What is thinking?

One way to improve the quality of your life,to make activities more efficient is to pay attention to thinking. This cognitive process is important enough for a person. Therefore, it is necessary to know what is thinking and how to develop it. After all, a lot of important processes in a person's life depend on this quality.

To begin with, it should be noted that thinking isa process that allows you to obtain knowledge about the environment, based on conclusions, judgments, conclusions. Also here it is necessary to say about categorization, that is, if a person thinks about a thing, it means that he already appreciated it, ranked it in a certain category. For example, looking at plants, the subject already, more often than not, ranked him in a group, thinks about it and reflects. Thus, people know the world around them. It must be said that this mental process is present in almost all types of human activity (work, study, play, communication, etc.), and is inextricably linked with speech.

Speaking of what thinking is, it is necessarynote that it is very closely related to the creative transformation of reality and the solution of various tasks. This mental process takes place in mental operations and mental actions. These include analysis, comparison, synthesis, generalization, etc. Often a person does not realize them, however, if desired, they are easily tracked. For example, when solving a problem to begin with, it is necessary to divide it into several parts (a condition and a question), that is, to analyze.

In order to better understand thiscognitive process, you need to know what are the properties of thinking. So, for the beginning it is necessary to note reflectivity. That is, thinking works not only with external images, but it can also be directed into oneself, emotions, feelings, experiences of a person. If to express otherwise, then in consciousness it represents the world for man.

In addition, thinking has an orientation.This means that it necessarily answers some (not always expedient) question. Thus, the beginning of comprehension is manifested. The value of the questions lies in the fact that if a person starts asking, then he actively thinks. Also, thinking can manifest itself in a positive form (what can be found in the event that is good?) And in the negative (what's wrong with that?). Problematization is very important in finding solutions to a particular problem.

Speaking of what thinking is, it is necessary to noteis its property, as logical. However, it can not always be objective. This cognitive process develops not through learning, but through understanding. Thinking can be developed and undeveloped. The latter, most often, occurs in children. So, in psychology, several stages of ontogeny of this cognitive process have been identified. In children from one year to two, the psychologist Piaget singled out the stage of development of sensorimotor intelligence. At this time, the children begin to learn to perceive the surrounding objects, to comprehend their properties, signs.

Further it is necessary to say that such thinkingoperational. Normally, children under 7 years of age undergo a stage of development of this type of mental activity. Here, visual thinking and speech develop. At this stage, some features of thinking, including erroneous classification, carried out on secondary or accidental grounds.

Further to the younger adolescence beginsthe ability to perform specific operations. At this age, children can already logically explain the reasons for their actions, justify their point of view. From the age of 11-12, the stage begins, on which the ability to reason and perform operations in the mind is formed. With normal development in humans, thus, the external action gradually turns into the internal.

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