/ Nods for winter fishing. Homemade nod for winter fishing rod

Nods for winter fishing rod. Homemade nod for winter fishing rod

Any fisherman will tell you that for successful fishing you need only two things: success and the right tackle. You and I are unlikely to be able to influence the first, but the second depends on us.

In this article we will talk about winter fishing on a fly-free fishing rod and pay special attention to such a device for it as a nod.

What are the winter fishing rods

Winter rod, unlike the usual summer,has a short length and a very simple design. All models of winter rods, presented today on sale, are divided into three categories in form and device:

  • ordinary fishing pole
  • "Filly";
  • "balalaika".

Nods for winter fishing rod

There are also many homemadedesigns of winter rods, invented and brought to life by our savvy anglers. Winter homemade fishing rods are not inferior to the store, and in many cases even surpass them.

What are the main models of winter fishing rods

An ordinary fishing pole consists of a cortical orfoam handle, attached to it reel and whip 15–40 cm long. These are universal rods, as they can be used for fishing of any kind and size, changing the whips.

"Filly" - the easiest winter fishing pole.In its design the coil is not provided. The line is wound on the handle itself, made in the form of reel. She also provides the possibility of changing the whip. Fishermen often make “fillies” on their own, adjusting them to certain fishing conditions. Winter homemade fishing rods of this type are mostly used for catching small perch, roach and smelt.

"Balalaika" is more often used in sport fishing.small fish when fishing is done on time. In order to reduce the size of the rod in this model, the coil was placed inside the handle. The whip can also be changed quickly and easily by selecting the necessary stiffness.

But buy or make yourself anyof the models is still half the battle, it is also important to know how to assemble the winter fishing rod correctly. And here the focus should be on such an element as a nod. It depends on him how the fish will react to the bait, and how quickly the angler will do the cutting.

Winter homemade fishing rods

What is a nod

The nod (guards) is an element of a winter fishing rod,designed to provide the necessary game bait, as well as to signal bite. It is attached directly to the whip using the clamp provided for in the construction or by using scrap materials (cambric, electrical tape, rubber ring, wire, etc.). The equipment with a nod of a winter fishing pole is used both for fishing on peaceful fishes, and for hunting a predator.

But only correctly selected and competentlytuned guards will make the bait game perfect and prompt the angler about biting. It is very important to choose the right length, and rigidity, and material. After all, too hard guards will turn your bait into a regular stick, and too plastic will become an unnecessary problem, dangling from the wind or current. Let's try to figure out what are the nods for the winter fishing rod, as well as where, when and which ones are best to use.

When a nod is used

Winter fishing rod provides two types of equipment:float and nod. In the first case, the rod is equipped with a reel and main fishing line with a float that serves as a bite warning device. Typically, this type of tooling is used to fish on a baited hook.

In cases where the use of a float is not possible (strong frost, wind) or when mormyshki-without a bottle is used as bait, a nod is applied.

Usually, fishermen have in their arsenal several types of guards intended for fishing in various conditions.

What do nods

Nods for winter fishing rods are made of such materials:

  • plastic (lavsan);
  • sheet steel;
  • steel spring;
  • bamboo;
  • boar wool, etc.

Side nods

Also, the guards can be composite, i.e. made of several different materials.

Types of nods for rigidity

Any gatehouse, depending on what it is made of, as well as the length, has its rigidity. Nods are usually classified as:

  • soft;
  • average;
  • hard;
  • superrigid.

Soft and medium nods for winter fishing rods can be used to catch any fish on bodies of water with stagnant or moderate currents.

Rigid and superrigid guards are used at a depth of more than 5 m in conditions of intense flow, as well as strong wind.

How to pick a nod depending on the bait

Considering that winter fishing can be carried outusing different baits, it is very important to choose a lodge that matches their weight, size and behavior in the water. The following types of nods are classified according to these criteria:

  • nod for unwrapped;
  • nod for mormyshka;
  • nod for vertical glinting;
  • nod is balanced.

Самые мягкие сторожки используют для ловли на mormyshku without bait roach, small perch. Most often, they are made of thin plastic sheet or Dacron. They have the highest elasticity, which provides a "believable" game of various "devils", "goats", "nymphs" and other unwrapped.

Кивки для зимней удочки, оснащенной обычной mormyshkoy, must be tougher. The greater weight of the lure, especially tungsten, intended for fishing at medium depths, requires the gatehouse not to succumb to the small vibrations created by the water flow. For the manufacture of such nods can be used the same lavsan thicker or thin sheet spring steel.

For the vertical glitter of large perch, use short stitches of thick fishing line. The fact is that with this kind of fishing the nod does not participate in the game, but is only a signaling device.

For glittering large predator balanceuse spring nod. Balanced gatehouse is often made of a thin twisted spring of different lengths. It has a movable mount, which is fixed to the whip, which makes it easy to change its length and, consequently, its rigidity.

Nod balancing

There are also more “advanced” variants of gatehouses resembling whole mechanisms. We will talk about the most interesting of them in more detail.

Arrow (bearing) nod Scherbakov

Some anglers for catching such cautious fish,like carp, often use side nods. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that the guards are placed on the whip not parallel to it, but perpendicularly. This solution makes the guards even more sensitive.

