/ / What to do on the Internet? Business and only them!

What to do on the Internet? Business and only them!

Человек нашего времени заметно отличается от the one who lived one or two centuries ago. And in many respects due to technical progress! Previously, there was no Internet, no TV. People did not find employment except to write poetry, organize balls, shoot duels ... Oh, what a romantic time! Sometimes it seems to me that this modern progress is absolutely useless, because today we are bored even in the World Wide Web! What to do on the Internet - the topic of my article today.

what to do on the Internet
The Harm and Benefits of the Internet

In fact, the time spent by us on the web,can bring both benefit and harm! I do not like the fact that most people (both children and adults) choose the second option. And this is part of a bad habit. Tell me, why engage in any nonsense on the Internet, when you can devote time to very useful things! How? We'll find out soon! But first I want to draw your attention to the following. Now the World Wide Web is gathering momentum at the speed of light. That is what today, regardless of its age, the average user is engaged in the Internet:

  • communicates with people from different cities and countries through special social networks (Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, Facebook, etc.);
  • plays in various online shooters, quests and others, sorry for the tautology, games;
  • watching movies and listening to music online;
  • is engaged in virtual sex using a special web camera (built-in laptop or external) through specialized programs for communication at a distance (for example, Skype);
  • uncontrollably trolls innocent people on those or other forums.
    what to do interesting on the Internet

What is useful to do on the Internet?

Creation of Internet sites

Agree that a person must develop.That's why I recommend you to create websites. If you do not know how to do this, then ask a friend of the hacker. Gradually develop and untwist your own website. Write and publish articles on it, getting more and more readers. This will bring you some profit. As a result, you will have an additional source of income.

Listening to audiobooks

Do you still do not know what to do on the Internet?I'll tell you. Today, on the expanses of the World Wide Web, there are quite a few book catalogs of a wide variety of topics and directions. Choose and listen to your health! This activity is a good help for people who do not have enough time to read certain books, or for those who do not want to strain their eyesight in conditions of insufficiently bright lighting in an apartment.

Online shopping

Girls, we just adore walking aroundall kinds of boutiques. If you are interested in the question of what to do interesting on the Internet, then I advise you to virtual shopping! Buy this or that thing with just one mouse click - what can be simpler and more convenient? Today there are a lot of different sites: Chinese, European, American and, of course, Russian, offering their visitors to buy clothes and gifts through the Internet. You can choose the payment method that is convenient for you (for example, on the card online or when you receive the parcel in the mail). Delivery is also carried out in different ways (for example, by courier or mail).

than useful to do on the Internet
We will learn what is being done in the country and in the world?

If you still do not know what to do inInternet with the benefit for yourself, then I recommend that you just read the news. You need to be aware of the latest developments in the country and abroad. Read about politics, about culture, about religion ... Most importantly, guys, do not do nonsense! Extract from all the benefits! Good luck!

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