/ / Psychology of personnel management: mechanisms and laws to improve efficiency

Psychology of Personnel Management: Mechanisms and Laws to Improve Efficiency

Over the past half century, the phrase "psychologymanagement of personnel "is becoming very popular. It is used to describe those basic functions that are devoted to improving the efficiency of the specified process.

Personnel management is a kind ofactivities that deal with the management of people. It should be aimed at achieving the goals of the organization or enterprise by using the experience, labor and talent of people. Naturally, the most basic law then is to improve the effectiveness of personnel management, taking into account the fact that they are satisfied with their work. This is the first basic position.

Secondly, it is necessary to focus on the contribution that personnel make in order to achieve corporate goals.

Thirdly, the discipline "Management Psychology"staff "recently recommends that the atmosphere of cooperation should come to replace the rigid regulation in the interactions between employees and superiors." Its main features are the following:

- the existence of fruitful relationships in small working groups;

- orientation is available not only for the satisfaction of the consumer, but also for the personnel;

- employees must necessarily be involved in the achievement of the organization's goals;

- the existence of a stratification of the organizational hierarchical structure and the delegation of authority to the leaders of the working groups.

To answer the question how to manage personnel, certain models will help.

The first of them, which relies on motivationperson, is very effective. It is based on a constant analysis of the motives, goals, attitudes and interests of employees, which must be combined with the goals and requirements of the organization. But this process should not be violent, and the psychology of personnel management helps to find "working" mechanisms, so that employees themselves want to do it. Therefore, the basis of the personnel policy will be the goals of strengthening the moral and psychological climate and the development of human resources.

The second model implies the existence of a frameworkmanagement, which allows creating special conditions for developing the initiative, responsibility and independence of employees. In addition, it is noted that it is recommended to increase the level of communication and organization in the organization, to promote the development of satisfaction with their work. As a result, the corporate style in the leadership begins to develop.

The third model that discipline offers"Psychology of personnel management," is one of the most effective. It is about the delegation of their powers, when the employees are transferred responsibility, competence, the right to independently make basic decisions, as well as implement them. This is one of the most perfect management systems.

The fourth model implies that it is based onlies the concept of "entrepreneurship". This concept consists of two: "cooperation" and "internal". In essence, there is an entrepreneurial internal activity in the organization, when each employee is in his job, as an entrepreneur, innovator and creator.

The fifth model implies a relationshipcooperation in the organization, when the basis is not so much the authority of the head, as an equitable relationship with employees. Therefore, each employee will be able to take an active part in shaping the goals and the main development strategy of the organization.

The discipline "Psychology of personnel management" is a dynamically developing science that constantly offers innovative approaches.

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