A separate type of side gateis the nod of Shcherbakov. This is a whole structure consisting of a small bearing, worn on the whip of the rod, as well as a metal "rocker" (arrow), soldered to its upper working surface. At one end of the boom there is a balancing weight, and at the other - a loop through which the main line passes. The weight of the load must clearly correspond to the mass of the bait.

Such arrow side nods accurately determine the bite, so that with any movement of the rocker arm, you can safely hook. In addition, they are very reliable and easy to install.

Now that we have become familiar with the main types of gatehouses used for winter fishing, we will try to make some very simple models by ourselves.

Homemade nod made of thin plastic

For the manufacture of plastic nod we need:

  • cylindrical glass of sour cream or yogurt;
  • scissors;
  • awl;
  • cambric segment;
  • nail polish.

Для начала разрезаем стаканчик, удаляем дно и straighten plastic. Cut into several strips with a length of 10 cm and a width of 0.6-0.8 mm. Now we take one of them and with the help of scissors we bow one end to the arc. In it, at a distance of 3-5 mm with a heated awl, we make a hole under the fishing line and paint its tip with a bright nail polish. At the other end of the future gatehouse we put on a piece of cambric 5-8 mm wide.

Thus, we have a simple and reliable nod for uncluttered.

nod for unwrapped

Clock spring watchtower

Necessary materials:

  • spring from clockwork or clockwork children's toys 3-5 mm wide;
  • scissors for metal;
  • copper wire section of 0.5 mm;
  • sandpaper;
  • ruler or caliper;
  • soldering iron, acid for soldering and solder.

With the help of scissors, clamped in his hand, straightenspring and cut the 15-cm billet. Now cut from both sides of one of the ends so that its width was 2 mm. Emery paper grind the edges of the cut and smooth out all the irregularities.

Make a loop of wire so thatits diameter did not exceed the width of the tip of the gatehouse. We process the acid and loop, and the end of the nod. We solder them to each other and we clean the place of soldering with the sandpaper, getting rid of various irregularities and agnails.

A rod with a nod of a spring is an excellent weapon for catching large roach, perch on the baited mormyshka.

Twisted spring nod

Fishing on the balancer involves the use of a more rigid gatehouse. Neither plastic nor thin sheet steel is suitable here. But the twisted spring will be just right. So, we will need:

  • steel spring braided cable accelerator motorcycle length 15 cm;
  • soldering iron, soldering acid, solder;
  • cambric segment;
  • file;
  • sandpaper;
  • copper wire section of 0.5 mm;
  • nail polish;
  • scissors for metal.

How to collect a winter fishing pole

With the help of metal shears cut the springthe desired length and carefully grind the cut-off area with a file and sandpaper. From the wire we make a loop, the same as in the previous case. We process it and one edge of the future nodding acid. Solder it to the spring so that the solder in the place of their connection forms a small ball. Thoroughly grind everything and paint the tip with nail polish. From a cambric of suitable diameter we make two segments 8-10 mm wide. All, balancing nod ready.

Before you collect the winter fishing rod with a springthe gatehouse, you need to accurately select its stiffness, which should clearly correspond to the weight of the bait. The necessary elasticity of the spring-worn is achieved by increasing or decreasing its length. It is enough to move the guards in the place of its connection with the whip in one direction or another, and the rigidity will increase or decrease.

Another interesting nod

There is another spring nod usedanglers for quite some time, and not only for winter fishing, but also for summer fishing in a plumb line. It is made not from sheet steel, and not from a twisted spring, but from an ordinary fishing line with a cross section of 1 or 2 mm. Because of its sensitivity and elasticity in the people it is often called snot.

It is made quite simply. In addition to fishing line, usually in the manufacturing process are involved:

  • aluminum wire section of 3-6 mm;
  • pliers;
  • metal container with water and the possibility of boiling.

One end of the aluminum wire is bent and withusing pliers we clamp in it the beginning of a piece of thick fishing line. Next, we wind the fishing line on the wire to the turn, until we have a tight spiral length of 10-15 cm. The end of the fishing line is again clamped with wire and cut off.

Now we boil water and put our product in boiling water for 15-20 minutes. After that, cool it in cold water, release the ends of the fishing line and remove the wire.

Fishing rod with a nod

We have a plastic spiral withsuperior sensitivity. Such a homemade nod for a winter fishing pole is perfect for catching smelt, roach and perch on various baits. Increase or decrease the stiffness of the gate is achieved by changing the thickness of the fishing line and the diameter of the aluminum wire.

How to choose the stiffness of the nod under a certain type of fish

Ловля на кивок различных видов рыб требует от angler understanding of his adjustment for different weights of the intended catch. The initial position of the enclosed gatehouse plays a major role here. In order to carry out its adjustment, we need a winter fishing rod assembly, a bait and a container with water, where we can make tests.

We drop the gear into the water, so that the jig,baubles or rocker did not touch the bottom. We look at the position of the nod. For fish such as pike perch, large perch or grayling, its deviation down from the horizontal axis of the whip should be 5-100. On crucian, smelt, whitefish - 20-30about.

But for carp, carp or bream, which, when they bite, usually raise the bait from the bottom, the angle of deviation should be between 30-40about.

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