/ / Polyurethane stabilizer bush: application and feedback

Stabilizer bush polyurethane: application and reviews

The state of the running gear requiresspecial attention, as it affects the quality of traffic and the safety of the driver with passengers. That's why you need timely troubleshooting and replacement of worn parts. Stabilizer is one of the main parts of the system. His work is affected by the condition of the sleeves. This part has small dimensions, but, despite this, makes the management of the vehicle more comfortable. It is also worth noting that quality non-worn sealing elements reduce the load on the chassis parts.

stabilizer bush polyurethane


Polyurethane sleeves stabilizer transversestability are the most common, and the range of stores is represented by spherical and rubber options. In addition to the material of manufacture, they have different characteristics. Any of them, irrespective of the manufacturer and the quality of performance, are subject to wear, since they involve heavy loads during the operation of the car. Also noticeably affects the condition of roads. If this item is found to be defective, a mandatory replacement is required.

Stabilized Polyurethane Stabilizer Bushingcontributes to a change in the quality of the entire system and the rapid wear of parts, as a result, the safety of car use is reduced. Therefore, you should not save on such a simple part, so as not to cause large expenses for maintenance and repair.

polyurethane bushings stabilizer reviews

How to determine the need for replacement

To determine the malfunction in some casesDo not have to resort to diagnostics, because, in addition to changing the controllability, often there are characteristic sounds emanating from the suspension. At the same time, the noise becomes more distinct at high speed. When driving along the road with pits and potholes, there is a noticeable beating in the hanging part. In addition to noise, you can see a deterioration in the maneuverability of the vehicle.

Replacement of consumable parts must be carried out beforeHow their damage will reach a critical level. Timely maintenance, as is known, not only extends the life of the car, but also preserves its basic elements, the purchase of which costs a fairly large amount.

polyurethane bushings of the anti-roll bar


Despite the fact that the repair work is notcauses difficulties, you need to know some features and pay special attention to the selection of new details. Often the regular elements of car owners are changed to stabilizer bushings polyurethane or rubber. Polyurethane has many advantages that other materials can not boast of. Today it is the most reliable and modern option for seals. It increases the period of operation of both the elements themselves and the entire suspension system of the machine. Other advantages include the following:

  • less susceptibility to aggressive driving style;
  • Preservation of suspension geometry, which does not depend on ambient conditions and operation;
  • Increases the comfort of driving due to the smooth movement of the car;
  • During the entire period of use, complete control of the management is maintained;
  • different temperature regimes do not affect the elasticity of the material;
  • resistance to environmental negative factors.

The polyurethane stabilizer bushings reviews are usually positive, which is an additional reason for their purchase.

polyurethane bushing of the stabilizer

Required Tools

Having determined the unsuitability of the installed bushesafter the diagnosis of the car, you need to worry about a quick replacement. Many workshops offer the appropriate services, but they are quite expensive. In this case, each car owner is able to independently carry out all the work, even without special experience and knowledge.

Keys for 10, 13 and 24 will be needed to removeplastic protection, bolts that hold the stabilizer, and fixing elements of the subframe. Without a jack and clamps from metal, you can not do with fixing the stabilizer. It will also need a polyurethane stabilizer bushing, a 27-in. Head and a lever, in the role of which a steel pipe can protrude.

The work process is divided into several stages:

  • removal of fixing elements;
  • removal of damaged parts;
  • installation of new seals with preliminary cleaning of the seat.

Such an algorithm of action is possible even for those who have never had to repair a car. For self-replacement, you must first prepare all the tools and supplies.

polyurethane stabilizer hub pivot

How to choose

Polyurethane bushings of the stabilizer "Pivot point"are the best option for replacing the old item. They are more resistant to temperature changes, various environmental conditions and modern realities on the roads.

Many materials for the manufacture of sealsbecome less elastic when working in bad weather. The stabilizer polyurethane sleeve is suitable for both urban and auto cars used for out-of-town and extreme trips. Many note that such elements require replacement much later, compared with the regular ones.

Modern manufacturers offer an extensiveassortment of spare parts of different quality and price category. The existing diversity in some cases can confuse motorists. The experience of others is an additional guide to making the right choice. Also, according to reviews, you can choose between several similar parts from different manufacturers.

stabilizer bushings, polyurethane or rubber

Course of work

Despite the fact that replacing the polyurethane sleevesstabilizer "Lanos" in the car service will be quite expensive, the process itself is much easier than any other repair in this part of the machine.

It is worth noting the need for compliance with safety regulations, in particular, the car should be tightly fixed on the jack.

First, you need to remove the wheels to ensure easy access to the protection, which is removed with a key for 10.

Dismantling can be simplified by lubricating all elements with a specialized composition. Next, unscrew using the appropriate keys for fixing the column and shock absorber, as well as the subframe bolt.

Between the subframe and the body part is mountedlever arm. Now remove the old seal, and it replaces the polyurethane sleeve stabilizer front suspension. It must be placed on the installation site and secured with a clamp made of metal. To increase the fixing quality, it is first necessary to remove the gasket between the car body and the subframe. The latter is fixed with bolts on the body part. Racks are mounted on the same place after all the work.

What you need to know

The fastening of the elements can be simplified by applying a graphite composition to the working plane.

Особое внимание должно уделяться технике security. Details and tools of high quality from proven manufacturers should be used, this will prevent structural elements from changing and the likelihood of injury.

front suspension stabilizer polyurethane bushing


VTR sealing elements, in the opinion ofcar owners, represent an optimal price-quality ratio, complete with lubricant supplies, providing easy installation.

Polyurethane stabilizer bushing Febi, toreviews of buyers, relieved their cars of annoying squeaks and sounds that became especially noticeable in the bad quality of roads and moving "lying policemen," even if the plus temperatures.

Reviews for Moog RE-SB-6849 parts are mostly positive, car owners did not notice any special changes in the controls, but noises appear even after two or three years of using the sleeves.

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