, as well as to European countries, Middle East and Asian regions.

Aircraft S7 belong to the most famous in the aviation industry manufacturers - Airbus and Boeing.

The carrier has a fairly flexible systemtariffs and is almost always ready to offer passengers special attractive prices for tickets. Sales and promotions are always conducted. There is a program to encourage regular passengers "S7 Priority", which involves the accumulation of flight miles. Also, there is the possibility to pay for flights miles and additional services.


Planes S7

Not so long ago, the airline S7 switched to a new tariff system called SmartChoic. There were tickets irrevocable and "bagless".

Now there are 4 tariffs:

  • Economic "Basic" - non-returnable, luggage and choice of location - paid services.
  • Economic "Flexible" - returnable, free baggage and choice of location.
  • Business "Basic" - non-returnable, free luggage and a choice of a place, the paid invitation in a waiting room of the raised comfort.
  • Business "Flexible" - returnable, free luggage and a choice of a place, the free invitation in a waiting room of the raised comfort.

Rules for carriage of cabin baggage

S7 airlines

For all air passengers, depending on the class of service, the rules for the carriage of cabin baggage are established.

For air passengers flying in the "economic" class

S7, baggage allowance - one seat up to10 kg. For air passengers traveling in the "business" class - two baggage seats with a total mass of not more than 15 kg by the amount. For the dimensions of the cabin baggage, the established rate is 55/40/20 cm.

It is worth noting that hand luggage and luggage are not added up, that is, it can be carried to the available luggage in addition.

Baggage Regulations

S7 Airlines

Depending on the ticket price S7, the normThe transportation of baggage varies. Economic "Basic" does not provide free baggage, while "Flexible" assumes a single baggage seat with a mass of not more than 23 kg. For air passengers departing according to the "basic" tariff for business class, it is possible to carry one baggage seat up to 32 kg, and for "flexible" - two as much.

For transportation, baggage spaces with dimensions not exceeding 2,03 m are allowed on the sum of three measurements.

For S7 regular customers, the norm isThe transportation of baggage is greater than that of ordinary passengers. So, for example, holders of Silver and Gold status cards can carry one extra seat with a mass not exceeding 23 kg for free. A card with Premium status entitles you to carry extra baggage up to 32 kg.

Все багажные места оформляются на каждого air passenger individually. The rules of the airline permit to combine the free rate of transportation to several passengers at the same time when they fly to the same point together. However, it is necessary to prove this fact documented, that is, to provide air tickets and passports.

Excess baggage allowance

If the passenger's baggage exceeds the established free transportation norms by weight and quantity, it is necessary to make a surcharge.

S7 Airlines has established the following tariffs for excess baggage:

  • An additional second baggage seat with a mass not exceeding 23 kg and less than 2.03 m in three dimensions - 50 euros.
  • An additional third and next luggage space, not exceeding 23 kg and 2,03 in three dimensions - 150 euros.
  • Excess weight of baggage in the range 23-32 kg with total dimensions not exceeding 2,03 m - 50 euro.
  • Excess weight of baggage from 32 kg, while the sum of dimensions is less than 2.03 m - 100 euros.
  • Exceeding the established dimensions of luggage (more than 2,03 m) - 150 euros.

If the weight of the luggage space is in the interval32-50 kg, its transportation must be timely agreed with the airline. Accepted for transportation of such heavy luggage or not - is directly related to the type of airliner claimed and the size of the luggage compartment. Prior to the planned trip, you need to send an appropriate request to the airline through the "Feedback" section on the site or call the call center.

Each air carrier, including the companyS7, baggage allowance and fares for excess baggage. The clarification of these rules should be handled in a timely manner a few days before the planned trip, and even better - when buying an air ticket, in order to avoid unpleasant situations when going through check-in at the departure airport and unplanned expenses. Details can be found on the company's website.

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