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Do you know how to crouch

It seems to all of us the squatting technique is familiar withchildhood. But either we forgot how to squat correctly, or taught us this not so, and instead of loading muscles and developing thighs, we can sometimes injure our legs and back with wrong movements.

So, let's get acquainted with someadvice on the implementation of this, of course, an excellent exercise that affects the structure of quadriceps and biceps hips on the development of the muscles of the buttocks and the bottom of the back. Wrong execution of it leads to muscle overload and quite serious injuries in these places.

The majority of recommendations refer tothe need to directly hold the back and head while performing squats. Such a vertical position is necessary for the muscles of the thigh to be more pressure than the muscles of the buttocks, the lower back and the pelvis. True, this position is very inconvenient for people with a long torso, especially if they are engaged in burdening. Yes, and a person with a normal physique during the squat, the technique of performing which is equally complex and uncomfortable for any type of figure, also tilts instinctively forward. So we are arranged.

Carrying out a similar exercise with a largeweight, the athlete on lifting remembers that you should keep your back upright, and begins to try to do it. That's where he feels pain and strong pressure at the bottom of his back. So you can damage your back if a person does not know how to squat properly with weights. And you need to do the following: even before the start of the exercise, lean slightly forward, fix the pose and in this position, perform squats. The back will be both strained and flat, as required by the correct execution of this exercise, but at the same time it will be inclined all the time at an angle of 35 ° -45 °. Thanks to this, a large part of the load is removed from the back, and even the knees do not hurt. The main thing is to fix this position and not to leave it while you squat.

In addition, another tip, as correctsquat. Do not put under the heels of the stand, than some use. And without them, if you do everything right, the muscles of the legs will increase in volume, but there will be no unnecessary loads on the joints.

That squats (with weights or without) were giveneffect, it is necessary to develop the elasticity of the Achilles tendons. With insufficient emancipation, it will be difficult for you to perform most of the exercises, since there will be a chance of falls. After all, how to squat correctly, if the condition of the hips, popliteal and Achilles tendons, backs, shoulders do not allow to be flexible ?!

To develop the elasticity of the tendons quickly does notit will turn out. If you have a similar problem, you should first of all pay attention to it before you go to serious stress during class. After all, the flexibility given to you by nature, you lost not in one day, and catch up soon will not have to catch up. Persistence in training, time and effort - this is your trump card in the development of the elasticity of the ligaments, so necessary for squats. Stretching only after basic exercises, classes in the hall every other day, specially chosen exercises for flexibility - all this, undoubtedly, will eventually give its result.

Do not pay attention to those who chuckleabove you, seeing how you squat without pancakes with one bar. After all, the main thing for you is to work out the correct technique of performing the exercise. Hardly you will develop an ideal rack and your ligaments will get used to the daily load, how correctly to squat you will become much clearer and easier, and then you can increase the weight of the bar. But until the tendons have not acquired the necessary elasticity, and the technical performance of the exercises has not reached a decent level, it is not necessary to add burdens to the bar. Otherwise, training will be a curse for you, and there will be no benefit at all, besides getting injured will be easier than ever. In everything you need patience and consistency. Only this way you can come to the correct, effective performance of squats that will develop a beautiful figure of your hips and legs.

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