/ Swimming as a sport. History and development of swimming as a sport

Swimming is like a sport. History and development of swimming as a sport

Today, when different technologies evolve withat an immeasurable speed, viewing swimming competitions from another country is no longer new. Thousands or even millions of viewers worry about the athletes. It seems that swimming as a sport originated recently. In principle, it is. Of course, people learned to float and even move along it quite a long time ago, but swimming became a sport later. Among other things, it is worth noting that it is useful for the body. A great method for losing weight is used by many as the easiest. Now this sport is gaining popularity. Beautiful artistic swimming, spectacular competitions in free style cannot be ignored. When and where swimming as a sport originated and became so popular? What are the types and styles? What is the characteristic of swimming as a sport? All this you will learn from this article.

swimming as a sport


Scientists have found that even in antiquity was bornswimming. As a sport or as a necessity - is unknown. Pictures were found on the walls of the caves, which presumably date to 5000 years BC. e. Ancient people noticed that many animals were able to move on water, and adopted this ability. As you might guess, the first style was the way of swimming “like a dog”. He existed for a long time, until he was replaced by a breaststroke. And that became the basis for all subsequent innovations. In ancient civilizations, swimming began to acquire particular popularity. The first written record dates back to 2000 BC. e. It is also known that in ancient Rome, swimming became the basis for training athletes, including those who participated in the Olympic Games. But the history of swimming as a sport originates from the turn of the XV-XVI centuries. It was then that the first competitions began to be held.

swimming history as a sport

Таким образом, плавание появилось довольно давно.Even the ancient people used it for movement on water. Swimming developed, new styles appeared, and it gradually became a sport. It is not strange, the story of creating swimming as a sport resembles running. It was also used initially as a necessity, and only after a large amount of time did the run become a sport. Swimming today is one of the most famous and popular activities. Many use it as an exercise for weight loss and recovery.

History of styles

As already mentioned, at the very beginning, whenthere was the birth of swimming, it had only one style - “like a dog”. However, then a breaststroke appeared, on the basis of which new species began to be invented. The next style was the side. Swimming legs resembled scissors. Then people began to float with saplings, which allowed them to develop a greater speed compared to others. Then John Tredzhen in 1783 invented a style called his last name. Then the competitions were quite popular, and the new method allowed to set many world records, including its creator. Then finally a crawl appeared. He was brought to England by Richard Caville from Australia. Soon the style was recognized as the fastest, which to this day is. Today he is the most popular.

history of swimming as a sport


The crawl is a style of swimming on the belly.When using it, the left and right parts of the body move alternately. The arms stroke along the axis in turns, while the legs are raised and lowered. Difficult compared to other styles of equipment. The swimmer's face should be in the water and rise beyond its limits only to inhale. Krol is considered to be the fastest form of swimming. At competitions there is the concept of “free style”, in which athletes have the right to swim as they like, but everyone chooses a crawl.

Due to the fact that the head is lowered under the water, handscan make large strokes, and it is positively displayed at speed. If you compare the crawl with swimming on the back, then the first one is faster, that's why. When compared with the butterfly stroke, the latter also loses due to the fact that they mainly work with their hands, and the hull does not help. Uniform acceleration, which is possible only in a crawl, helps athletes to travel long distances at speed without getting tired.

Interesting Facts

It turns out that the crawl was born a long time ago.It was originally used by the Indians. And Europe met him in 1844, when the Americans defeated the English swimmers. Defeated but proud athletes did not want to use the new style, as they considered it "barbaric" because of the large number of splashes. The history of the emergence of swimming as a sport, in particular, styles, had such strange moments.

After the Australian crawl an American appeared,thanks to the improvements. It is the latter today is the very "freestyle". The starting position in the crawl is “loose-fitting”, the swimmers are turned face down, their legs are straight, their arms are extended upwards.

synchronized swimming as a sport


As already mentioned, it was the breaststroke that became the transition.from the style of "like a dog" and almost the basis for all others. Swimming as a sport could not exist without it. The look was born quite a long time ago: the first image of people using a style similar to breaststroke was discovered in the Egyptian "Swimmers Cave". Painting refers to about 9000 BC. e. Also known Assyrian drawing depicts a soldier using this method, but the image was created within 1292-1225. BC e. Danish Nicolas Vinman in 1538 was one of the first to describe the breaststroke in his book. The famous "frog kick" with his legs began to be used only in the XIX century.

At various breaststroke competitions oftenIt was Russian and Soviet athletes who won. In the Olympic Games, the style was included only in 1904, then the swim took place at 402 meters, only men participated. Then swimming as an Olympic sport began its development. Already in the next games, the distance was reduced to 200 m. Since 1924, competitions for women at the same distance began to take place. And in 1968, athletes began to compete for 100 meters.


Butterfly is swimming on the stomach, one ofthe heaviest styles. Tedious and difficult. The name comes from the word "butterfly." Indeed, some similarities can be found, mainly because of the characteristic strokes hands. Unlike the crawl, the arms stroke simultaneously, lifting the body above the water. At the same time a deep breath is taken. The legs and the pelvis move in the form of waves, giving acceleration. Although the performance is one of the most difficult, the butterfly is still the second fastest stele. Its main difference from a crawl is that the acceleration in it is uneven due to sharp strokes with its hands.

