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How to stop jealous of a loved one

Jealousy is a strong feeling thatcharacterized by distrust of the partner and fear of losing it. At the heart of this often lies the feeling of needlessness and self-doubt, which causes a negative. Jealousy greatly affects the relationship between people. It causes quarrels, discomfort and often leads to a rupture. So where do you find the way out? How to stop jealous?

First of all it is necessary to try to understandThe reason that causes this feeling of insecurity in relationships. And it's about relationships not only in the couple, but also about friends or relatives. How to stop jealous of a friend, calm down and start to live fully? After all, this feeling arises uncontrollably and can not leave without a trace. Often this feeling is beyond our control. We want people to belong to us only. The root of the problem is often a feeling of own uselessness. We are not sure that we are worthy of a relationship, that our value is so great that there should be no doubt about it.

how to stop jealous

It is possible to get rid of this feeling by severalways. But the question of how to stop jealous, there is no one answer or a single recipe. In every respect, their nuances, stories and features, so everyone will have their own way out of the situation.

The first thing you need to think about your self-esteem.Try to understand why there is a sense of uselessness and mistrust. You need to find the cause and try to get rid of it. We must accept, appreciate and love ourselves. To understand that a close person is already there, and there is no reason to doubt his feelings. Therefore jealousy is just a waste of time.

how to stop jealous of a friend

Often this feeling is influenced by imperious personalities.Such people like to control every step and use various methods to deter a loved one. For them, the question of how to stop jealous of an ex-wife is often topical. Since even after the relationship is over, they retain their proprietary feelings for the spouse or spouse.

Very often the problem occurs in pairs where onethe partner is completely focused on the other. How to stop jealous, if one person became the center of life and takes all the attention and time? In this case, it is necessary to expand the range of interests. We need to find new hobbies, meet with friends more often, study or play sports. This will expand the circle of interests and remove the concentration and fixation on the partner. Also it will help to become a brighter person, increase the number of acquaintances and feel the taste for life. A lot of new and interesting things will allow you to distract yourself and stop thinking about negativity, relax and start to enjoy relationships.

how to stop jealous of his ex-wife

Jealousy is meaningless.This is the main thing that is worth understanding. After all, if there is no reason, the extra negativity will simply gradually destroy relations and distance partners from each other. And if he is, then excessive hysterics and restrictions will only push the partner to a break. How to stop jealous, everyone decides for himself, but general tips will help to find a way out of the situation.

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