On what to catch a pike, so that the bite does not makeyourself for a long time to wait? It is this issue that we will consider in more detail in our article, namely, fishing for pike in September. This month is known to all fishermen-spinners as a crazy migration of fish from summer "pastures" to more in-depth places for wintering.
A few words about autumn migration and pike habitats
Many fishermen claim that in narrowshallow rivulets it is almost impossible to catch a large fish, believe that the whole "krupnyak" is found in deep lakes. However, this is pure water misconception. Often it happens that a few individuals of large sizes in early summer swim in a small river and feed there throughout the summer. What is the most profitable for catching a pike in this period? Unequivocally answer this question will not work, because the pike is a fish unpredictable. Sometimes she wants to hunt, chase after some fish, and the next day she can lazily float on the bottom and eat all kinds of piyavochek or absorb a little live fish. There are still some difficulties associated with the fact that in the summer such rivers are overgrown, this causes great discomfort for the fishermen. Even if the fisherman can successfully throw the tackle, hold it, and there will be a bite, then you can not even hope to get the fish out to the shore. After all, she immediately ransacked into the bushes, having tangled your tackle and multiplying all your chances of getting her to zero. How correctly to catch a pike in heavily overgrown places? Probably, try to get as quietly as possible in boots closer to the bushes, taking with them the podsachek.
Selection of bait
On what to catch a pike in the active period as much as possibleeffectively? Yes, almost any wire lure will come in handy, from small twisters to large vibrations. When choosing a bait, a significant role is played by the flow velocity and depth.