/ / Sightseeings in Tuapse: description photos

Attractions in Tuapse: description photos

Tuapse is a port city of the Krasnodar Territory,Spread on the eastern coast of the Black Sea between two rivers: Spider and Tuapse. From the land is in the foothills of the southern slope of the Main Caucasian Range. It is a small town where about 63 thousand people live. The climate is characterized as a humid subtropical, average annual temperature + 14 degrees. There are many attractions and entertainments in Tuapse, therefore there are many tourists, since Tuapse is not only a port city, but also a climatic balneological resort of the country.

A bit of history

The first written mentions of Tuapse are inGreek treatises of the period VI-II centuries BC. In the Greek version, the city was called Topsida. At that time these territories were inhabited by the ancestors of modern Adygs, who were among the largest slave traders.

Only in 1829 the coast departs to Russia.A settlement is being built, fortifications are being built. However, in 1853, Russian troops retreated under the onslaught of Turkish troops, having previously destroyed all the fortifications. After the victory, the resettlement of the unwanted Adygs begins and the settlement of the territory by the families of the Cossacks. Later, Armenians, Georgians and other peoples populating the territory of the Russian Empire appear here.

During the Second World War, the city stronglydamaged, completely destroyed 309 buildings, and about 700 required major repairs. By 1943, reconstruction work had begun. After the end of the war and the restoration of infrastructure, the city again began to receive tourists.

Sea port

The main attraction of Tuapse and allCaucasian seaside - seaport. The first hydraulic structure was built in 1989. It was a protective pier, which formed a small water area. The first vessel entered the port in December 1898. By 1951 the port was fully prepared for operation and listed in the ports open to foreign vessels.

To date, Tuapse Port is one of the largest in the Black Sea coast.

The port waters are deep, so they do not freeze even in the worst frost.

The Tuapse tower of Rosmorport

Another attraction of the city of Tuapse,which the city visitors are trying to see - the tower of Rosmorport. It is a real symbol of the city and is located in its most central part. Represents a 60-meter hexagonal tower, on top of which flaunts a huge blue ball. At the top there are electronic clock, displaying local time.

The Tuapse tower of Rosmorport

Dolmen in Dzhubga

This landmark of Tuapse isThis is an archaeological monument, which is about 5 thousand years old. Dolmen is located on the territory of the former sanatorium in the village of Dzhugbe, 1 km from the sea coast.

Плиточный дольмен один из самых грандиозных на all the Caucasus. The shape resembles an ellipse with a small courtyard, has three tiers. All the slabs are made of sandstone, which are fit in size as in a jewelry workshop. Only the third tier fell a little to the ground, but in any case it is amazing that such an ancient structure stood for 5 thousand years. It was built around the 3rd millennium BC.

To date, it is unclear why he wasIt is built, but it is reliably known that there is a special similarity between the Caucasian structure and Stonehenge. Not long ago (2006), ancient drawings were found on the inside of the front block. Visiting this landmark Tuapse is absolutely free.

Tuapse dolmen

33-meter waterfall

In the district there are many beautiful places, there arewaterfalls, and the largest in this area - 33-meter. It is located on the bank of the river Kazienna, near Tuapse. Around the most beautiful tropical lianas and rocks. Enjoy this beauty for hours.

For travelers there is an observation deck, and nearby there is a bivouac where you can organize a picnic.

33-meter waterfall

Rocks "Mouse burrows"

This is another attraction of Tuapse.It is located near another beautiful place - Cape Kadosh, in the north-west of the city. These are layered rocks among wildlife. Nearby is a beautiful wild beach. There are resting people who want to live in tents. In the district is almost a virgin forest, where you can pick berries and mushrooms. There are many climbers and divers here.

The peculiarity of the rocks is that in a few thousand years the sea breeze formed small caves in which crabs live now.

They get here, as a rule, on boats, but only in good weather, as the seabed is strewn with rocky reefs.

Mouse burrows

Nudist beach

Many unique places and attractions inTuapse. Photo of the beach, which is visible from the mountain Hedgehog, if desired, can be found on the Internet. This is a wild beach, where people come free from prejudice. This place is very beautiful - a pebble beach, clear water and relative proximity to civilization (on one side of the beach there is a cafe) make the beach very popular. The coastline is 50 meters away.

