/ / Flower of the eustoma: growing and care at home

Flower of the eustoma: growing and care at home

Eustoma, cultivation and care of which aresimple enough, is an annual plant. His scientific name is lisianthus. In the wild it is most often found on the shores of fresh water bodies.

Eustoma cultivation and care
The shape of the flower is something like a rose, hestands out against the background of others with its purple or blue color. It grows well not only in open areas, but also in pots. On each of the plants there are usually up to twenty large flowers that do not bloom simultaneously. It should be noted that if a flower such as eustoma, growing and care is carried out at home, you can also get white and pink colors. Among other things, there are now cultivated varieties whose petals have a two-tone color.

Answering the question about how to grow an eustoma, inFirst of all it should be emphasized that its reproduction is carried out with the help of seeds. At their choice it is recommended to give preference to the granular form, after all in themselves they very small. In the middle of March, the seeds are placed in small pots, directly above the sterilized soil. The water is poured only on the pallet. After that, the pots should be covered with a transparent film, under which to create a constant temperature of about 25 degrees in the daytime and 18 degrees at night. In this case, approximately two weeks later, the first shoots of such a flower as the eustoma will appear.

flower eustoma photo
Cultivation and care at this time should be particularly careful, as small sprouts can die under the prolonged action of direct sunlight.

As soon as the plant has 4-6 leaves,it is necessary to make its picking, and after another ten days - to feed up with liquid fertilizers with microelements. After there is a threat of frost, you can start planting in the open ground. It should be noted that for the flower of the eustoma, cultivation and care can be started immediately from an open space. In this case, the seeds sit about 20 cm apart from each other, and their development depends solely on the temperature conditions.

As it was said earlier, the plant preferswell-lit places. In extreme heat, it is recommended to create a shadow. Eustoma can safely stand on the balcony throughout the summer, but in the autumn it should be moved back to the apartment. When creating favorable conditions with the hibernation of the bush, there will be no problems, but in the spring it must necessarily be divided into two or more parts. As for the soil, the plant is best suited for light nutrient soils with normal acidity. When growing at home, it should be remembered that in the pot must be created a normal drainage, because otherwise, lisianthus can die.

how to grow eustoma

The flower of the eustoma, whose photo you can seeabove, in natural conditions grows in areas that are characterized by a high level of humidity. Despite this, watering his house should be very carefully: use only warm water and do not allow excessive moistening of the soil. Among other things, between watering it is desirable to give the soil a little dry.

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