At the heart of every technological process lieseconomic efficiency, which is affected by a combination of many factors. One of such moments, which is important for many industries (chemical, oil refining, metallurgy, food, housing and communal services and many others), is the thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines. On an industrial scale, it is used on horizontal and vertical apparatuses, storage tanks for various liquids, in various exchangers and pumps. The use of cryogenic and low-temperature equipment is highlighted with particularly high requirements for thermal insulation. The power industry uses insulating elements for the operation of all types of boilers and turbines, chimneys, storage tanks and various types of heat exchangers. Depending on the site of application, they are subject to certain requirements, which are included in the SNiP. Thermal insulation of pipelines ensures preservation of the invariance of the specified parameters, under which technological processes occur, as well as their safety, and reduces losses.
Thermal insulation - one of the mostwidespread types of protection, found its application in almost all industries. Thanks to it, accident-free operation of most objects posing a threat to human health or the environment is provided. There are certain requirements for material selection and installation. They are collected in SNiP. Pipeline insulation must comply with the standards, since the normal functioning of many systems depends on this. Virtually all requirements listed in the documentation are mandatory. In most cases, thermal insulation of heat pipes is a key factor for the smooth operation and operation of energy facilities, housing and communal services and industry. Additional quality, which is the thermal insulation of pipelines, is to ensure the requirements applied in the field of energy conservation. Competent isolation of pipelines performed by all standards allows to reduce heat losses during its transfer from the supplier to the final consumer (for example, when providing hot water supply services in the housing and communal services system), which in turn reduces the total energy costs.
Монтаж и процесс эксплуатации теплоизоляционных structures directly depend on their purpose and location. There are a number of factors that affect the thermal insulation materials. These include temperature, humidity, mechanical and other effects. To date, certain requirements have been adopted and approved, in accordance with which the calculation of pipeline insulation and subsequent installation is carried out. They are considered basic, their accounting is the base for the construction of structures. In particular, they include:
- safety in relation to the environment;
- fire hazard, reliability and durability of materials from which the construction is made;
- Thermal performance.
To the parameters characterizing the operationalproperties of thermal insulation materials include some physical quantities. This thermal conductivity, compressibility, elasticity, density, vibration resistance. Importantly and have flammability, resistance to aggressive factors, the thickness of the insulation of pipelines and a number of other parameters.
Коэффициент теплопроводности сырья, из которого insulation is made, determines the efficiency of the entire structure. Based on its value, the necessary thickness of the future material is calculated. This in turn affects the amount of load that will be provided from the side of the heat insulator to the object. When calculating the coefficient value, take into account the entire set of factors that have a direct effect on it. The final value affects the choice of material, the way it is laid, the necessary thickness to achieve maximum effect. It also takes into account the temperature resistance, the degree of deformation at a given load, the permissible load that the material will add to the insulated structure, and much more.
Operational period of heat-insulatingstructures is different and depends on the many factors directly influencing it. These include, in particular, the location of the object and weather conditions, the presence / absence of mechanical influence on the thermal insulation structure. These factors, which are of key importance, affect the durability of the structure. Increase the service life helps to apply additional special coating, which significantly reduces the level of environmental impact.
The fire safety standards are defined for eachfrom industries. For example, for gas, petrochemical, chemical industries, heat-insulating structures are allowed to use hard-working or non-combustible materials. At the same time, not only the indicated indices of the selected substance affect the choice, but also the behavior of the thermal insulation structure in the event of a general fire. Increased fire resistance is achieved by applying an additional coating, resistant to high temperatures.
When designing objects in whichSpecific technological processes with increased requirements for sterility and purity (for example, for the pharmaceutical industry) must take place, certain norms play a leading role. It is important for such premises to use materials that do not affect air pollution. The situation is similar for housing and communal services. Insulation of pipelines is carried out in strict accordance with established norms, and reliability and safety of use must be ensured.
The market of thermal insulation materials is diverse and able to meet the needs of any buyer. Here is the product
- mats, which are sewn on both sides of fiberglass, in linings of mineral wool or kraft paper;
- Mineral wool products on the basis of corrugated structure (with its help the industrial isolation of pipelines is carried out);
- mineral wool boards on a synthetic basis;
- products based on glass staple synthetic fibers.
The largest producers of thermal insulation materials are: OAO Termosteps, Nazarovsky ZTI, Mineral Vata (CJSC), OAO URSA-Eurasia.
On the market of thermal insulation materialsthe products of foreign companies are also presented. Notable among them are: "Partek", "Rockwool" (Denmark), "Paroc" (Finland), "Izomat" (Slovakia), "San Goben Isover" (Finland). All of them specialize in different types and combinations of fibrous insulating materials. The most common are mats, cylinders and plates that can be uncoated or coated on one side (for example, aluminum foil can be used as it).
Наибольшее распространение из пенопластовых heat-insulating materials received casting polyurethane foam. It is used in two forms: in the form of tiled products and spraying, it is used mainly for protection in low-temperature production. Its developer is the Research Institute of Synthetic Resins (in Vladimir), and its subsidiary is Izolan CJSC. Isolation of pipelines is made and materials on a synthetic basis. In this case, equipment that operates under conditions of negative and positive ambient temperatures is exposed to protection. The main suppliers of such materials are the firms "L'ISOLANTE K-FLEX" and "Armasell". Looks such insulation as tubes (cylinders) or plate-sheet products.