/ / Psychological test "non-existent animal": decoding results

Psychological test "non-existent animal": decoding results

In modern society, psychology is activelydevelops. Now almost every organization seeks to include a psychologist in the staff. What is it for? To know the emotional state of employees, to help them relieve tension, to assist in solving various problems. The test "Non-existent animal" allows you to consider many spheres of human activity and at the same time not take a lot of time from the employee. In the article we will try to learn more about this method.

Psychological test "non-existent animal"

In general, an experienced psychologist will tell you that it would be more correct to conduct not one, but four tests with animals. It is necessary in order to fully "see" the psychological portrait of a person. Here are the tests:

  • "Non-existent animal".
  • "Evil animal".
  • "Happy animal".
  • "Unhappy animal."

But still the main and most informativeis the first option, which is most often used by practicing psychologists around the world. Other options can also be taken for analysis, but as an addition to the main test.

Впервые методику "Несуществующее животное" suggested M. Dukarevich, but then she did not get such popularity, it was finalized and tested. Although in those days it was clear that this technique can give a lot of useful information. Now psychologists more often resort to the methodological instructions of A. Wenger and by his transcripts they give the results of a “non-existent animal”.

Understand the theory of this technique or any otherlike her, pretty simple. While drawing, a person depicts on paper everything that happens in his soul. And he does not do it on purpose. His subconscious works for him. This is the projective test "Non-existent animal", the decoding of which shows us the inner world of the person being tested. Here everything is expressed in the form of lines: character traits, fears, desires, pressing problems and much more.

The task of the psychologist in the test "nonexistentanimal "- interpret the results, that is, to understand: why a person drew one or another line, why one has sharp corners, and another has all rounded. Here you can find answers to many questions. And sometimes people, listening to the results, are surprised how a psychologist can know such secret secrets. But they themselves told about everything by drawing a picture.

Нельзя быть полностью уверенным в том, что A drawing test like "Non-existent animal" gives a result that is correct. This is influenced by many factors. If you need a more serious and accurate assessment of the internal state, then use the personal questionnaires. When processing the results of a "non-existent animal," a psychologist can give a purely subjective assessment. These are just hypotheses that require confirmation from the person being tested.

After receiving the test results, the psychologist compareswith the statements of the patient, with his behavior, emotional state, he inquires about how a person lives and what concerns him in a given period of time.

Validation and approbation

Before putting the technique into practice, itmust be validated and approved. What are these strange words? This is a kind of test of accuracy. Researchers take a group of people and find out in advance about their life situation, their problems and desires, and then offer to draw an animal that does not exist. According to the “Non-existent animal” test, the interpretation of the results from the psychologist is compared with the actual data. If these indicators have something in common, then the hypothesis is considered accepted and it is the turn of the next stage.

Now researchers will need a group of people aboutwhich is unknown nothing. They are offered to draw the same animal, and then process the results. If during the study it was revealed that in this group there is a person who has a tendency to psychopathy, they carry out additional testing. If this diagnosis is also confirmed and experts recognize him as a psychopath, then the technique can officially be considered valid and approved, and can also be used by all psychologists.

What the picture hides

With this test you can find out:

  1. At what level is the mental development of the test.
  2. What approach to reality prevails: emotional or rational.
  3. At what level is the psychomotor tone, increased or decreased activity.
  4. Does a person know how to control himself and whether he plans his future actions, as well as about his impulsiveness.
  5. What is at a higher level: validity or rigidity.
  6. Is there anxiety in the person’s character, and at what level is it at the time of the study?
  7. What fears prevail and how strong they are.
  8. Are there depressive tendencies?
  9. How the patient responds to stressful situations.
  10. Does a person show aggression, and if so, in what form.
  11. Who is the subject: an extrovert or introvert.
  12. How demonstrative are his actions and expressions.
  13. Whether his need for communication is satisfied.
  14. Perhaps he avoids communicating with others.
  15. Is he a full-fledged member of society.
  16. Are there antisocial tendencies?
  17. What is the attitude to the sexual sphere, are there any problems in this direction, and if so, what character.
  18. How does the subject relate to family issues, is this topic important for him, and what kind of relationship does he have with individual relatives.


