/ / The problem of loneliness. Help yourself or What should I do, psychologist?

The problem of loneliness. Help yourself or What should I do, psychologist?

Man is essentially a social being.Therefore, one of the reasons that causes his psychological discomfort is the problem of loneliness. And such a state can visit a person even in a crowd of people, because the feeling of loneliness does not depend on the number of people around - this is the inner state of the person.

Of course, this situation requires immediate resolution, but we can choose the right method only when we understand ourselves.

The problem of loneliness can arise both inemotional, and at the behavioral level. In the first case, a person feels abandoned, useless to anyone. He does not know what to do and how to deal with such a state. As a result, a state of doom appears. It is extremely difficult to overcome it. Sometimes such a state grows into a fear of loneliness.

Что касается второй формы выражения проблемы, то it is characterized by a decrease in the level of social communication, as a result of which a person simply moves away from society. If you do not provide qualified help in time in such a situation, the person will constantly ask questions about how to cope with loneliness and how to be saved from it. As a result, the individual begins to reconcile with his destiny, which causes the development of asociality and misanthropy.

Remember that the problem of loneliness can not be solvedby her own. To eradicate it, you need to seek help from a specialist. However, a few tips that help to tune in to a positive mood, you can still give:

1. Find an exciting job for yourself and immerse yourself in it, as they say, "with your head".

2. Do household chores, which, as you know, never end.

3. Choose for yourself a pleasant lesson: read a book, study knitting, watch a film or listen to pleasant music.

4. Try to make new acquaintances. To do this, it is best to visit a club, a theater, mass festivities, concerts.

5. For women, an excellent tool that helps to eradicate the feeling of loneliness, is shopping. You can pamper yourself with new purchases, visit a beauty salon and generally change the image.

6. Find ways to emotionally discharge yourself. This will help to play sports or creativity (drawing, poetry and stuff).

В целом, психологи склоняются к выводам о том, that such a situation can be solved only with the help of those forms of communication that stimulate the growth of personality. This is creativity, and sports, and training. It is as a result of useful communication that a person feels self-sufficient, he wants to share his accumulated knowledge and experience with others.

To date, there is no consensus that,where does the problem of loneliness arise and what are its roots. For some it causes discomfort and deprives the meaning of life, but for someone like this state is a feeling of freedom. If you feel that you are the representative of the first group of people, and in search of a solution to the problem have been for a long time, you should, without fear of anything, seek help from a psychologist. It will help you to determine the source of development of such a state in your case. As you know, rooting out the cause helps to eliminate its consequences.

It is important to remember that you can not panicloneliness, because such a state sooner or later visits every person. It is one of the stages of the growth of the personality, the search for one's self and the path to independence. Trying to fight the problem is necessary when it already acts as an obstacle to personal growth, which entails problems in communicating with others.

Among the tips to fight against loneliness is a recommendation to create a personal website where you can expand the circle of acquaintances, make new friends and begin to communicate in new ways.

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