Here come not only nudists, but also creative personalities and diving enthusiasts and fishermen.

There is a beach between Cape Kadosh and the place wherethe Spider River flows into the Black Sea. You can get here by boat or by walking along the seashore (from the city beach of Dzhubga about 20 minutes, about 1 kilometer).

Nudist beach


Another attraction of Tuapse, photo withthe description below - the diving club "Aquarius". The club has its own beach near the Marine Station, on Gagarin Street. Here, training for beginners is conducted according to international standards. After the theoretical part, practical lessons are required.

Having dipped for some 17 meters under the water, you can see the unique flora and fauna of the Black Sea, and swimming past the fish and want to grab by the tail.

Primorsky Boulevard

One of the favorite places for walkingpopulation and visitors is Primorsky Boulevard. Many tourists have a photo of Tuapse sightseeing, since from here the acquaintance with the city begins.

On Primorsky Boulevard there are very raresubtropical plants, monuments and a variety of entertainment, restaurants and cafeterias. On this street you can get an excursion and ride on a swing. From here you can go on a pleasure boat along the coast of Tuapse.

Kiselev's Rock

This is one of the most interesting sightsof the city of Tuapse (photo below). The uniqueness of this object is that the rock is completely vertical, and its height is 46 meters and a width of 60 meters, total occupying an area of ​​1 hectare. The lateral slopes, not facing the sea, have a relief shape.

The cliff is 4 kilometers from the city innorth-western direction, near the mouth of the Agoya River and Cape Kadosh, 700 meters from the Mouse Nurses (to the north). These two attractions are referred to the forest park of Kadosh, which is a protected area. The total area of ​​the forest park is 300 hectares.

Pitsunda and Crimean pines, shrubs, exotic trees and orchids grow on the slopes of the cliff, terraces and the top of the cliff.

The rock was named in honor of the artist AA Kiselev., which first came to Tuapse in 1886. At Cape Kadosh the artist had a dacha where he painted several paintings: "Kadoshsky Rocks", "Descent to the Sea" and others.

This rock can be seen in the legendary film "The Diamond Arm", in the episode of fishing on the Black Stones.

Kiselev's Rock

Beaches of the city

What a vacation without sightseeingcity ​​of Tuapse, photo of which beaches is presented below. In the city there are several places for swimming. The busiest is the Central beach, which starts outside the Maritime Station. This pebbly beach, with a small admixture of sand, the beach is gently sloping. Mostly families with children rest here.

The second most popular beach is Primorskiy. Valued for the surrounding beauty, since you can see the green cape from it.

For those who seek silence, the beach "Spring" is suitable.It is located on the outskirts of the city (south-east). In this direction is perfectly arranged transport communication, even there is a step-by-step railway station with the same name.

Central beach

City monuments

In Tuapse, a lot of sculptures, obelisks and monuments, many of them on the sea theme. Most Popular:


Short description

Sculptures "Maksimka" and "Sailor"

Are located at the entrance to the palace of culture of sailors, in the heart of the city. "Sailor" is at the helm, it's the sailor Luchkin, and "Maksimka" is the personification of the Negro boy from the film.

Obelisk "Fighters for the power of the Soviets"

It is located not far from the described sculpture, onSquare of the October Revolution. Opened it in 1966. It is a trihedral bayonet 21 meters high. The obelisk is decorated with bas-reliefs. Nearby there are two fountains, very similar in appearance to the bowls and all this is surrounded by a small square and flower beds.

Sculpture "Bonfire"

Installed on the Entrance Square. This is a gift from the camp "Ocean" to the legendary children's health resort "Orlyonok".

Monument to the artist AA Kiselev.

It is located on Platonov alley. Tuapse for the artist was not only a resting place, but also an outlet and a place of inspiration.

Monument "The road of life"

It is located on Khmelnitskaya Street. This is a whole composition, consisting of a "half-torus" (a car that was used before the war), climbing up the mountain road.

Tuapse is an interesting city, where besides beaches and monuments, there are many other interesting places. There is even a museum of cell phones. In Tuapse you can go diving and have fun in the water park.

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