/ / Game technology in the Dow: functions and principles

Gaming technology in the Dow: functions and principles

All children are involved in games - you can say thatthis is the most preferred language for each child. It is a unique method of communication, creativity, self-expression, research of oneself and the world around us. The game is a kind of activity affecting the senses, filled with images and emotions, allowing fantasies to go beyond speech and language. Among other things, this is the main method by which a child overcomes the path to adulthood. The use of gaming technology in the DOW allows children to form thoughts and feelings that can not yet be expressed in words, as well as resolve conflicts that they are unconscious enough. For preschoolers, the game is the same as verbalization for adults. Game technology in the DOS is extremely necessary - educators should understand the principle of its work. This will help them to effectively organize the schedule and fill the day with promotional activities.

gaming technology in the dow

Game technology in the DOW and its functions

A lot of literature is devoted to our topic:as a rule, 7-12 functions of the game are allocated as a normal activity of the child or as a tool for solving problem situations. It is possible to group functions into 5 main groups: solving problems and conflicts in development, transferring cultural heritage, forming adequate behavior and coping skills, creativity and self-expression, strengthening relationships.

use of gaming technology in the dow

Modern gaming technologies in the Dow for solving problems and development conflicts

When the child's brain develops, it growsability to think and learn, and in the center of attention of the educator there are two goals. First, it is necessary to find an effective solution to emotional problems and conflicts so that children can concentrate on learning. Secondly, the child needs to be led to understand that, despite his desire to be independent, he is under the care of a parent or educator who is responsible for it. Game technology in the DOW must help to cope with feelings of powerlessness and other emotions, in particular aggression, so that the learning process becomes possible.

Transfer of cultural property

Simple game activity can give childrenthe notion of social norms, roles and permissible social behavior - the knowledge necessary for normal interaction with others in everyday life. Bright stories with instructive overtones help the child understand what is good from bad, to learn the cultural values ​​and rules that function in society.

Gaming technology in the DOW as a way to form adequate behavior
modern gaming technology in the dhow

Some types of games allow children to be taughtpurposeful activity and solve emerging problems. They involve splitting problems into separate tasks, assessing the priority of these tasks and solving them up to achieving a positive result. This process involves the rejection of momentary pleasure for the sake of the established goal, management of one's own impulses, forecasting and planning of the future - development of skills necessary for work within our culture. Games that develop these skills should include elements of collecting, constructing and building, requiring organizational skills and rehearsals. Game imitation of a school, shop or hospital will help children learn what social roles are, and get acquainted with the world of adults.

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