Для прохождения теста "Несуществующее животное" You will need a pencil and a white sheet of paper. The task is to draw an animal that does not exist anywhere in the world. This may include separate parts of other animals, but not an exact copy of them.

It is desirable that the subject be in silence andwithout unnecessary witnesses. He should not think about any problems or be distracted by extraneous conversations. Now consider the options for which non-existent animals can occur during the test and what each stroke indicates.

Pattern location

In the test "non-existent animal" interpretation begins with a consideration of the position of the picture on a sheet of paper. This detail can tell a lot about your self-esteem and position in society.

Если ваше животное нарисовано в верхнем углу sheet, this indicates that you have too high self-esteem, you love yourself very much and are always satisfied with any of your actions. And at the same time, it is a sign that you are not happy with how others value you. Placing the drawing in such a place, you are trying to show what heights you plan to achieve. And also the fact that you direct all your strength to please others, or rather, strive to meet the standards that are accepted in your social circle.

The animal at the bottom of the page saysabout low self-esteem. You are not confident in your own strength and extremely indecisive. Most likely, you just accept the situation around you and do not try to change anything. Simply put, "drift." Although nothing can be stated unequivocally. Perhaps this is due to fatigue or events that occur in your life at the time of testing.

Also say that if the animal is inleft side of the sheet, then you stopped in the past and do not want to leave it. The right side says that a person thinks a lot about his future, makes plans and tries to realize his dreams. In the middle of the sheet, those who live in the present and do not look back at the past, and also do not look to the future, prefer to draw.

non-existent animal test

The look of the incredible beast

В тесте несуществующее животное интерпретация it is also being carried out as to where the painted miracle looks. To the left look animals whose authors are prone to introspection. Such people often engage in scrolling conversations in their heads that have already passed and are trying to come up with more witty phrases. In most cases, invented remarks would have been more successful at the time of intercourse, but, unfortunately, a brilliant idea did not visit the subject. The authors of such drawings are usually people who have quite serious intentions, but they all remain just in thought.

If the head or the look of the beast is directedto the right, then this is a better sign. This is evidence that, unlike the previous test subject, you not only plan a lot, but also try to do all this in a timely manner. Such people have many friends and are valued at work. Because they know what to do and how to do it. Agree, everyone likes to deal with a person who makes a promise, and then fulfills it.

Self-centered personalities have a non-existent animallooking directly into their eyes. It can also be a sign that this is a pretty contact person who communicates a lot, easily makes new friends. Such people are always noticeable even in a large company. They joke a lot, quickly find a common language with new friends. There is always something to talk about with them.

In addition to individual details, pay attention tothen, in which direction is the whole figure more directed. An ideal location is considered to be simultaneously in three dimensions: future, present and past. This is evidence that the author is a completely happy person who knows how to enjoy life, he has already reached certain heights and knows what he wants.

The animal can be shifted to the left.This usually happens in people who have experienced some bright negative events in childhood. This includes incidents such as the divorce of parents or the death of a loved one, and there are also not too serious problems, but they have greatly affected the psyche of the child and now even in adulthood they do not give rest. But these are not always echoes of the past, it is quite possible that something in the subject’s life happened recently and does not give him a quiet life.

If on paper it is clear that the pattern is leaving a lotto the right, then this is a sign that a person is trying to protect himself from anything. Perhaps these are the events that occur in this period, but it is possible that these are incidents from a past life. Such people, as a rule, dream a lot, they see themselves in the distant future and try to escape the present from themselves as far as possible.

Overall Impression

При анализе несуществующего животного психолог can consider not only individual details, but also all work. As in wildlife, animals in the drawings may have some classification, or rather they are divided into:

  • Those who threaten people around them (they have sharp teeth, fangs or claws).
  • Those who are in danger from others (cute animals that are not able to offend anyone).
  • Those who have threatening parts of the body, but at the same time resemble a cute defenseless bunny.

