/ / Secrets of fishing: what to catch burbot?

Secrets of fishing: what to catch burbot?

Perhaps, burbot for anglers is the mostmysterious fish. Everyone heard about him, but few people caught him. The question of what to catch burbot is also relevant. Little is known about the lifestyle of this species. A lot of stories are told about him. For example, even in fishing literature, burbot appears as a scavenger, who allegedly eats exceptionally rotten fish and spoiled meat. But according to the assurances of the fishermen, all this is nothing more than fudge, the best bait for burbot is a fresh, mobile stockman. But meat products are not the first freshness, nothing but terrible torments for the sense of smell of man will not bring. So why catch nalema to stay not with an empty cage but with excellent trophies? Who do you believe - books or experienced fishermen?

on what to catch burbot
Catching on live bait

Конечно, каждый, кто хотя бы раз выудил из речной water is not even the largest burbot, will say that this fish will prefer to all the usual bait. This is the most efficient and effective bait bait. True, zhivets need not quite the usual. Unlike other carnivorous fish, burbot prefers not a dorwich or a vertex, but a ruff. He is not at all baffled by the sharp dorsal fin. It is this prickly fish that is what is best to catch the burbot. In addition, ruffs are also convenient because they are easy to find not only in late autumn, but also in winter. Most often their flocks are found under a bridge or near a steep bank. Also as zhivtsa can play minnows and bull-calves, and stickers will fit.

where to catch burbot in autumn
Features of catching benthic tackle

It is also worthwhile to say a little more about how,how to catch burbot on donka. As a bait is taken zivets. On some reservoirs it can replace fresh pieces of meat. There are many ways to plant a hook on a hook. The most optimal of them is through the back. In this case, the hook stitch should protrude outward. The hooks themselves must be large enough. Also it is worth remembering that burbot can make a sharp and strong jerk at the first danger, so it's just necessary to leave some reserve of free fishing line after casting. Donki themselves are checked periodically. A predator can take a livebrain and calmly stand with him, without showing his presence.

how to catch burbot on donkey
Bait for catching in autumn

But not only this predator is well suited to live bait.It also matters where to catch the burbot in the fall. On the rivers at this time of year a good alternative to the ruff will be a hefty bunch of red worms. It happens that on some water bodies burbot and does not pay attention to bait. He chooses only worms. The thing is that they are the main food object in such places. Another original autumn bait bait - freshly frozen capelin. It can be bought in any market. But before fishing it is not thawed, otherwise it will lose its shape. It will melt already in the water and will not have time to be spoiled at the same time.

What should you catch in winter?

If the fall is the best lure for the lover, thenThe preferences of burbot change slightly in winter. Of course, he still prefers ruffs or minnows, but better not the living, but already dead. But immediately you need to stipulate that the bait should be fresh. The smell of spoiled meat is unacceptable. With lowering of temperature, the burbot falls into a certain numbness. He becomes lazy and slow-moving. At this time, with a dead fish, it's much easier to cope with it.

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