/ / Growing Seedlings, Or What You Need For Proper Seedlings

Growing Seedlings, Or What You Need For Proper Seedlings

In today's article we will focus on growing"correct" seedlings, namely, strong and healthy, with a developed root system, able to withstand adverse external factors and ready for subsequent development, that is, fruiting.

For a good harvest in the northand central Russia need to take into account weather surprises, so many cultures are better grown seedling. This approach gives a chance to future vegetables to grow and get on our table.

Поскольку многие современные выращиваемые cultures come from warm edges, they remain sensitive to frost, so any drop in temperature can destroy them.

Seeds of heat-loving crops (tomatoes, peppers,eggplants, etc.) need to be developed at stable temperature marks - not lower than 20 degrees. We cannot maintain such a temperature in the open ground, as we live in the field of risky farming, so we have to create these conditions artificially - on our own window sill or in a greenhouse.

And immediately the following questions appear: to buy ready-made seedlings or to grow them independently?

To grow seedlings on your own, you need to accurately calculate the time of sowing, properly prepare the soil, the substrate for future plants, choose suitable containers for the leaves, carefully care for the shoots.

Buy ready seedlings much easier, howeverHere you have your own questions: what should be the quality seedlings, is there a risk of bringing any diseases with it to your summer cottage, how not to be mistaken with the varieties that you decided to grow? Sooner or later, all gardeners face these problems. Let's try to consider these issues in more detail.

Many gardeners prefer to grow seedlingson their own. And that's pretty commendable. Its seedlings take root better, in contrast to the purchased one, has a higher yield, and you do not risk putting any disease with domestic seedlings on the soil in your garden.

In addition, from a financial point of view, growDo-it-yourself seedlings are profitable, because the seeds are cheap, and the soil can be prepared completely free of charge, in advance, starting in the autumn, taking the necessary amount of land in your summer cottage.

Приобретая готовую рассаду с рук, вы не сможете determine exactly what sort of 100% offer you. And you yourself can grow any varieties that you like, fortunately, now in stores for this provided an impressive choice.

In addition, the independent cultivation of seedlings is an interesting and sometimes hazardous business, despite all the troubles. Agree, you always want to get the harvest "better than the neighbors."

How to buy good seedlings?

If you, due to some reasons, decided to abandon the cultivation of seedlings, then you just need to know how not to make a mistake with her choice when buying.

First of all, pay attention to what the root system of seedlings looks like - its appearance should not cause you any suspicion.

Малейшие намеки на гниль, килу или присутствие insect pest larvae, any external defects should keep you from acquiring such seedlings. Inspect the leaves carefully, the fact is that on the underside of the leaves can hide eggs of aphids, spider mites or other pests.

If the leaves look deformed or shriveled, they are most likely affected by viruses.

Check for the presence of a heart on the leaves - futurepoints of growth. If the leaves are unusually bright and at the same time tend to curl down, it is possible that the seedlings were grown with high doses of fertilizers and abundant watering, which affected its attractive appearance, but subsequently had a negative impact on yield.

In containers with seedlings there should be no damage and cracks, otherwise the root system of seedlings will be seriously affected by transplantation.

Self-growing seedlings

How to grow seedlings with your own hands, - about this wetalk further. First, we need a good nutrient substrate or soil, it depends on it what our seedlings will be and what kind of harvest they will bring later.

You can buy soil in the store, but for manyGardeners are expensive and not always reliable. It is better to stock up with soil in advance, preparing it at your summer cottage, and then keeping it on the balcony until the landings. So, the soil for growing seedlings need loose, porous, with minimal acidity.

If you have a well-groomed area, you regularly apply fertilizer and loosening materials to the soil (sand, mulch, green manure), then this is the soil on your beds.

With regard to feedings, it is undesirableto get involved in fertilizers. If you overdo it with minerals, seedlings will develop more slowly and can catch infections. It is better to feed the seedlings as they grow, using fertilizers that are soluble in water.

Перед посевом семян грунт нужно обеззаразить, no matter how purchased or prepared it is. For disinfection, you can use a solution of potassium permanganate (in a bucket of water 3g), you can treat the soil with an antifungal agent, or at least properly soil the soil, which will help rid it of an overwhelming number of pests and pathogens.

Planting seedlings

So, the ground is prepared. Now we need to choose the capacity for future seedlings.

In the store you can purchase special peat pots and pills, micropars, plastic cases. In purchased containers, the growing seedlings will look very aesthetically pleasing.

But if this is an extra expense for you, then you alwaysYou can select suitable containers at home. Plastic cups, lids from under the cakes, and even plastic bags - everything will work. Now you are ready to grow seedlings on your own.

Pleasant troubles and good harvest!

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