Be that as it may, the painted animal is a reflection of the subject. That is how he sees himself in this world. Consider this section in more detail.

If the depicted person wears human clothingor simply able to walk straight, its author has not yet matured emotionally. He is too infantile. Usually normal adults do not add genitals to their animals. This is the lot of young children who still do not understand that it is possible to draw, and which is better to refuse. But if such organs are visible, then this is a sign of a disturbed psyche. Any hints of sexual characteristics are a signal that a person has an unhealthy fixation on sex, which is not considered the norm.

drawing of a nonexistent animal

Proportions and sizes

The picture may be medium in size and not too large.stand out, however, its presence on the sheet will be quite harmonious. This suggests that the subject has a positive attitude towards the world and to himself. He is pleased with his life and has no evil intentions. He is satisfied with the environment, he does not hold evil against his friends and, perhaps, does not even have enemies.

Drawing too large is opennarcissism. Big animals are preferred by small children. In this way, the kids are trying to portray their high self-esteem. Another reason for the appearance of a huge beast on a leaf of an adult is a kind of protection of the individual from exposure to it from others. And these animals are painted by people who have recently experienced extreme stress.

It remains to make out the reason for appearing on paperlittle animals. Usually these are present in people who have mental problems. Similar images are rare. This happens when testing people with schizophrenia or having other mental illnesses. In addition to small creatures at the bottom of the pages, mentally ill people like to depict patterns and styles. Moreover, depicting completely illegible drawings, they see in them historical figures, famous people or representatives of the fauna.

non-existent animal technique

Lines and Contours

Quite often people, without even implying this,trying to provide their animals with protection. And if in wildlife we ​​are used to seeing horns, shells, needles and other "weapons", then on paper it can be completely random lines that, one way or another, protrude above the animal. Sometimes they are induced a little fatter than the rest. This is considered protection for a fictional pet. But much more interesting for the psychologist is not how they look, but on which side they are located.

If such a shell covers the beast from above, likethe tortoise, then the subject tries to defend himself against those who are higher than he: his superiors, parents, authorities and so on. If the author is trying to ensure the safety of the lower part, then this indicates that the person is afraid for his authority. Below they have protection from people who occupy an equal position with him, or even are one step lower.

Armor can be drawn on both sides.Such people are ready for any life blows. They can fight back everyone. Particular attention should be paid to the elements on the right side. A sign that a person is ready to the last to defend his opinion to the end. He is absolutely sure that he is right.

There are times when some line on the body of the beastIt stands out especially strongly. This is a sign that the subject is very anxious or waiting for some kind of blow in the near future. The following is an example of a non-existent animal that shows which protection methods may exist. But this is only a small part of what the subjects' imagination is capable of.

non-existent animal interpretation

Bottom part

During determination in the test "Non-existentanimal "results, you need to pay special attention to the legs. Here about them, as well as about the eyes, we can say that this is a mirror of the soul. So, if the legs are well drawn, this indicates that the subject is confident in himself and in his own abilities, knows exactly what he wants and how he will be able to achieve his goal, but his legs may be poorly visible or absent altogether. Such patterns prevail in people who are impulsive and too frivolous. Please note that there may be support under the frail legs. He It plays the role of a strong, well-marked feet and has a corresponding interpretation.

If the legs are poorly or not at all connected totorso, then in front of you is a person who likes to talk a lot, but even himself, at times, does not understand the meaning of his sayings. You should not expect from him that he will keep his word. But if you see that the legs and body are tightly connected, then this person can be trusted. He confidently speaks and understands the essence of his expressions. Most often, such people keep this promise.

Lower limbs can be absolutelythe same: each line, bend, drawing. So the conformists draw. They rarely generate new original ideas. But if the legs of the beast look in different directions or in general each of them is busy with their own business, then you have a creative person. She always has her own opinion and does not depend on criticism of the people around her.

test non-existent animal interpretation of the results


Big heads are portrayed by those who givepreference for rational thinking. They cultivate such qualities not only in themselves, but also appreciate in the people around them. If the beast has particularly large ears, then you have a very curious personality. He is not only interested in the attitude of others to him, but also tries to learn more about what is happening around.