Interestingly, the butterfly is an improvedbreaststroke. Initially, swimmers realized that for greater speed it makes sense to raise their arms above the water. The movement of the body and legs was later replaced by a more comfortable and natural.

history of swimming as a sport

As already mentioned, the equipment in the butterflyextremely complex and requires proper execution. Many newcomers are afraid of this. It is rather difficult to learn how to combine movements with arms and legs, as well as inhaling with exhalations, which is why many go to the crawl. If in most other styles it is technically correct performance that is important, then in the butterfly, in addition to this, physical strength is important.

Difficult is wave-like movementbody, which is present (if we take into account only known styles) only in the butterfly. Therefore, such swimming as a sport for children is not the best option.

Equipment and regulations

For swimming in any style the outfit is the same:cap, goggles, swimming trunks or a one-piece swimsuit (for men or women, respectively) are also often used wetsuits. They began to appear in the 2000s. and are subdivided into types: from neck to ankle, from neck to knee, hydrostubes, swimming shorts. In 2010, FINA (International Swimming Federation) banned synthetics. Therefore, now only textiles are used.

Swimming as a sport today is held at 50-or 25 meter pools. At many competitions are swimming breaststroke and crawl. For example, at the Summer Olympics, World Championships, Universiade, World Cup. The latter is held annually.


  • crawl (aka freestyle): 50 m, 100 m, 200 m, 400 m, 800 m, 1500 m;
  • butterfly stroke: 50 m, 100 m, 200 m;
  • Brass: 50 m, 100 m, 200 m;
  • on the back: 50 m, 100 m, 200 m.

What to choose

Тем, кто только начинает заниматься плаванием, not necessarily professional, it is worth trying the crawl. But people who do not even know how to float on water need to start with the “dog-like” style. It is he, if you look, and underlies all the others. Then, respectively, you need to go to the crawl or breaststroke, where you can stop.

Pool or sea

If you choose between the sea and the pool, then there is no definite answer. But the first option is not available to most Russians or is possible only in summer.

При желании заниматься плаванием профессионально It is worth going to the coach in the pool. There you can train all year round and easily learn how to steer and move around on the water from scratch. However, for amateur activities, you can choose and open reservoirs. Thus, in the sea, waves and wind create natural barriers, and water has a healing effect. If the pool must pay for a ticket, then open water bodies are in the public domain. Everyone chooses because of the possibilities and preferences. However, an artificially created pool is safe, in most cases there are lifeguards. And in open water there is a chance not to cope with the flow and drown. The ideal option is a combination.

Here is an interesting sport story.Swimming is very popular, but there are other disciplines to which it is directly related. Next will be dismantled two of the most popular.

swimming as a sport for children


Плавание, велогонка, бег как один вид спорта referred to as triathlon. The name speaks for itself. The sport appeared not so long ago, it began in 1920-1930, when the analogue of today's triathlon La Course des Debrouillards took place in France. At that time, the run was 3 km, the bike was 12, and the voyage was carried across the Marne Canal. Unfortunately, since 1930 there was no mention of a triathlon until 1974, when in the US a group of friends-athletes either united and organized a club, where everyone practiced together. They represented several sports, namely running, biking and swimming. Also, friends began to organize competitions. Thus, the first competitions were held on September 25, 1974, in which 46 athletes participated. At the beginning, the race took 180.2 km, the run - 42.2 km; swimming - 3.86 km.

Participants argued for a long time about which sportrequires maximum stamina. As a result, an article was found stating that the cyclist Eddie Merckx had the highest oxygen consumption. And this sport has been recognized as requiring maximum stamina. Triathlon won so much popularity that many people seriously think about including it in the program of the Olympic Games. Competitions usually pass according to the standard: 1.5 km / 40 km / 10 km. The standard was developed by the director of triathlon races Jim Curl in the mid-80s.

Synchronized swimming

Perhaps synchronized swimming as a sportis one of the most beautiful disciplines. Usually only women participate, but more recently men have joined. The main thing in synchronized swimming is a coordinated performance by the team, combining diving under water and jumping. At the same time physical activity is colossal. It is necessary to spend a large amount of time in training to achieve high results. Russian athletes are leading in this sport, all competitors are equal in their training.

However, apart from standard technical and physicalThere are special difficulties: it is rather difficult to breathe during a performance. Constant and often long diving into the water requires a breath hold for a large amount of time. In order to protect the lungs, athletes put special clips on their noses.

But where does synchronized swimming originate as a sport?

swimming as an olympic sport


As you know, in Greece, created a hugenumber of disciplines. And synchronized swimming originates exactly from there, then groups of young men and women led round dances on the water. Only at the end of the XIX century. It was the beginning of synchronized swimming. Then in England, groups of swimmers were created, men who performed a variety of shapes in the water. And the first competitions organized in 1891 in Berlin. Then the artistic swimming, as it was then called, began its development. And in 1952, demonstrations were held at the Olympics, after which the sport received the name of synchronized swimming. In the same year, a corresponding committee was established at FINA. And in 1958 the first international competitions were held. The program of the Olympic Games included synchronized swimming only in 1984.

Rich and diverse swimming as a sport.History and development go back to ancient times. Today, swimming is gaining popularity among all the inhabitants of the earth. Everyone can find what they like best, as there are a great many species. Synchronized swimming is the most beautiful, triathlon is rich in different disciplines, and regular competitions remain classics. Many do swimming amateur, parents send their children to the section. The history of swimming as a sport continues its active development today.

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