/ / Maxwell - football, attracting trophies

Maxwell - football, attracting trophies

It can not be said that Maxwell is a football playeroutstanding playing qualities. He has a fairly average level, but he will be saved by his incredible ability to be at the right time in the right place and always be able to prove useful to the club, regardless of the fact that its level is much lower than the level of the club. Maxwell is a football player who deserves attention.

Carier start

The Brazilian left-back started his careerat home, where he graduated from the football academy of the famous club "Cruzeiro". Maxwell is a football player who, like everyone else, was offered a professional contract at the age of 18, which he signed with pleasure, because it's a great honor in Brazil to play for Cruzeiro. For a year and a half, the young defender played 27 games, so you can say that he fit well with the team, together with her, he even took the Brazil Cup in 2000, but this was his first and only Brazilian trophy. No matter how honorable the top club from Brazil, any club from Europe to the Brazilian will be more attractive. Therefore, at the age of 20, the player moved to the Dutch "Ajax", known for his ability to grow world stars from young talents. Maxwell - a football player, who can not be called a football genius, but in his youth, he gave great hopes.

The first experience in Europe

Maxwell football player

"Ajax" paid for Maxwell three and a halfmillion euros and definitely did not regret it, at least in the first four years, for which Maxwell, a football player whose biography was just beginning to unfold, played in 147 games and helped his team win the Dutch Championship twice, once - the Dutch Cup and twice - The Dutch Super Cup. However, in 2005, the 24-year-old player suffered a very serious injury that knocked him out of action for a year. Naturally, Ajax managed to replace it, and when Maxwell began to recover, his contract was reduced. The fact is that "Ajax" did not count on him, but the Italian "Inter" literally burned with a desire to sign it.

Going to Inter

Maxwell football player biography

Maxwell - footballer, whose photos to thattime began to appear in all European football magazines, and "Inter" did not want to miss such a great opportunity to get a rising star. In January 2006, Maxwell became a player, "Inter", but there was one difficulty. In Italy there are strict restrictions on the number of players not from the European Union, and Maxwell could not be involved in "Inter". Therefore, the club agreed to send it to rent at Empoli before the end of the season.

Unfortunately, the defender was not needed there, but the clubagreed solely out of financial gain, so these six months fell out of the football life of Maxwell. But already in 2006, the 25-year-old defender began to play for his new club, and for three years he stayed there, he played 92 games, and helped his club three times in a row to become the champion of Italy - an incredible achievement. Also, with him, the club won two Super Cups of Italy, after which the Spanish "Barcelona" expressed the desire to sign the Brazilian for four and a half million euros.

Sunset career

Maxwell football player achievements

If in "Inter" Maxwell was a key player, thenin the "Barcelona" he was only needed the first two seasons, in the third he played only 12 matches compared to 77 for the first two seasons. The defender twice became the champion of Spain, won the Spanish Super Cup three times, won the Champions League, twice won the UEFA Super Cup and twice - the Club World Cup. Incredible figure for the player is not the highest level.

Performances for PSG

Maxwell football player photo

In 2012, the 31-year-old defender for three and a halfmillion moved to the French PSG, as "Barcelona", he obviously was no longer needed. And again he was in the right place at the right time - the Parisian club was just beginning its domination in France. It's amazing that even with the impressive age, Maxwell continues to play on a regular basis: for four and a half years he played in 174 games and won with PSG four champion titles in France, one French Cup, three League Cups, and three French Super Cups. As you can see, Maxwell is a football player whose achievements will make you wonder. Now his contract with PSG expires, and it is not yet known whether he will be extended or the 34-year-old defender will have to look for a new club.

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