/ / Olivier Giroux: biography and personal life of the football player

Olivier Giroux: biography and personal life of a football player

Famous football player Olivier Giroux was bornin the French town of Chambery on September 30, 1986. Love for football, which the boy had at a very young age, dedication, perseverance and careful work on himself helped Olivier gain worldwide recognition and fame.

Club career

The first club for which Olivier spoke was"Grenoble". The debut of the football player, held on March 24, 2006, was quite successful. His first goal, the striker was able to score a month later, and this ball brought victory to his club in a duel against the Le Havre team.

Olivier Giroux

In 2007, Olivier Giroud rented the club "Istres", inbut stayed in the league for a short while and literally was soon rented to the "Tour", where he successfully played two seasons, one of which was voted the best scorer.

In July 2010 the French strikermade his debut in the Montpellier against the Hungarian team of Dyer in the qualification of the European League. In the course of the game, Girou scored the first goal scored for the new team, which was also unique and victorious.

In the league 1 Olivier Giroux began to speak in August2010 in the "Montpellier". Brilliantly playing, he often led his team to victory. With each season, the number of goals scored by the attackers increased significantly, and if in 2010-2011, this indicator was equal to twelve, in 2011-2012. - already twenty-one. Moreover, in 2012, "Montpellier" for the first time became the champion of France for all time of its existence. The popularity of Olivier was already world-wide.

London Arsenal

After a successful season of Frenchthe player was interested in two English clubs - "Arsenal" and "Chelsea". Giraud decided to give preference to the "Gunners", which was reinforced by the contract. According to the player himself, he dreamed of playing in the Premier League of England since childhood, and is therefore very happy about his new job.

Olivier Giroud: Arsenal

Olivier made his debut for Arsenal in the match against the Sunderland team on August 18, 2012. The first goal in the new club striker scored on September 26 at the gates of "Coventry".

Olivier Giroux, Arsenal for which he became the second home, all the time improved his technique of possession of the ball and tried to realize himself in every game in full force.

Performances in the national French national team

Thanks to the brilliant game of the player for the "Montpellier", Laurent Blanc, coach of the French national team, in 2011, called Olivier on friendly matches against the national teams of Belgium and the United States.

On November 11, 2011, Giroux debuted for his country's national team in a game with the Americans. The first goal Olivier spent at the gate of the German national team, having distinguished themselves in the 21st minute of the first half.

Giro Olivier was declared to the French national team forparticipation in the Euro 2012 held in Ukraine and Poland. At the championship he took part in three matches, but fortune was not so favorable this time, and therefore Giroux did not manage to distinguish himself.

Interesting Facts

According to the magazine Têtu, in 2011 Olivier Girouxwas recognized as the sexiest football player in France. The striker has extraordinary external data and a physique, which allows him to often take part in various photo shoots, and sometimes even in the nude.

After the end of the friendly match of "Arsenal" against the national team of Vietnam, the French football player noted an interesting act: in podtribunnom room, he took off his shorts and gave them to his fan.

In one of his interviews, the French striker said that he believes that fate predetermines him to live a bright and beautiful life, and therefore always, even in the most difficult situations, hopes for a miracle.

Olivier Giroux: personal life

Olivier Giroux: personal life

Forward of the London "Arsenal" is married.His wedding with Jennifer took place in 2011, 1.5 years after which the daughter of Jade was born in the family of Giroux. It would seem that love and harmony prevailed in their relationship, since Olivier Giraud and his wife were inseparable. Jennifer always attended the matches in which her husband played, shared with him the joy of victory and the pain of defeats.

However, Olivier in a single moment destroyed the entire familyidyll, on the eve of another match, changing his lawful wife to the British model Celia Kay. The next day, everyone, including Jennifer, knew about the incident, thanks to the Sun that wrote about it. However, Giraud himself and the model deny that they had an intimate affinity.

Olivier, realizing that he faces a break with his wifeand a very impressive fine from the football club for violating the terms of the contract (about 280 thousand euros), publicly apologized for his rash act.

Olivier Giraud and his wife

"Arsenal" regretted his striker and decided not topunish him this way, but about the relationship with his wife, everything is much more complicated. She put forward Olivier's condition: if he does not return to France, then their marriage ends. In the life of a scandalous striker is now a difficult period, when he needs to choose what is more expensive for him: a career or a family. How will the future fate of Zhira after the thundering sexual scandal, is still unknown.

Olivier Giroux is a famous French striker who, thanks to his excellent game, earned worldwide recognition and fame.

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