/ / Pilates: Benefit and Harm

Pilates: Benefit and Harm

Great popularity todayfitness programs that combine the principles of several sports destinations and various types of loads. One such system is Pilates. The benefit of using this technique is colossal, if you believe the promises of its author. And what about safety and contraindications? We will try to understand this issue in detail.

The only type of fitness that fits all!

Pilates is positioned as a kind of gymnastics, notHas restrictions on sex, age and level of physical fitness. It sounds quite tempting, considering that the author of the system promises to all his followers the improvement, the development of muscles in the shortest time and even the disposal of extra pounds. Pilates recommend those who have never been involved in sports, and professional athletes as a supplement to the basic training program. Enroll in a group of this type of fitness can be at any age. Many sports clubs have programs for children from 3 years and older people. Speaking of sparing systems of training and physical development, fitness instructors often advise their clients exactly Pilates. The benefits of practicing this gymnastics will be for the whole organism, with almost no risks.

Pilates Benefits

Pilates - the easiest way to find the perfect figure

The majority of women first enrolled infitness center, wonder: Is the chosen direction precisely helping to get rid of excess weight and will not lead to too noticeable increase in muscles? The risk of "pumping over" when practicing pilates is absent. This gymnastics is aimed at harmonious development of the body. With regular training you can achieve a noticeable result. The body becomes more flexible and tightened, surpluses of subcutaneous fat gradually disappear. If you follow the diet in parallel with the exercises, the process will accelerate. What is curious, very often with obesity recommend Pilates. The benefits of this system are obvious: classes allow you to gradually gain control over your body and develop it. In Pilates, cardio and force loads are almost completely absent. After proper training, there is no physical fatigue. On the contrary, many dealers call this type of fitness very pleasant and relaxing.

The use of Pilates for women

Breathing and Stamina

When doing exercises of gymnastics Pilatesyou need to closely monitor your own breathing. It is worth noting that the author of this fitness discipline himself suffered as a child in diseases of the respiratory tract. For this reason, in his system of development and improvement of the human body, he pays special attention to breathing and the development of lung function. Pilates can help you learn how to breathe properly and get rid of shortness of breath. Another feature of this type of fitness is the effective training of deep muscles, which are usually not used for other types of exercise. Such a development of the body allows you to become stronger physically and more enduringly. At the same time visually the growth of muscles is almost invisible. The figure simply becomes more taut and elastic.

Natural improvement of the body with the help of gymnastics

The use of Pilates for women iscomplex development of body capabilities. Many representatives of the fair sex notice that with the start of training, the complexion and overall well-being improve. Training regularly, you can become calmer and learn to deal with stress and bad mood more easily. Pilates are often praised as a rejuvenating gymnastics. This effect can not be disputed, since the uniform development of all the muscles of the body in combination with the stretching makes the figure ideal. In this case, as was noted above, Pilates increases the overall endurance of the organism. And this means that a gymnast is better tolerated by any physical exertion than a person without sports training.

Pilates is good and bad

Experiencing regular pain in the back, waist and neck? Pilates will help you! The use of this type of fitness is also in the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Grace and perfect posture

Very often Pilates choose professionalactors, models and dancers. This technique allows for moderate loads to achieve improved flexibility. There are a lot of stretching exercises and whole complexes for back muscles supporting the spine in the program. Pilates allows you to improve your posture and straighten your shoulders. After a couple of months of regular training, the movements become more plastic. Noticeable changes in the gait, it becomes really flying and spectacular. It is for these reasons that pilates is often called a predominantly feminine type of fitness. But in fact, it can be done by men.

Pilates lessons are useful

Pilates: benefit and harm for women at home

Pilates classes do not require anyspecial equipment and inventory. Thanks to this, this kind of gymnastics is accessible to everyone. If you want, you can do it yourself at home. A significant part of the exercises is simple, it is impossible to perform them incorrectly. Also, many sports clubs offer classes in the Pilates system. The benefits and harms for women of this type of fitness directly depends on the quality of the exercises. If home workouts do not bring joy and discomfort, stop exercising and consult a fitness instructor. It is possible that you are doing something wrong or misunderstood the description of the set of exercises.

The use of Pilates for health

Forget everything that you were told in training by other methods!

To some newcomers, classes seem to be Pilatesineffective, because after them there is no feeling of fatigue and pain in the muscles. Indeed, since childhood, we are taught that painful sensations after intense sports training is a normal phenomenon. But in Pilates any discomfort signals that you are training incorrectly. It is inadmissible to increase the number of repetitions of exercises. The use of Pilates for health is moderate, but at the same time quite effective loads. Failure to follow the recommendations of the coach can be accompanied by the appearance of pain in the muscles and their damage.

Absolute contraindications for pilates

Pilates is suitable for young children, pregnantwomen and the elderly. Very often this type of fitness is advertised as having no contraindications. But this is not true. Patients with a diagnosis of osteoporosis are strictly forbidden to use Pilates. The use of this gym is undeniable in the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. If any chronic diseases of bones and joints are present, it is necessary to consult a physician individually. It is not recommended to engage in pilates for persons with chronic mental illness.

Pilates benefits and harm for women

Gymnastics can help to curedepression or get rid of bad mood. But with serious pathologies, such sports training is unacceptable. Another limitation is pain syndrome. If there is such a diagnosis, the sports physician should make a decision about the admissibility of fitness. These are all contraindications for practicing gymnastics pilates. The benefits and harms of this type of fitness are now known to you, it remains only to decide when to start classes.

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