/ / Built-in toilet: installation features

Built-in toilet seat: installation features

Built-in toilet bowl
Without doubt, the toilet is an extremely importantaccessory. It should be as comfortable and convenient to use as possible. Modern technologies make it possible to do this, since recently a very interesting and functional option is a toilet built into the wall.

This option has a lot of plumbingadvantages and advantages over standard options. Built-in toilet allows you to install the entire system and sew all pipes, adapters and hoses, hiding them behind the false panel. That is, only the toilet bowl and drain button will be visible in the bathroom, which is a very beautiful, original and at the same time functional option.

This choice will allow you to save a little spacein the toilet and make the cleaning of the bathroom more pleasant and comfortable, since it will not be difficult to wipe the floor under the toilet. In addition, a toilet with a built-in tank allows the tank to hide behind a false panel. After that it is covered with tiles, which makes the toilet in the apartment cozy.

Also, such a hanging toilet can significantlysave water, as there is not always the need to empty the tank completely. Two discharge buttons are responsible for a small amount of water discharge (from 3 to 5 liters) and full (from five or more).

Wall mounted toilet bowl

Another important advantage is thatthis toilet is not very noisy. Due to the heat-insulating layer of the tank and the falsh panel, it works very quietly. In addition, the heat-insulating layer serves as protection from condensation.

Built-in toilet is mounted on a speciala partition that is attached to the wall. More expensive toilets allow you to adjust their height. And another great advantage of hanging toilet bowls is the possibility of their installation in the corner of the room. For this purpose, a special trapezoidal mounting frame is included.

The standard frame has fasteners and supports.In addition, there are convenient controls for leveling the design. The structure is fastened to the rear wall and the floor, and the toilet itself is hung directly on the supports. Supports in such structures can withstand loads of up to 400-500 kilograms.

Toilet bowl with integrated cistern

An equally important feature is thatthe drain button is easily removed. This is done so that you can easily get to the system for repair. Although this may not be necessary at all, since the built-in toilet is quite reliable and is sold with a guarantee of at least three years. But if you need to replace some detail, it will not be difficult.

Another pretty nice highlight isthe possibility of creating an additional shelf for your own needs. For this purpose, the false panel is made either half the height of the toilet room, or an additional hole is cut in the plasterboard and the support is mounted. Thus, it turns out a kind of locker. Also make a small door.

In conclusion, it is worth mentioning that the built-in toilet is quickly and conveniently installed. For the laying of communications it will be enough to bring them out for a false panel and connect it to the toilet.

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