Most often hawthorn in suburban areasgrown as an ornamental or fruit plant. The main characteristics that have earned him the love of summer residents, are unpretentious and spectacular appearance. In general, the plant is very popular - garden hawthorn. Planting and caring for him - the procedures are not particularly complicated. We will talk about them later in the article.
It is a hawthorn large treeshrub or even a small tree (up to 6 m) and belongs to the family Rosaceae. The crown is thick and the branches are covered with long spines. Thanks to these qualities, hawthorn is so good in hedges. The species growing in Russia, in contrast to their American and part of the European “relatives,” do not differ in their particular “thorniness”. The leaves of hawthorn are large and ovoid. Some varieties plate rugged, others - smooth. There are both deciduous and semi-evergreen varieties.
Hawthorn spines are formertwigs. At the first stage of growth they even grow leaves. The length of spines in different species can vary from three to twelve centimeters. They grow at most near the fruit and serve as a kind of protection. Their distinctive feature is extraordinary strength. Carefully walk around this plant, as hawthorn spines can pierce a sole made of practically any material.
Blooms hawthorn garden, planting and carewhich - the procedures are not particularly complex, annually. White buds gathered in corymbose inflorescences. Unfortunately, they cannot boast of a pleasant aroma. The fact is that they contain the substance dimethylamine, smelling of stale fish.
Hawthorn does not produce fruit every year.If during the flowering rain will pass, a good harvest is not expected. The color of the fruit can be different (from pale yellow to red or even black) and depends on the variety. The shape of the fruit are elongated, spherical, pear-shaped, etc. Their size, depending on the variety, can vary from 4 mm to 3 cm.
Боярышник, посадка и уход (обрезка и т.д.a) for which should be carried out according to certain rules, at most it is used to create hedges. The formation of the crown in this case is carried out according to certain rules, which will be discussed below. Also, this plant is often used simply as an ornamental. Especially beautiful is hawthorn in October, when its foliage acquires a juicy red-orange shade. The flowers of this shrub, as well as its bright fruits, look quite impressive. Since the plant is high enough, they usually plant it near the wall of the building itself or along the fence. On large plots, hawthorn of not very tall varieties sometimes surrounds the driveway.
The fruits of some species of hawthorn are edible and are used to make jams, jam and compotes. They are not only tasty, but also healthy.
Hawthorn can multiply seedlingsand by budding. Most often, of course, the first method is used. It is believed that the best accepted two-year seedlings. Seeds for reproduction are taken from unripe fruits. Since hawthorn often has "dummies", they should be planted at once in several pieces. Budding is done in the fall, inserting the bud of the varietal hawthorn into a T-shaped incision at the root of an ordinary wild head.
Planting and caring for hawthorn - procedures notespecially labor-intensive. The soil for this plant will fit almost any. Only very acidic soils are undesirable. In this case, be sure to make liming. A good solution would be to add a little ash to the soil when planting. It is not necessary to fertilize hawthorn, but for better growth you can use a little bit of humus or compost. With regard to lighting, the hawthorn will feel good in the sun and in partial shade. However, in the first case, it will be better to bear fruit and bloom.
Young hawthorn, planting and care for thatwill be successful only if certain rules are observed; they are planted to a depth of about 50-70 cm. The step between individual plants should be approximately 1.5-2 m, depending on the variety. It is necessary to plant hawthorn so that the root neck is located at ground level. You can slightly bury it in the soil (no more than 2 cm). All roots must be in the ground. When they leave the hawthorn begins to lag behind in development. Having established a sapling in a hole, it needs to be covered with earth and lightly tamped. Next, the plant is filled with water. The soil under the seedling to full engraftment should be constantly wet.
Landing can be made both in spring andin the fall. In the first case, this is done immediately after thawing of the soil and its warming up. In autumn, the hawthorn is planted after the beginning of a massive leaf fall and before the start of frost.
From seeds you can also grow healthy, beautifulhawthorn. Planting and caring for him later will not take too much time. In fact, this wonderful shrub grows just by itself. Its seeds are covered with a very hard shell. Therefore, seedlings appear no earlier than one and a half years after planting. Sow them thickly, pre-soaking in a one percent solution of potassium nitrate (per day). In the first year, the saplings will grow very slowly and will not rise higher than 12 cm. Next year they will need to be planted for growing. In the third year, the bushes (which by this time usually reach half a meter in height) are cut, leaving 2-3 buds above the soil level. After that, the plant will begin to actively develop lateral shoots. To subsequently get a beautiful crown, you need to leave no more than two. The rest are removed.
