/ / Fishing in Bratsk: what kind of fish is there and how to catch it?

Fishing in Bratsk: what kind of fish is found and how to catch it?

Бурный нрав реки Ангары обуздали и заставили work for a person. During the construction of a hydroelectric station near the city of Bratsk, one of the largest reservoirs in the world was created. The dimensions of the Bratsk water reservoir are impressive, and the richness and diversity of fish stocks attract fishermen. Fishing in Bratsk will please not only an amateur, but also a professional.

fishing in brotherhood

Conditions for fishing in Bratsk

The width of the Bratsk water reservoir reaches 20 km,the average depth reaches 30 meters, the multi-kilometer coastline features an abundance of different bays, both large and small, with different depths. On the banks in some places stretch kilometers of sandy beaches. The surface of the beaches is smooth and smoothly goes into the depths. Conditions for fishing are very favorable. In summer you can catch from the boat and from the shore. Winter fishing is also very popular, but for ice fishing there are only four zones. Fishing in winter in other places, outside these zones, is prohibited. Irkutsk region invites everyone who is not indifferent to fishing.

The fish world of the reservoir is diverse.Here live the usual for European reservoirs types of fish. But there are others who are not found in the rivers of the Volga, Don and other basins of European rivers. Angara is a river in Bratsk, which is famous for its abundance of differently-sized fish.

Irkutsk region

Features of catching valuable species of fish

Fish (chir, or local chokur) is a relativewhitefish, reaches a length of 50 to 85 cm. There are specimens weighing up to 11 kg, but usually fishermen catch fish weighing up to 4 kg. They catch the chokura by spinning, by float fishing rod or in-between. For bait use insects, their larvae, as well as shellfish. Shokur likes to go to the shallows, where the depth is not more than 2 meters. At the first fish caught rip open the belly and watch what it prefers to eat at the moment. So they choose the bait: what does the fish have more in the stomach, then it will eagerly peck. Chir walks in packs, it is worth considering if you are attracted to fishing in Bratsk.

After the cutting, it has a stubborn resistance,strongly splashing and can scare away the flock. It is necessary to withdraw from water carefully, but quickly, it is necessary to use a podsachekom. To quickly calm the fish, you can use a beater. The caught fish should be immediately gutted, otherwise it will deteriorate very quickly.

Fishing grayling

Grayling is a close relative of salmonidsfish. Lives in cold water. In the Angara, it feels great, is found in large numbers and is a welcome prey for local fishermen. Catch grayling on the spinning and float fishing rod. As an attachment, earthworms, larvae of beetles, crustaceans are taken. Experienced fishermen of earthworms are often tinted with organic dyes of red or pink color.

winter fishing brother

Очень хорошо ловится хариус на рачка-бокоплава, local fishermen call it bormash. On the hook it is planted both in a live and slightly boiled form. Surprisingly, grayling is very well caught with artificial bait. Local fishermen make flies themselves using various materials, including even feathers from the neck of a red cock and other birds. The flies are immediately wound on hooks, without trying at the same time to achieve a real similarity with a particular insect. For each species there is a forecast for fishing in Bratsk.

Who is so raw?

Pelyad - another fish of the whitefish family, forwhich the Angara waters became native. The locals call it cheese. Weigh fish up to 3 kg at a length of up to 50 cm. It is well caught on a float fishing rod from the shore. As bait, earthworms, bloodworms and shellfish are used. He bites reluctantly at the tresses. It prefers to stay at a distance of one to one and a half meters from the bottom, so the nozzle should be kept at this depth. Fruitful fishing in Bratsk is possible with a competent approach.

The fish are very shy, so experienced fishermenthrow the bait as long as possible from the shore, and they themselves hide in bushes. Some even wear camouflage suits. When winter fishing you have to shade the hole with snow and stay away from it at a distance. So winter, fishing, Bratsk are incomprehensible!

The catch is 6 kilograms!

Хищная рыба ленок радует любителей спортивной fishing. It weighs up to 6 kg with a body length of 70 cm. It feeds on small fish, swallows even mice and frogs. Likes to hunt in the shallows. It's good to catch a spoon, but local fishermen prefer to use an artificial fish made from thin white tin, they call it devon. You can also catch lenok from the shore on the earthworm and insect larvae. Willingly he grabs artificial and real flies.

fishing forecast

Irkutsk region is rich in rivers and lakes. You will certainly find a place to relax with the company.

Common fish species in Bratsk

With regard to traditional fish species, localanglers willingly catch a pike, perch, catfish, carp. Bream, crucian carp, roach, bleak are extracted throughout the water area of ​​the reservoir from the boat and from the shore. Of course, it is more convenient to catch a boat, but fishing from the shore has its advantages. You can not sit in one place, and wander the beautiful beaches in search of places of intense biting. Visiting fishermen note that in the reservoir perch, roach, bream, ide, carp, white amur is larger than in the reservoirs of the European part. Some even believe that the huge size of the water area stimulates the growth of fish. This, of course, is not quite so. A rich fodder base, clean ecology created a favorable habitat for all species of fish. Predators in full perform the work of the sanitarians of the reservoir, and man did not violate the balance of nature by the predatory destruction of fish stocks.

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As a result, fishing in Bratsk is able to give a lot of pleasure to everyone who wants to fish a variety of species, including those that are considered delicate.

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