/ / Double-barreled pistol: characteristics and best models

Double-barreled pistol: characteristics and best models

Unfortunately, in modern streets is not sosafely, as we would like, and sometimes with some persuasion not to cope with aggressive people, not to mention flocks of dogs that are not always correct to passers-by. Double-barreled pistol with gas or traumatic action is the optimal weapon of self-defense, which will save not only your material values, but also health, and sometimes even life. The most popular among domestic models are: "Wasp", "Shaman", "Premier", "Pioneer", Strazhnik "and some foreign developments. Consider the best representatives of this weapon of self-defense.

double-barrel pistol

Second Century

Этот двуствольный пистолет создан российскими и Italian developers. It is designed in the likeness of the model "Colt M-1911". It is noteworthy that in this modification some details are used from the combat analog. Also there is a mass of original elements that are of high quality.

From the new development, you can release 16 chargesin just five seconds. According to manufacturers - this is the only double-barreled submachine gun with such a rate of fire, except for automatic variations that have a burst mode of bursts. At the same time, the weapon releases two bullets, each weighing 15 grams. Charges to the target fall at a distance from each other by 20-50 millimeters (this factor depends on the range of the shot). The clip of the pistol contains 16 cartridges, which can be loaded into integrated into the handle, paired clips of 8 pieces.

Device and characteristics

Dual-barreled Second Century gun consists ofSingle frame, shutter, drummer with a pair of trigger hooks, a magazine box with two grooves. There is also a double socket for the main spring, guiding bushings, a lever-type safety device, and a shutter handle.

 double-barreled gun

By interchangeable with the "Colt" details include spring stops, whispered, almost all springs, drummers. The following are the main characteristics of this weapon:

  • caliber - 11.43 * 23 mm (45 АСР);
  • length - 22 centimeters;
  • height - 14.5 cm;
  • width - 5 cm;
  • trunks in length are 12.5 cm;
  • weight - 1850 grams.

The gun is available for purchase with a single trigger mechanism or a double version (the trigger hooks are independent or work synchronously, in a pair).


This unit has an aerosol principle of action.Weapons are designed to defend against wild or aggressive animals, as well as criminals and inadequate people. A jet of caustic gas extends to a distance of up to five meters, striking the attacker through active irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, nose and mouth. The use of noise cartridges, as well as the system "signal hunter".

Double barrel aerosol gas gun"Pioneer" is a compact apparatus of black plastic. The shape of the handle is best suited for the palm of any size. The trunks are placed vertically (one above the other). For aiming the sight is provided a bar and a fly located in the upper part. The trigger is in the standard position (under the barrel), equipped with a safety bracket against an accidental shot. The trigger system is framed in part by metallic elements. The device is very reliable, practically does not misfire, has a niche for a spare shop with a pair of cans.

double barrel aerosol gas gun pioneer

Parameters of the gas gun "Pioneer"

Below are the characteristics of the considered double-barreled pistol:

  • the number of charges - two pieces;
  • used ammunition - BAM (18 * 51/13 * 50), “hunter’s signal”;
  • thickness - 2.25 cm;
  • range of charge - five meters;
  • accuracy - 250 millimeters;
  • pressing the trigger is 50 N;
  • warranty from the manufacturer - 12 months.

Among the advantages of these weapons are the following aspects:

  • compactness and low weight;
  • ease of use and quick recharge;
  • good accuracy and range of shot;
  • strength of materials.

The disadvantages include the lack of laser guidance, a limited number of charges, a fairly high price and a tight trigger.

Double-barreled pistol "Premier"

This weapon has a small size, fits ina handbag, easy to use. Confident defeat distance is up to seven meters. Two main modifications for two or four cartridges are issued. The gun is powered by a lithium battery, which is easy to change. Included is a passport, the instrument itself, the main and spare clip.

When a shot is fired, the muzzle goes tothe front area of ​​the enemy, after which the trigger is pulled. Charges fly out alternately, the holder changes very quickly, you just need to press the special lock from the upper side of the case. Cartridges are commercially available, have a reasonable price.

second century double barreled pistol

Features of the gas gun "Premier"

This double-barreled pistol by the principle ofreminds a gas spray. However, the design in the form of a pistol will make you feel more confident when unpleasant encounters with hooligans. As the active substance of the charges, an extract of hot red pepper is used, which infects the mucous organs of the face, causes short-term disorientation in space, which enables reliable protection from aggressive people and animals.

The design features of weapons allowmake a shot at a reasonable distance from the attacker. At the same time the gun is easy to hold, consists of quality materials, has a small weight and size.

self-defense double barreled pistols

Self-defense double-barreled pistols: briefly on other types

Below are the brands of other popular "injuries" and their brief characteristics:

  1. One of the most powerful models is consideredtraumatic pistol "Wasp". The specimen has a caliber of 15.3 millimeters, and its receiver energy is close to 120 kJ. The first modifications were equipped with four trunks and could easily knock a person down, put terrible hematomas and simply make a crack in the skull. Rubber bullets weighing 11.6 grams were used as charges. In subsequent variations, the muzzle energy was reduced to avoid serious injury, however, the gun remained on the list of one of the most powerful in its class.
  2. Another domestic development, which is not in vaincalled a gun, is a gun "Shaman". The caliber of weapons is more than 20 millimeters, which, according to domestic legislation, is attributed to the artillery group (apparently, hence the nickname "gun"). A standard cartridge of 10.5 * 45 mm with a muzzle energy of 120 J can easily knock down even the most dimensional person. This copy is produced in small series by the Tula Arms Plant and is considered one of the most slaughter in the category of traumatic weapons.

double barrel pistol prime

Cuts "Howdy"

This brand should be noted separately for the reasonfeatures of its design. In fact, the weapon is a double-barreled traumatic pistol in the form of a shotgun from a hunting rifle. The name comes from the brand of British large-caliber saddle pistols. This option is designed as a weapon for self-defense and big game hunters and predators. The charge in the form of a rubber bullet is equipped with a 12-gauge brass sleeve of up to 35 millimeters long.

The parameters of this crop allow you to use it.as home defense or other private property. This is due to its massiveness and decent weight. The effect of the defeat of such weapons is more effective than that of 9-caliber pistols. It is worth noting that “Hauda” without recharging is capable of only two shots, and re-activation requires skill and the use of both hands. Among the shortcomings, there is also a rough finish on the outer parts of the trim.

double-barreled machine gun

In conclusion

Изначально травматическое оружие изготавливалось by reducing and processing combat models of pistols. In this field, the world-famous short revolver "Bulldog", which was equipped with a short barrel with four muzzle holes. Later, a wide variety of imitations appeared not only of this revolver, but also of “TT”, “Makarov”, “Browning”, “Berets” and other variations. Modern modifications are made of lighter, but no less practical materials, have good characteristics and are excellent for self-defense.

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