Thus, we have considered howhawthorn is planted. Caring for hawthorn will subsequently consist in almost one pruning. Being planted around the perimeter of the site, this wonderful shrub forms an unusually spectacular, dead of hedge. To get such beauty in the country, first of all you need to dig a trench for seedlings. The marking for it is performed in the same way as for a normal fence. Since the hawthorn is of almost any variety - the plant is rather high, the trench width should be at least 60 cm. The seedlings are planted at a distance of at least half a meter from each other. They must be placed strictly in the center of the trench. As the hawthorn grows for quite a long time, it is advisable to arrange a temporary fence from the side of the street, picket fence, croaker, or chain-link mesh.
Under adult plants, they dig not a trench, butlanding pits. It is best if they have a square shape and strictly vertical walls. Their size should be such that the roots of the planted plants do not reach the main ground on the sides and bottom by 15 cm.
Practically any hawthorn is suitable for creating a beautiful hedge. The best varieties with this:
The last three species, in addition to forming a deaf impenetrable wall, also bloom very beautifully.
Далее рассмотрим, как вырастить красивый густой hawthorn. Planting and caring for him, as has been repeatedly mentioned, do not take much time. However, some rules must still be observed. The hawthorn is not demanding to the soil, but from time to time it is still better to feed it. In the spring, Kemira-Universal mix in the amount of 120 g per square meter is brought under the roots. Before flowering, hawthorn should be fertilized with manure diluted in water (1 * 10 of 8 liters per plant).
Water this plant once a month. At the same time about ten liters of water should fall on each adult bush. In very dry and hot weather, the amount of watering is increased to two per month.
Fruit hawthorn, planting and care for thatThe goal is to get a good harvest, it is necessary to feed. Watering in this case is the same as in the cultivation of purely decorative varieties.
Some varieties of hawthorn winter coldthey are not afraid at all (varieties “schilovistny”, “cockerel spur”). For others, for example, such as the “common hawthorn” (which is planted and cared for just like other varieties), shoots and flower buds can freeze slightly. Of course, covering adult plants is quite problematic. Therefore, in cold regions it is better to use frost-resistant varieties. If any shoots still freeze out, in the spring they just need to be removed. New hawthorn branches will grow very quickly. Young plants that have just been planted are sprinkled with foliage about 15 cm thick in the winter. This will prevent the roots from freezing.
Hawthorn is one of the ornamental plants,requiring mandatory artificial crown formation. In particular, it is important to do this regularly and correctly in the case of a hedge. The lower branches of the hawthorn die over time, with the result that the solid green wall is thinned out.
The first molding is done on the second - the third year.after landing in the spring. Bushes are cut to a height of 10 cm from the ground. This procedure is repeated for two to three years, until the bushes become very thick. Next, hedges give a square or semicircular shape. Pruning is desirable to perform every year. In spring, all diseased and dried branches are cut from plants. Next, proceed to the actual formation of a fence. Carrying out this procedure, you need to remember that cutting branches and shoots more than 1/3 of their original length is highly undesirable.
Вот таким образом и выращивается боярышник garden. Planting and caring for him, carried out according to all the rules, will allow you to get beautiful lush plants. However, it sometimes happens that all efforts are reduced to zero due to some kind of infection. One of the most unpleasant diseases of hawthorn is rust. Detected infected shoots should be removed immediately, and the sick plant itself should be sprayed with a 5% solution of Bordeaux mixture. This procedure can be performed for healthy bushes in the spring, in order to prevent.
Another common disease of thisornamental plant is the hawthorn mite. In the case of infection, branches are also pruned (in spring or autumn). The bush itself is treated with colloidal sulfur. In the event that the plant is very badly affected, the spraying is repeated after flowering.
Таким образом, мы с вами выяснили, что is a hawthorn plant (description, reproduction, care, planting). As you can see, growing it is simple and even pleasant. All that is needed is to periodically water the bushes and perform the correct pruning. If you allocate a little time to care for this wonderful plant, you can get an unusually spectacular decoration for a country site.