/ / Sergio Busquets - life, biography and career of a famous Spanish player

Sergio Busquets - the life, biography and career of a famous Spanish player

Sergio Busquets was born in 1988, July 16th.This is a famous Spanish football player, who currently occupies the position of midfielder in the Catalan club Barcelona. He also protects the colors of the Spanish national team. This person is considered to be one of the most professional defensive midfielders in modern football, so it’s worth telling in more detail about him.

sergio busquets

Start of professional activity

Sergio Busquets made his debut for the main team“Barcelona” in the match, held in the championship of Spain. It happened in 2008, September 13th. Then his club opposed the FC “Racing” (Santander). In a more solid meeting (in particular - in the Champions League), the player took part for the first time in the same year, but on October 22. Then the opponent of “Barcelona” was the Swiss “Basel”. In the same game, Sergio Busquets scored his first goal. The final score of the match was 5-0. And he scored the second goal in the last match of the group stage. Then the Catalans played against the Donetsk “Shakhtar”. True, they entered the field as a reserve team.

В 2009 году, 7 марта, футболист забил и первый goal in the framework of the championship of Spain. Then the opponent of “Barcelona” was “Athletic Bilbao”. Sergio Busquets spent the first season excellent. He entered the field 24 times in the national championship, played 7 matches in the Spanish Cup and eight games of the Champions League. It was a very good start.

midfield barcelona

Way to success

Sergio Busquets began to appear especially often onthe field in the second half of his first season, since at first the head coach wanted to watch his game go. The result pleased him, and the player began to release on the field more often, and often - in the first team. As a result, the promising midfielder of “Barcelona” was named the best young player in the championship of Spain 2008/09 season. And it is not surprising, because very few people are released to the Champions League final and the Spanish Cup at the age of twenty.

By the way, then, in 2009, he was awarded the Bravo Trophy. This award is usually awarded to the best young footballer in Europe.

sergeio busquets simulator

Further career

In his next season, the Catalan slowly, butcorrectly received the status of the leading midfielder of the entire team. He even began to succeed in squeezing out such a good player as Yaya Toure from the base. In the Spanish championship Sergio entered the field 33 times. To this should be added 10 matches of the Champions League, and it turns out a good result for the season. Sergio played a significant role in winning a team of six (!) Trophies for that year. After all, it was he who managed to level the score in a game that took place within the framework of the semifinal of the World Club Championship. Then the “Barcelona” gave way to the Mexican club “Atlanta”.

Правда, в 2010/11 году он забил всего один гол.Then he increased the score of the game against Athletic Bilbao to 3: 1 and, of course, it was a victory. By the way, in 2010 and 2011, this player was included in the symbolic teams.

Next season, he sent his first ball togate “Chelsea” - it was a match taking place in the semi-finals of the Champions League. He scored the second goal in the last, 38th round of the championship of Spain. Opponent then was FC “Betis”. And in 2013 it became known that the contract with the football player was extended until 2018. Retreat amounted to ... 250 million euros.

By the way, before the start of the 2014/15 season, the player changed his number - if he had previously performed under the sixteenth, now the “five” flaunts his shirt. And he is the vice-captain of his club.

sergeio busquets personal life

Interesting Facts

Many people claim that Sergio Busquets -the simulator Is it so? Despite the fact that the player has more than good success in football, he is not ashamed of simulations. There was once a case that for a long time hit the memory of the fans of this sport. Then the “Barcelona” played against Milan “Inter”. A fight broke out between Thiago Motta and Sergio, as a result of which Busquets effectively fell on the lawn, covering his face with his hands. This was supposed to portray the severe pain of Sergio. But only the cameras captured his cunning look and cheerful smile, which he himself showed to the public, opening his face with his fingers, believing that no one would notice. This case inspires online jokers to create different memes and funny pictures.

Правда, остальные футболисты не одобряют player behavior. Sergio Ramos, for example, was offended even by Busquets. Then he was removed from the field because of a foul, which he applied to the player, “Barcelona”. He even wrote on Twitter: how Busquets was rolling on the lawn is something. That such unfair habit is observed for such a player as Sergio Busquets.

The personal life of a football player, as you know,turned out well. True, he hides it with all his might from the public and the press. So no details other than the fact that he has a girlfriend, no. Sergio does not consider it necessary to make to make out for all to see his life outside the stadium.

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