/ / You should know in which countries it is warm in winter

You should know in which countries it is warm in winter

Snow-covered cities, the general flu, shortlight days, slush, frost and melancholy - that's the other side of the medal called "Russian winter". The soul craves exotics, and the organism, tired of vitamin deficiency, is a powerful inflow of vitamin D, which, as is known, is produced from sunlight.

In which countries it is warm in winter
So I want to take a vacation - even ifextraordinary - and even give up somewhere in warm countries. In the winter, tourist packages "to the south" are scattered like hot pies on a market day. But where to go to the Russian holidaymaker to warm the frozen bones?

Those who are not attracted to long flight, are strivinga searching view of Europe. Get a visa to the Schengen area - a difficult and troublesome business, but if successful, you will find a rich excursion and cultural program. But here is the question: "Where is warm in winter in Europe?" Even in Greece and the Balearic Islands rains. It's not cold, of course, but it's not hot either: + 15-20. The sea, too, does not inspire a long swim. In southern Italy and Spain a bit warmer: + 20-25, but the temperature of the water leaves much to be desired.

There are only two archipelagos on which summerdoes not go away, but only a little muffles his sultry light. This is Madeira, owned by Portugal, and the Spanish Canary Islands. They belong to Europe, but they lie in the tropical latitudes. If you are planning a holiday in February and ask which countries are warm in winter, any travel agency will advise you to visit the Canary Islands. After all, they are famous for the whole world carnival, which starts from the end of January and lasts until the very beginning of Lent. The fun takes place in a quite comfortable atmosphere. The temperature of the air is suitable for sunbathing, and water for bathing.

Warm countries in winter

If we look at the northern, Arab,Africa, in which countries is warm in winter there? In fact, you can go to Egypt, Oman, the UAE, Morocco. In any of these powers it will not be too hot, but hardened Russians are quite comfortable. From two resorts in Egypt, choose Sharm el-Sheikh. Although it is located to the north of Hurghada, but the wind rose there is such that it is warmer in the resorts near the Israeli border in winter. In the UAE, this summer (as we are accustomed to perceive it) reigns. However, daytime + 30 evening is replaced by a perceptible coolness. A thick sweater and a warm windbreaker will not be superfluous.

Where is warm in winter in Europe?

Well, and if you are not afraid for a long time and with transplantsto travel by plane, the answer to the question "in which countries is warm in winter" is significantly expanding. First, even in the temperate latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere, summer is coming in December and February. It's time to go to Australia, the South African Republic, the countries of Latin America. Which resorts can be advised in these regions? The Fernando archipelago before Noronha in Brazil, Punta del Este in Uruguay, the Chilean Lakes Region (in the far south of the country), Easten Cape in South Africa - that's far from an incomplete list of wonderful places.

Well, now remember the school lessons of geography andwe shall think, in what countries it is warm in the winter, in the spring, in the summer ... In a word, all the year round? Correctly, lying near the equator. "Country of Smiles" Thailand, Seychelles, Fiji, Mauritius, India. And the "black" Africa - Kenya, Zambia (there is Victoria Falls). In French Polynesia you will find the equatorial sun and a real European service.

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