/ / Tasty and healthy dishes from pumpkin for weight loss

Tasty and healthy dishes from the pumpkin for losing weight

dishes from pumpkin slimming
Among the variety of dietary products, pumpkinalways took a leading position, thanks not only to its exceptional usefulness, but also to its delicious taste. It has a juicy aromatic flesh and can be easily processed. The unique ability of the product not to lose its useful properties even with long storage will allow you to prepare delicious dishes from pumpkin for weight loss throughout the year. In the juicy pulp contains a huge amount of rare minerals and trace elements, but a special place is occupied by vitamins E, A, C and PP, which perfectly strengthen the general condition of the body and its immune system. But a rare vitamin T, called carnitine, is especially useful for those who want to get rid of extra pounds: it significantly speeds up the natural metabolism and facilitates the accelerated delivery of fat cells to the muscles.

 pumpkin slimming reviews
Especially useful is the raw pumpkin for weight loss, after allit, like any product of plant origin, contains a large amount of fiber and insoluble dietary fiber, which, thanks to its slow assimilation, contribute to the purification of the gastrointestinal tract. This product is universal in scope, it can be used to make not only side dishes, snacks and salads, but also sweets thanks to natural fructose. Below are very simple and delicious dishes of pumpkin (for weight loss), which will not only help lose weight, but also benefit the overall health of the body:

  • Pumpkin soup.Very light, but at the same time a hearty dish. It is prepared together with the Bulgarian pepper and carrots, if you want, you can add a little potatoes. All vegetables should be cleaned, cut into medium cubes and cook until cooked. For the flavor, add a little tomato paste or fresh tomatoes. Do not forget about spices and spices, but use of salt is best minimized.
  • Pumpkin porridge.Prepare usually with rice, oatmeal or millet. To do this, the pulp pulp should be cut into cubes and cook until half-ready for about 30 minutes. Then add 2-3 tablespoons of cereals and cook for another half hour on low heat.
    raw pumpkin for weight loss
  • Pumpkin stew.Here you can show all your imagination. To prepare this dish from pumpkin (for weight loss), you can use zucchini, carrots, bell peppers, mushrooms, beans, onions and tomatoes. Combine the ingredients on your own. Vegetables should be cut into large cubes and stew until softened, after adding a little oil and spices, and cook for another 5-10 minutes on low heat.
  • Pumpkin salads.To the flesh, cut into cubes or grated on a large grater, you can add celery root and carrots. Also do not forget about the greens, but as a dressing is better to use olive oil or low-fat sour cream. Still it is possible to prepare a fruit salad from a pumpkin, an apple, nuts and honey. For piquancy, you can add pineapple and a little cinnamon, and replace honey with natural yoghurt.
  • Baked pumpkin.Inveterate sweet tooth can not do without a dessert dish of pumpkin for weight loss. Tasty, sweet, and most importantly, very useful candied fruits will not leave you indifferent. Pumpkin should be cut into slices or half rings and put on a baking sheet. Since this is a dietary dish, it is better not to oil the shape with oil, but to choose dishes with non-stick coating or use foil. Bake for no more than 20 minutes, then you can pour the pumpkin with honey and sprinkle with cinnamon.

And how effective is the pumpkin for weight loss?The reviews only please positive dynamics. After all, this product unites in itself such a storehouse of useful substances, and its incredible nutritional content and nutrients will charge you with vigor and strength for the whole day without damaging the figure.

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