The bicycle wheel is one of the most important parts of a bicycle. It is no less important than the frame, as with it takes up the entire load.
It is also necessary to take into account that the wheel itself weighs very little, and the weight of a cyclist can reach tens of kilograms. Therefore, the design of the bike should have increased stability.
In addition, the bicycle wheel shouldto withstand shock loads directed in different directions and caused by various bumps on the road. Thanks to modern developments, this part has become very durable and light, it is also reliable in operation.
The design, which has a modernThe bicycle wheel, in its basic structure, has not changed much from those that were twenty to thirty years ago. As a rule, it consists of knitting needles, a rim, a sleeve, a chamber and a tire. All wheels, which are used to create modern bikes, have their own characteristics. One of the most important of them was and remains the size of the wheel (tire and rim).
All sizes possessed by qualitythe bicycle wheel, or rather its rim, meets all generally accepted international standards. They determine not only the dimensions, but also the order of calculating them. So, for example, the landing size of the rim diameter is determined by the place where the tire is supposed to be. Measurements are carried out in millimeters or inches. The dimensions that a modern bicycle wheel has can vary from twenty to twenty-eight inches. The smallest are characteristic of urban folding models. The largest - for road and road bikes. Our most popular product, mountain bikes, is usually twenty-six-inch wheels.
Also an important component of the wheel istire. Now the market has a huge number of similar rubber products. The main difference between them, except, of course, quality is the tread design and the physical size of the tire. All sizes must also comply with international standards. In addition, all camera manufacturers must follow them.