Next, you should consider the mouth.If it is open in the animal, and even the tongue peeps out, then the subject is very talkative. He likes to talk, gossip. Sensual people place a special emphasis on lips and draw them well. In some figures, teeth are particularly prominent. This is observed in people who are prone to verbal aggression. Moreover, such aggression is manifested only if a person is forced to defend himself. It happens that the animal’s mouth is ajar, but its teeth and tongue are not visible there. Such a person is very suspicious and always in a state of alertness.

Нос уже долгие годы считается фаллическим symbol, but only if you do not analyze the figure of a man. In this case, it is considered the expected component of the face. But if a girl focuses on this body, then this is a clear sign that she is not sexually satisfied, and her young man needs to think. When subjects draw their eyes, they can emphasize the pupils. This is a sign that at the moment they are something very worried or they are alert. Eyelashes are painted by those who are very concerned about their appearance, especially it was not appropriate to add this detail to men.

And the final touches:hair that more often just copies from itself. But sometimes the hairstyle is a pointer to sexual orientation. If horns or other sharp objects are clearly visible on the head, then this is a clear sign of aggression. It can be just a defensive reaction or, conversely, express a tendency to attack people. More precisely about their purpose can only say the author of the image. But if a hairpin or feather or other object that serves as a decoration is woven into the hair, then this is nothing but a desire to stand out.

test non-existent animal decryption

Additional touches

Quite often, people add organs or parts of their body to their animals that do not play too large a role, but are a great way to attract the attention of others. These items are:

  • tails;
  • feathers;
  • brushes;
  • curls and more.

If you see anyadditional limbs: third leg, wings and other "accessories", then you are a person who is trying to cover too many activities at once. This may be evidence that the subject is simply a multi-faceted person who has many interests and is comprehensively developing. But these parts of the body may have a negative message. For example, the fact that a person crawls into his own business and often interferes with those around him with his advice or gives them superfluous information, or perhaps he is trying to do someone else's work.

The tail is that part of the body that is alwaysis behind and pursues its owner. In the picture of a non-existent animal, he personifies all the deeds completed earlier, various intentions and even words that were or will be spoken. The tail, which points to the right, is a sign that the subject has big plans for the future and will soon try to realize them. But if to the left, then a person can’t release the past in any way and periodically returns to those events. And also pay attention to where the tail is directed. If up, the subject is proud of everything that he did in the past, or he expects great victories in the near future. And if down, a person regrets the deeds committed earlier, or is afraid to look to the future.

test non-existent animal results


Here is the test "Draw a nonexistent animal"almost completed. The last step is the choice of a name. It should be as original as the painted animal. Here the fantasy can break out. And, most interestingly, each part of the name carries some meaning. Carefully look at your picture of a non-existent animal and think what name you can give it.

Often people just connect parts of the already knownwords, and it turns out something unusual. This style is inherent in those who are dominated by rational thinking. These people try to do everything strictly according to the instructions, always follow the instructions received. They make excellent employees.

Встречаются названия, которые чем-то напоминают scientific. In this way, people try to show their mind and erudition. They are generally very confident in their abilities, most likely they read a lot and can support almost any conversation. Sometimes, subjects do not think about the name for too long and simply write a set of sounds. So do frivolous people and those for whom the aesthetic side is more important than the rational. In everyday life, they often commit rash acts.

Funny names are chosen by those who lovelaugh at others, and not always in a positive light. Perhaps a person just loves to mock people, point out their weaknesses or weaknesses. In dealing with them you need to be careful. Names from repeating sounds, such as “Nuf-Nuf,” select infantile personalities. And those who like to fantasize, and those who live in their own imagined world, call their animals very long names.

So we examined the interpretation of the methodology of a non-existent animal. All these data will help you to know yourself, to understand many problems, to find answers to exciting questions.

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