The drug "Tamoxifen" is not sold in every pharmacy.It affects the body quite differently than preparations of a similar type. Its main difference is that it is not considered to be an androgenic or anabolic drug. But, in spite of this nuance, it is recommended to apply it to all actively trained bodybuilders. The drug "Tamoxifen" in bodybuilding no longer refers to anabolic, but to hormones. It is also important that this drug is an antiestrogen, the direct purpose of which is the treatment of various forms of cancerous tumors in women. Its components are able to prevent, and in some cases, stop the growth of cancerous tumors. Before we talk about why the "Tamoxifen" is used in bodybuilding, we will find out the history of its appearance.
The drug was discovered in 1966 by a groupEnglish scientists. Initially, he was planned to use as a female contraceptive. In 1971, studies began on its effectiveness against breast cancer, which were successful only in 1998. It was at this time and began to actively use the drug "Tamoxifen" in bodybuilding, the dosage of which is calculated for each bodybuilder individually.
In steroid preparations in large quantitiescontains fragrances that increase the total amount of estrogens. And if these hormones accumulate in the male body, then there may be negative consequences in the form of gynecomastia, fat deposits and fluid accumulation. Naturally, no bodybuilder wants this. That's why they began to use the drug "Tamoxifen" in bodybuilding. This drug blocks estrogen receptors and does not allow the above phenomena to spread. But we must clearly understand that it does not prevent the conversion of testosterone into estrogens, but only "war" with them. Therefore, there is no guarantee that this pharmacological preparation will cope with the task. Nutrition specialists prescribe Tamoxifen to sportsmen and bodybuilders only together with Proviron, which actively burns fat. Also, the drug "Tamoxifen" is prescribed and in those cases when the body accumulates excess fluid. In this case, it must be used together with steroids. Similarly, it is worth to go and if there are signs of gynecomastia.
The drug "Tamoxifen" in bodybuilding is usedbecause it helps to tighten the muscles. But in addition to advantages, he also has shortcomings. The negative impact of the drug on the body is proven, and before taking it, you should always consult a doctor. The medication Tamoxifen causes nausea (sometimes vomiting), cholestasis, hepatitis, dizziness, depression, headaches. It can also cause cataracts, retinopathy, and adverse effects on the endocrine system and the process of blood formation in professional athletes. In women, the drug quickly increases weight and causes vaginal bleeding, and in men - impotence and decreased libido. Frequent cases of itching, rash, fever and pain in the bones. But, despite all this, the drug "Tamoxifen" in bodybuilding, the price for which is not very high (from 50 rubles), is still used.